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Summer's POV:
"Justin and I will go to Alex's." I said. Justin stood up and I grabbed my keys and headed to my car. "Do you know where he lives?" I asked him. Justin nodded and said "yeah." He directed me to Alex's house which was a cute homey place. We both walked to the door and I knocked on it. A man answered and said "can I help you?" "Hi um we're looking for Alex. Is he here?" I asked. "Who are you?" He asked. Justin said "we're his friends. I'm Justin and this is Summer. We really need to ask him something." "Dad. I'll talk to them ok?" Alex said. His father looked at him and nodded. He closed the door behind him and said "what's up?" "Have you been having weird dreams?" Justin asked him. Alex furrowed his eyebrows and said "dreams?" "Yeah. About a guy named Freddy." I said. Alex sighed and nodded and said "what about him?" "We're going to destroy him. Tonight." I said. Alex said "you can't. There's no way." "We can. We all have dream powers. Please just come with us and help. We need you." Justin said. Alex looked at him and didn't know what to say.

"No. I can't." Alex said. "Why not?" I asked him. Alex shook his head and said "because. You can't defeat him. There's no way." I took his hands in mine and said "please help us." Alex looked down and pulled away from me. "I can't." He said while looking down. Justin said "Alex. We really need your help. We can't do this alone. Honestly. Please just help us." Alex shook his head and said "I can't. I'm sorry." Justin huffed and said "fuck you Alex."

I didn't say anything. Alex said "well I'm sorry." He went to close the door and Justin said "that's it? You're going to let us die?" I grabbed Justin's arm and said "we can do it on our own ok?" He huffed and Alex closed the door. "Fuck!" Justin said. I got in my car and we began to drive back to Klaus' house. Kyra's stomach was a little bit bigger now. She was almost 4 months. "Should we wait till later? To try?" I asked Justin. He nodded and got out of the car. I followed him and Klaus said "where's Alex?" "He's not helping us. He's a fucking pussy." Justin said. Justin sat down next to Klaus and huffed. "What?" He asked. "Fucking Alex. He's a dick, he's a prick, and he's a cock." Justin said.

Klaus sniggered and Justin said "what?" "Those all mean the same thing." Klaus said. Justin huffed and said "no. They're nuances of meaning."

"Ok." Klaus said. Nova shook her head and I said "we can do this without him. Even though he was dreaming about Freddy. We got this." "Do we?" Justin asked. I sighed and said "is there anyone who doesn't want to go through with this? Because you can leave now. Or we'll leave." Kyra said "I'm in. Even though I'm pregnant I'm in." Klaus rolled his eyes and Nova said "I'm in." I nodded and looked to Kit and Javier. Javier said "we're in." Klaus nodded and said "I'm not going to die a coward." Everyone looked at Justin. He was the last one. "Justin?" I asked. He looked around the room, seeing everyone had eyes on him now. He took a deep breath and I said "well?" He shrugged. "I don't know." He said. "Man up Justin." Klaus said. Justin turned to look at Klaus and he said "man up?! You want me to man up?!" Klaus said "yes! We're all fighting for our lives here!" Then it hit me. Justin didn't want to go through with this. I scoffed and said "Justin go." "Go? Go where?" He asked. "Fucking leave! You don't want to do this. You can't even lie to me. I should've known." I said. Justin stood up and said "I..." "What?" I asked. He didn't say anything and I said "exactly. I'll see you guys later ok?" I walked away from him and his breath hitched.

"Summer..." He said. I ignored him and walked outside, slamming the door. He ran after me and I started up my car. "Summer! Please let me talk to you!" He said. "Justin forget it." I said as I rolled the window down. "Please don't do this. Can we just talk about this?" He asked. I shook my head and said "we're all going to do this later. And I don't want you to show up. You've just shown that you don't want to be apart of this." Justin had tears in his eyes and he said "I just need to talk to you." I rolled up the window and his lips parted. I quickly backed out of the driveway, leaving him standing there. I drove away, crying about what has just happened. I sniffled and made it back to my house. Not wanting to speak to anyone.

Real life is make believe
All that glitters is gold isn't gold for me
Save me from everyone
Oh, oh, oh, oh

I sat in my bedroom and tears fell from my eyes. I laid down on my bed and tried to not cry. But it didn't work. I still did.

Justin's POV:
I walked back in the house and Klaus said "you ok?" "Does it matter?" I replied. I grabbed my jacket and began to walk to Summer's house. She needed to know that I did want to be apart of this. I climbed up to her window. The sun was setting so she had to go to Klaus' soon. I climbed inside and she walked in right as I was coming inside. She closed her bedroom door and said "why are you here?" "I need to talk to you." I said. "What do we have to talk about?" She asked. "Tonight. We need to talk about it." I said. Summer sighed and said "what about it?" "Is it bad that I'm really scared? I'm terrified of what's going to happen. And all these things are going wrong. What if something else goes wrong? Like you dying?" I asked her.

Summer looked at me and said "so you're scared? And you didn't want anyone to know?" I nodded while looking down. She scoffed and said "we're all scared Justin. Is your ego really that big?" "It's not. That's why I came here to confess. I want to help you. Please. Please let me help you all." I said.

Bite your tongue, don't say anything
You look perfect in this light to me
Save me from everything
Oh, oh, oh, oh

Summer said "Justin don't do this if you don't want too. Nobody is going to hate you." "I want to do this. Ok?" I asked as I sat next to her. Summer sniffled and said "you don't have too." I quickly hugged her and said "I love you and I'll do anything for you." A small cry erupted from her mouth and I stroked her head. "I promise I'll protect you." I said to her. She nodded against my chest and said "we're all scared."

Close your eyes, take it slow
We will find a new place to go
This will all be over soon
Oh, oh, oh, oh

Summer pulled away from me and kissed my lips passionately. I pulled away and said "come on. Let's go. We have to get prepared for this." She nodded and grabbed her stuff. I climbed back out of the window and she met me outside at her car. As she began the long drive I said "I'm really sorry about today. I was being cocky. And I shouldn't of done that." Summer nodded and said "it's ok." "Are we ok?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Summer replied. I sighed and said "are you going to leave me?" She looked at me and said "no. I couldn't. Even if you hurt me really bad.....I don't know if I could leave you because I love you too much."

They say we can't stay in America
You can be free in America
But I'm sick of listening to everyone
I just want you, oh
I just want you, oh
I just want you, oh

I half smiled at her and said "really?" She nodded and pulled into Klaus' driveway. "Let's do this ok?" She said. I nodded and as we got out of the car I hugged her. "I love you." I whispered in her hair. Summer said "I love you too Justin."

Ok the finale officially starts now!! It'll probably be three chapters at the most. With an epilogue. I'm excited asf!!

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