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Genesis' POV:
Kyra and Ivy came over and we all sat in my living room. "So why exactly are we here?" Ivy asked as she twirled her red hair. "Because I'm having these freaky dreams. About this guy trying to kill me." I replied. Ivy said "oh. Well that's unfortunate." I nodded and said "it's bad." "That's amazing you're saying that because that's making me remember the dream I had last night." Ivy said. Kyra's head snapped up from her phone and I said "what'd you dream?" "I dreamt about a guy in a dirty red and green sweater." "Well what about the fingernails?" I asked. Ivy said "well, he scraped his fingernails along things. Actually they were more like finger knives or something; something he had made himself. They made a horrible sound. Screeeech." "I dreamt about that too." Kyra said. "So what's up with you and Klaus?" Ivy asked. My heart broke and I said "we broke up." Kyra didn't say anything and Ivy said "why?" "Because of my dreams. The guys thought we were all having the same dreams until Justin said the alcohol was drugged. Then Klaus told me that it was just a stupid nightmare and that there's no possible way we're all having the same dream." Ivy frowned and said "I'm sorry." I sighed and said "promise me you guys will stay here all night. Don't leave me alone." I quickly changed the subject. I didn't want to talk about it anymore. Ivy nodded and said "we won't leave. Don't worry." Kyra said "I'll stay." I nodded and said "I'm going to go to bed. I'm tired." Ivy nodded and laid out on the couch. I walked to my bedroom and quickly fell asleep.

I woke up to rocks being thrown at my window. "Genesis." I heard. I stood up and more rocks were thrown at my window. I backed away and one was lodged in the glass. I touched the rock gently and decided to go see who it was. "Who's there?" I asked. "Genesis." There it was again. I walked into the alley behind my house and looked around. A lid from a trash can came rolling at my feet and it clanged on the ground. I gasped and turned around. "Genesis." The man said. I said "shit." His arms began to extend as long as the alley and he scraped his knives against the wall.

"Please god." I said. He put his glove by his face and said " god." I began to run away screaming.

I ran down the alley, away from my house until I ran into him.

"No!" I screamed as I made it back to my backyard. When I reached the door it was locked. "Ivy! Open the door! Ivy!" I said. He grabbed me and we fell to the ground. I pushed his face away from mine and his face fell off. I screamed and tried to get away.

Kyra's POV:
I woke up to screaming. It was Genesis. She was screaming like she was being murdered. I went to her room and opened the bedroom door to reveal her thrashing in her bed. "Genesis!" I said. "Help me!" She said.

"Genesis what's wrong?!" I said. She didn't reply. She just screamed. She rolled onto her back and was horrifically screaming.

Her shirt ripped open and 4 slash marks went down her chest. "Genesis!" I screamed. She coughed and held her chest. She looked down at it and tears went down her face. I didn't know what to do. I stood in the doorway of my friend's bedroom, watching her be attacked.

I heard running footsteps and Ivy stood next to me. "What's going on?" She asked. Genesis was thrown across the room and Ivy watched in shock. I covered my mouth as she was drug up the ceiling. "No!" She said as she was being stabbed. Tears fell from my eyes as I knew there was nothing I could do. "Klaus!" She screamed. Ivy cried and said "Genesis no!" "Klaus!" She groaned as her body was thrown against the ceiling. Her screams began to dissipate slowly.

The blood ran all the way down her legs. Her thighs to her ankles. Ivy sniffled and I watched murder happen before my eyes. "Is there anything we can do?" Ivy asked. I didn't answer and she finally stopped screaming. She fell onto the blood soaked bed and then onto the floor. "Genesis!" Ivy screamed.

Blood splashed us both in the face and Ivy screamed. My eyes widened and I stood in shock. Ivy looked at the blood on her chest and continued to scream. Ivy then called the police. "Our friend was just murdered!" She said. She gave them the address and tears went down my face. She shook me and said "come on. Let's meet the cops." I said "Genesis I'm so sorry." Her blonde hair was now stained with the crimson liquid. The walls and ceiling were covered in it, along with the bed. Ivy drug me to the front yard to wait for the police. The cops pulled up and demanded to know where Genesis was. I pointed and they went upstairs and found her. Ivy began telling the police what happened and I didn't know what to do. Everything was in slow motion. Ivy sat down next to me and her hair was in her face. "Kyra?" She asked. I looked at her and she said "talk to me." I blinked and didn't say anything. Ivy had a tear go down her face and she quickly wiped it.

They rolled Genesis' body out of her house. Ivy gasped and whimpered. "Kyra..." She said. I looked at her bloody body. Her arm fell off of the stretcher and a small scream left Ivy's mouth. "Can we go?" Ivy asked. I nodded and she went to help me up. I stood up and she said "we're going back to my house. Klaus is probably drunk. Since you said he was inviting his friends over." I nodded again and didn't say anything. We went to her house and her parents were gone for the night. "Are you going to say anything?" She asked as we sat in her pink bedroom. I looked at her and said "Genesis was just murdered! And we didn't do anything! We just let her die!" Ivy looked at me and panted. She was terrified. "I'm sorry." She said.

I sighed and said "I'm sorry Ivy." I hugged her and she clung to me. I had never seen anything like what I saw tonight. And I would never ever forget it. Never.

Klaus' POV:
The guys came over and we began to drink. Heavily. Recklessly. Harry said "ok so you totally dumped Genesis?" I nodded while laughing. "Yes. I broke up with that bitch. She was driving me crazy." I replied. Justin sniggered and Ethan said "that's crazy." "Have you asked out Ivy yet?" I asked. Ethan shook his head and said "no. Why'd you even break up with Genesis?" I rolled my eyes and said "dreams. That's why."

Ethan said "dreams?" "Nightmares. She was having some freaky ass dreams and I told her to forget about it. But then she assumed we were all having the same dreams. I don't believe it. Justin doesn't either." Ethan looked at me and said "what'd she dream about?" "Some freak that had knives for fingers." Justin said. Ethan began to chug his drink and I looked to Harry who said "that's weird. I honestly haven't had any nightmares. In a long time." "That's really weird that she thought we were all having the same dreams." Ethan said. I nodded and said "it's all an illusion." Justin giggled and Harry said "probably." Ethan looked at me and said "are you sure about that?"

I nodded and said "yeah. Why wouldn't it be? It's someone obviously fucking with us." Justin said "Ethan don't worry about it. Just forget it was even mentioned." Ethan nodded and didn't say anything else. Harry said "I gotta go." He began stumbling out of the house and Ethan poured more alcohol in his cup. I grabbed a cigarette and lit it, inhaling the toxic substance. Justin laid on his back on the grass and sighed. "Fuck I wanna talk to Summer." He said aloud. Ethan and I snickered and he said "damn I didn't realize I said that out loud." "I wanna talk to Nova." I replied. "Moving on so quickly?" Ethan asked. I nodded while smiling.

Justin said "Genesis wanted all the attention on her. And she wasn't acting like her bitchy self lately." "Yeah that shit was weird. She was acting all sweet." I replied. Ethan said "because of Kyra." "How do you know?" I asked. "Because Ivy told me. Kyra and her got into a big fight last week. And it wasn't like their normal fights. This one was bad. Kyra didn't speak to her for 3 days. And Genesis begged her to talk to her. Once she did, Kyra scared her so bad that she wouldn't let her bitchy side come out. And Ivy tells me literally everything all the time so. She vents to me." Ethan said. Justin said "damn." I exhaled and shook my head. "I liked her bitchy side better." I said gruffly. "So you like bitchy girls?" Justin asked while sitting up. I rolled my eyes and said "I like girls with spunk. If they don't have a little spunk in them then what's the point. I want a girl who will fucking stand up for herself." Ethan shook his head and Justin said "shit. You and Nova might as well be the next power couple." "We will." I said while laughing. Ethan said "I'm going." He grabbed his keys and left. Justin said "damn. Well I'm drunk and want to sleep." I nodded and said "see you tomorrow?" "Yep." Justin replied. I walked into the house and closed the sliding glass door behind me. I groaned as the alcohol finally hit me. I grabbed the railing of the stairs and began to pull my way up. Once I reached the top I face planted onto the tile floor. "Ow fuck." I said. I managed to stand up and walk towards my bedroom. I plopped down onto my bed and passed out.

Here's the update! Sorry I've been gone. Been busy!!

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