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Summer's POV:
We drove to Klaus' house and he was texting someone on his phone. "Who's that?" Nova asked him. "Oh that kid from the coffee shop. I asked him for his number and told him he could come and hang out. Cause why not?" Klaus said with a shrug. Kyra retreated upstairs to her room and Klaus walked into a room. There were guns covering the wall. Nova said "what is all this?" "My parent's guns. Cool right?" Klaus asked as he grabbed a machine gun. There was a knock on the door and Klaus said "it's our new friend!" Justin rolled his eyes and Klaus opened the door and said "hey." The blonde looked at the house and said "hey. Um.....I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Ivy stared at him and Nova said "no of course not. Come on in." "What's your name?" I asked him. "Alex. Alex Standall." He replied. Klaus grabbed a bong and said "Justin." Justin smirked and said "yes. Holy shit." "You cool with this Alex?" Klaus asked. Alex nodded and said "yeah." "I'm Summer, that's Justin my boyfriend. Nova who's dating Klaus and that's Ivy." I said. Alex looked over at Ivy and she said "hi." Her voice sounded dead and monotonous. Alex nodded to her and Klaus held the machine gun in his hand. "What're you going to do with that?" Alex asked. Klaus shrugged and said "shoot it off. For fun of course." Nova rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's rambunctious behavior. Kyra came downstairs and noticed Alex. "Who are you?" She asked. "I'm Alex. Just here to hang out. Klaus invited me." He replied. The brunette twin looked at her brother who had a wild smirk on his face. She noticed the gun and said "what're you doing with that?" "What's it to you? Plus don't you have some bitching to do somewhere else?" Klaus asked while crossing his arms. Justin stepped in and said "yeah Kyra. Go right back upstairs. Where you'll be alone." She huffed and walked back upstairs. Alex said "um...was that your sister?" Klaus nodded and went towards the back patio. "Come on!" He said. Alex walked to the patio and said "is Ivy ok?" I pulled him outside and said "her boyfriend just died. It was really bad." "Was his name Ethan?" He asked me. I nodded and said "how do you know his name?" "My dad. He's the new sheriff and uh.....he went to the scene that night. He didn't tell me much about it, but he said that lots of kids had been murdered this summer." Alex said. I sighed and said "it's the end of July and our group of friends is almost gone." "I'm sorry." Alex said. I half smiled and Klaus lit up the colorful bong he had.

Klaus inhaled and passed it to Justin who took a long inhale. Justin passed it to me and I declined. "Come on Summer." Klaus said. I shook my head and said "I don't want any ok?" Justin said "ok babe." Justin held out the bong to Alex who declined as well. "Can't. Dad's a cop." Ivy walked outside and Nova saw that she had been crying. "I'll take some." She said. Justin handed her the bong and Ivy took a long inhale. As she exhaled smoke clouded in the air above her head. Klaus grabbed it from her and inhaled. It was Justin's turn, then Ivy, then Klaus, then Justin again. They were getting high off their asses. I didn't blame them. With everything we've been going's been hard. Nova looked at her boyfriend that was trying not to laugh at whatever Justin was saying. Alex said "so you guys do this often?" Klaus nodded and said "yep. All the time." "We should play video games. Cause it's hot." Justin said. Alex perked up a little and he said "video games?" Klaus nodded and said "in the guest cabin." Alex said "cool." Klaus stood up and walked towards the grass. He held the machine gun in his hand and aimed it at the tree in the yard. The Talbots had left once again. They came for Harry's funeral since they thought their daughter needed them. Turns out she did. But that quickly changed when she distanced herself. "Shoot it!" Justin said causing Klaus to giggle before shooting it. Ivy cheered as the gun went off. Nova took a deep breath and I said "it's ok." "Justin stand over here." He said. "No." Justin said as he took another inhale. Ivy said "I'll do it." Justin looked at her and said "you're serious?" Ivy nodded and smirked. This was the marijuana taking over her system. Alex said "don't die." Justin laughed and coughed at the same time as he said that. Alex smiled and Justin continued to laugh.

Ivy walked over to the tree Klaus had the gun aimed it. Nova stood up and said "Klaus. Knock it off." "Babe. It's fine. I promise." Alex looked over and saw that Ivy was standing right in front of the tree. There were branches above her head and she said "Klaus! Come on!" Nova took a deep breath and said "I can't do this." I said "Nova. It'll be ok." She huffed, watching her boyfriend make this stupid decision. "Don't move." Klaus said as he aimed the gun toward Ivy.

She nodded and stared at the gun. Klaus shot off the gun, shooting the branch above Ivy's head. She watched as it fell in front of her and Klaus' eyes widened. "Fuck. She didn't even flinch." Klaus said as he lowered the gun from his face.

Kyra stood at the sliding glass doors and she stormed over, grabbing the gun from Klaus. He turned to her and said "what the fuck?" She noticed that he reeked of marijuana. "Shit." Justin said. "What are you doing? Shooting at her?" Kyra asked. Ivy walked back to where we were sitting. As she passed Kyra she said "I wanted to do that. He didn't make me. And honestly I was praying he'd shoot me." Kyra's eyes widened and she said "Ivy...." "What? Shocked that your best friend doesn't really want to exist anymore?" She asked as she sat back down next to Alex. Alex was caught in the middle of all the fighting. He saw that Kyra and her brother always fought. Kyra began to walk away with the gun and Klaus had it. He began to scream at her. "Kyra! You bitch! Why do you always have to ruin something?! All you care about is that thing in your stomach! Do you care about that I'm losing my sanity?! Huh?!" Klaus screamed. Kyra shuddered and said "I didn't know that's how you felt." "Oh you didn't? Ok. Well we're all going fucking crazy!" He said. Alex said "should I go?" I frowned and said "you can if you want. But it's up to you." Alex nodded and Justin groaned. "I'm going to the cabin. Come on Alex." Justin said. Ivy said "I'm going home. Back with my parents." "Are you sure?" I asked her. She nodded and said "it's about time that I go back. Plus if I don't go back soon, they'll really have it in for me." She stood up and walked out of the house, making the long walk back to my house. Kyra said "Klaus I'm sorry." Justin and Alex walked to the cabin and Klaus said "fuck you. You don't fucking care about anything." Tears welled up in his eyes, he sniffled and fell to his knees. Nova ran over to him and said "Klaus." He looked up at Kyra who didn't know what to do. "I'm losing my mind and my sister wants nothing to do with me. I'm really gonna be fucked up when this is over." He said. Kyra said "that's if you make it." Klaus scoffed and stood up. "I am gonna make it. You're gonna fucking die. Alone. Mom and dad will be oh so upset when you die. But their attention will go to me. The twin brother who just lost his sister." He said to her. Kyra said "you're sick." "I don't want any of us to get sick! But we are! We're in a fucked situation where we can't tell anyone what's going on! I wish we weren't. But we all are. We're all fucked in the head." Klaus said.

I stood next to nova who said "Klaus come on. Get rid of this high." "I'm not even high anymore. I actually forgot all my problems for once. But you fucked it up Kyra. Thanks." He said with a sarcastic smile. Nova pulled him away from Kyra and I followed. Klaus went to say something else to his sister and Nova pulled him and said "come on. Justin's waiting on you." We walked into the cabin and Klaus said "I gotta wash my mouth out. I'll be back." He walked to the kitchen and Justin looked up at me. "Hi." He said. I smiled and said "what're you guys playing?" "I don't even know." Justin replied. He was so out of it right now. "Are you hungry?" I asked him. He shrugged and said "yeah."

Nova sighed and sat down on the couch across the room. I stood behind Justin and said "are you staying at my place tonight?" Justin nodded and said "yeah. I don't want to go home." I ran my fingers through his hair as he sat on the couch. "Have you died yet?" I asked him. He shook his head and said "nope. I'm killing Alex though." Alex huffed and Justin shrugged and said "you're the one who sucks. Not me." Alex rolled his eyes at his comment.

I walked into the kitchen to make Justin something to eat and Klaus was rinsing his mouth out. He sighed before bringing some water back to his mouth. "You ok?" I asked him. He jumped and said "yeah. You scared me." "Sorry." I replied as I grabbed a bag of popcorn to pop. I put in the microwave and Klaus spit in the sink again.

He shut off the water and said "Nova out there?" I nodded and said "yeah." He walked out of the kitchen and I waited on the popcorn. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my texts which were from my parents. When I was finished the popcorn was done, and it was put into a bowl quickly. I walked into the room to be greeted with Alex saying "fuck you Justin." Justin giggled and I handed him the bowl of popcorn. He smiled and dug into it, with Alex occasionally grabbing some. I sat down in between Alex and Justin.

"Do you always fight with your sister?" Alex asked as he shot Justin in the game. Klaus nodded and said "yes I do. She's a bitch." Nova sat behind him and played with the ends of his hair. "So you're rich." Alex stated. Klaus nodded while smirking. "Yeah. As you can see. My parents own half the town." Klaus said. Alex said "oh wow." "Yeah. I enjoy it. Cause I can get Nova anything she wants." He said. Nova smiled while holding her boyfriend to her chest.

Justin wrapped his arms around me and I smiled and leaned into him. Klaus said "my turn." Justin handed him the controller and him and Alex began to play. Justin kissed my cheek. "Now you smell like butter and weed." I said. Nova laughed at my comment and Justin said "well you can put up with it." "Yes cause it's you." I replied. I leaned my head on Justin's shoulder and he held my hand. "Shit." Klaus said as he fell off of a cliff. Nova sniggered and he said "babe. So not funny right now." "Sorry." She replied while laughing. Klaus and Kyra have officially turned on one another. There's nothing we can do to get them to rely on each other again. They were officially through.

Here's the update! Hope you guys like it!!

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