Genesis' Remembrance

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Italics are lyrics

Summer's POV:
I got a text from Justin and grabbed my phone.

Hey call me

I dialed his number and he immediately answered. "Hey." He said. "Hi." I replied. "Did you hear about Genesis?" He asked. I sighed and said "yeah. Um how's Klaus taking it?" "He's throwing a party for her remembrance." He said. I twirled my curly hair around my finger and I said "are you gonna be there?" "Yeah. Since I'm still staying at Klaus'." He replied. I sighed and he said "what?" "Should I go?" I asked. Justin said "yeah. I wanna see you." "Really?" I asked. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I? He said. I laughed softly and said "don't know." There was a knock on the door and I said "hang on Justin." Javier and Kit were at the door and I let them in. "What's going on?" Justin asked. "Javier and Kit are here. They came over to hang out." I said. Justin said "oh. Well just be at the house at 7:00." "Ok." I said before hanging up the phone. Kit smiled at his boyfriend as they came in. So are you guys going to the party tonight?" I asked. Javier nodded and said "yep. I'm making Kit go." Kit rolled his eyes and said "he's basically forcing me to go." "It'll be fine. We're just honoring Genesis." I said. "But why? Klaus broke up with her the day she died. That's awful weird." Kit said. Javier said "he did?" Kit nodded and said "it's getting around. People are trying to figure out why." "Well that's none of our business. Plus why does it matter that they broke up. It's not like he killed her." I replied. Javier said "he could have." I shook my head and said "he loved her up until he broke up with her. Klaus Talbot is a heart breaker and everyone knows that." Kit nodded and said "yeah." "I'll drive you guys over there if you want." I said. Javier said "cool." I headed upstairs towards the balcony. Kit and Javier followed. I sat down and plugged my phone in. Kit grabbed a cigarette and lit it. Javier did the same. Ivy walked by and said "hello Javier. Hello Kit. Hello Summer." Javier turned around and said "hey Ivy. "Did you guys hear about Genesis?" She asked, moving her red hair out of her face. Javier nodded and Kit just looked at her.

"Crazy right?" She said. Javier turned back around and inhaled on his cigarette. Ivy looked like she hadn't slept and her hair was slightly messed up. "You ok?" Kit asked. Ivy nodded and said "I'll be ok. Kyra and I saw her die." Kit nodded and didn't say anything. "You guys are really cute by the way." She said. Javier faced her and didn't say anything. "I'll see you two at the party?" She asked. Kit nodded and pointed at her. I said "we'll be there Ivy. Hope you're doing ok." She half smiled and walked away.

"Guys come with Nova and I to the store." I said.  Nova parked her car in my driveway and Javier grabbed Kit and we headed downstairs. Nova said "hey boys." Kit smiled towards her and Javier hugged her. She smiled while hugging the boy and I got in my car. Kit and Javier were in the back while Nova and I were in the front. I drove to the grocery store and Javier said "why are we here again?" "Cause I need snacks. There's none at my house." I replied. Kit grabbed a cart and they headed towards different aisles, throwing all kinds of different snacks in the cart.

I giggled at them and Nova said "don't fall boys." They went towards the bakery and grabbed two things of cookies. Nova grabbed a box of pancakes being herself and I grabbed cupcakes. We headed toward the check out line which took forever because we had so much food. "Can I drive?" Kit asked. I nodded and he sat in the front. Javier sat in the back and I did the same. Nova sat in the front with Kit and Javier began rummaging through bags. "What're you looking for?" I asked. "Chips." He replied. Kit looked in the mirror and said "fat ass." Javier stuck his tongue out and Kit laughed.

"I'm hungry." Javier whined as he grabbed a bag of chips. He began to stuff his face and Nova said "good lord." I giggled and grabbed a handful of chips. "You guys are ridiculous." Kit said. Javier stopped eating and said "says the one who doesn't eat anything."

"Well you eat too much. You're going to get fat." Kit said. "Am not. I dance too much." Javier replied. That made Kit laugh. I smiled at the two boys and Nova said "are you guys always like this?" "No. Not really. The thing is we just had breakfast. We had eggs." Kit said. "That was it! I didn't even make bacon or toast!" Javier said while shoving chips in his mouth. Kit rolled his eyes and said "whatever." "Summer he's not being nice." Javier said with a pout. I said "awe. Poor baby." Kit didn't say anything and Nova said "Javier did you guys have pancakes?" He shook his head and she said "Kit how can you not be hungry then?" Javier giggled and we had made it back to my house. "You guys can chill here till we have to go." I said.


Time went by pretty fast and it was time for the party. Kit decided to drive us there and the house had crazy lights coming from the backyard. Javier took Kit's hand and they headed towards the back. I walked in with Nova and I said "oh they have a Dj." As we got to the sliding glass door Nova gasped. "Holy fuck it's Porter!" She said.

My eyes widened as I realized Porter Robinson was standing in front of us. He had videos of Genesis playing as he was playing music. Klaus stared up at them but didn't seem affected. Genesis was happy in these videos. Which made it more upsetting.

Nova said "I can't believe Porter is here." "This is amazing." I replied. People were everywhere. Justin walked over and said "come hang out with me." He smelled of drugs and I said "ok." I sat down with him and Klaus. "Hey Klaus." I said. He nodded towards me and his eyes were fixed on Nova. Justin lit up the bong he was using and inhaled. I watched him and he passed it to me. I lit it and inhaled. I felt the drugs taking it's effect on me. Justin peeled his shirt off and stared at me as I inhaled the illegal substance. He shook his head in disbelief as I took a long inhale. He grabbed it from me as I exhaled and lit up the bong.

I licked my lips and sighed. Justin coughed and put his arm around me. Klaus grabbed the bong and lit it up as he stared at Nova, who was staring at Porter. Klaus exhaled and said "why the fuck is she staring at him?" Justin giggled and buried his face into the crook of my neck. "Nova loves Porter. He's one of her idols." I replied. Klaus blew a raspberry and said "whatever." Fresh Static Snow began to play and I said "holy shit." Nova gasped and stared up at the young Dj. Porter nodded to her and the music blared.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I leaned on Justin's chest and he kissed the top of my head. Javier and Kit jumped around happily and I awed at them. Kyra and Harry were making out while Ethan danced with Ivy. She was smiling, earlier she was in a mood. Ethan has his arms wrapped around her waist and he kept picking her up and spinning her. Ivy would giggle and cling to him. Porter winked at Nova and she screamed. Klaus huffed and rolled his eyes. "If you're so jealous go do something about it." I said. Klaus shook his head and said "I'm not going to ruin this for her. She likes him a lot. You said so." Justin said "then drop it." Klaus eyed him and Justin kissed my cheek and then my lips. Our lips moved in sync and Justin stared at Klaus while kissing me. Klaus stared at us with his eyebrows raised.

"Jesus." He said. Harry came over and grabbed the bong. He inhaled on it while Kyra sat on his shoulders. Kyra said "hurry up!" Harry exhaled and carried her back towards the crowd. Justin sighed as he interlocked our hands. "You're so cute." He said. I giggled and said "so are you." He smiled and Klaus said "ew." I shoved him playfully and Klaus laughed. "There's that smile. You haven't smiled all night." I said. Klaus sighed and said "I know. Trying to be happy." "Good. Cause don't be a grouch. Have fun." Justin replied. Fellow Feeling began to play and I said "I'll be back." I walked over and stood next to Nova. She was pretty close to Porter and she said "I love this song." As the song began tears rolled down her face. I hugged her and she stared up at Porter who was concentrated on the music. Kyra sat on Harry's shoulders and she was in awe. Ethan held Ivy close to him and they listened to the song. Kit and Javier had calmed down to listen to the beauty that was happening. Nova gasped when the Worlds sign came onto the screens.

Nova watched the screens in awe as different visuals moved into place. The music began to pick up and get faster and that caused the crowd to yell out. Nova couldn't believe that she was witnessing Porter Robinson in front of her.

Now please, hear what I hear

Then came the epic drop. Porter jumped up and down as the crowd began to scream. The bass was making everything vibrate. Nova smiled really big at Porter who looked right at her and smiled back. With a smile so big it makes you're heart hurt.

Let me explain

I pulled away from Nova so she could feel the music and have a good time. I felt arms wrap around my waist and it was Justin. I smiled and turned to kiss his lips. Being in this environment was amazing. I had never seen something like the before. I could tell Nova was having a good time. This was one of her dreams. To see Porter Robinson live on stage. And it wasn't at a crazy rave festival. It was at a friend's house, in their backyard. The visuals were absolutely beautiful. Something you couldn't just describe to somebody. You had to be there and see it for yourself. The song had ended and everything was dark. Hear the Bells began to start.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

There were small lights shining in the darkness which made it beautiful. Porter smiled as he played the song. Nova had a few more tears go down her face as Porter played the song. This was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen. Porter Robinson was truly beautiful.

Can't you hear the bells singing along?
You won't hear it on the radio
Can't you see the hero coming home
Can't you hear the bells singing along?

Justin moved his lips to my ear and said "this guy is pretty good!" "I know!" I replied. Klaus stared at the Dj he hired. He was ultimately jealous that Porter had Nova's undivided attention. Klaus wanted her to be talking to him and interacting with him. But she was so infatuated with Porter. Who wouldn't be? It's Porter fucking Robinson. Come on now. Once Hear The Bells had ended the crowd roared. "Thank you guys so much." Porter said into the mic. Nova covered her mouth as she got to hear his voice in person. He chuckled and said "hope you guys are having a good time." Nova screamed at the top of her lungs which made Porter laugh. Polygon Dust began to play. Which is one of my favorite song. "Holy shit! Oh my god!" I screamed as he began to play it. Nova and I jumped up and down like crazy people.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Once again the Worlds sign came onto the screen. I swear this man was a genius. His visuals alone were amazing. But then you add his songs to them. Holy shit.

Oh I can't taste it, the secret I've kept.
Walking on wasted, take what I can get

I know the whole purpose of this party was to honor Genesis but it wasn't like that anymore. This moment was for us. Not her. This was something unimaginable. Something Nova and I thought we'd never see. But our wishes came true. The time began to pass and it began to get later and later. People began to leave but Nova and I stood right in front of Porter the whole time. One of Porter's last song was Natural Light.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It was a calming beautiful song. Even though it was a smooth song and a lot of people had left. Porter was still feeling the music. I think that was because Nova and I had stood through his entire set. We were having the time of our lives. And so was Porter.

The party had died down and I said "you ready to go?" Nova nodded and Porter stepped off of his stage. He smiled towards her and said "you were really energetic and you cried through most of the songs." Nova said "I love you so much. Oh shit I'm crying." She sniffled and a few tears came down her face. Porter immediately hugged her and she sobbed into his chest. I quickly took a picture and I smiled to Porter. "You're amazing." I said to him. "Thank you so much." He said. Nova pulled away from him and said "I'll be seeing you again. At the next place you play at." "I hope to see you there." Porter said as he walked away. Nova took a deep breath and said "holy fucking shit I just met Porter." I nodded with a smile and said "come on. Let's go." "Javier! Kit!" Nova yelled out. Javier was dragging a drunk Kit to the car. I dropped Javier and Kit at Javier's house and then drove to mine.

Here's the update! kw-2187 this is for you my love. Because hopefully someday this will happen to the two of us. We'll be able to see Porter live. You're sick asf and you need something to cheer you up so here you are love. I hay that you're sick and I hope get better soon. Cause I hate seeing you this way. Love you so much😘😘

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