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Ivy's POV:
I grabbed a canister of gasoline and began to lead a trail of gas around the house. I smirked at my work. The entire house smelled of gas. I went to my bedroom that was still a crime scene. The blood was still everywhere and my parents hadn't even managed to clean it up. I took the sheets off my bed and stood in front of the fireplace. I threw the sheets into the fireplace and watched them catch fire.

I did the same with my pillows and anything valuable. It was going to burn anyway. I stared at my bed spread that was burning before me. A smirk grew on my face as I was getting rid of the house that was so dear to my parents. They walked in the house and I said "you're home." "What's that smell? Is that gas?" My mom asked. I turned around and said "it is gas mother. This house needs to be destroyed. It's toxic." I held the candlestick in my hand and my dad's eyes widened.

"Ivy honey, what is this about?" He asked. I shrugged and said "what could it be about? Hmm I don't know. Maybe that my boyfriend died and both of you don't even care. So I'm taking the thing that means most to you. Your precious home." I threw the candlestick down and fire erupted onto the floor. My mother stared at me like I was an alien. I walked out of the house and watched the flames engulf it. I stared in awe at my work and my mother screamed. She hit my shoulder and watched our home burn. My father walked towards his car and sat in it.

I was proud of what I had done. The home needed to go. And I needed to get revenge on my parents. They deserved this. They were asking for it. "You're so stupid Ivy!" My mother screamed at me. I shrugged and didn't say anything. The house almost looked normal. Fire trucks were heard and I smirked to myself. "Well, looks like you're losing everything right?" I asked my mother who walked away from me. I saw a figure emerge from the burning house. It was Freddy. I stared at him in shock. Why was he here? This was the real world. "Ivy....how nice to see you." He taunted. "What're you doing here Freddy?" I asked. He began to circle me and he said "you're next. I heard everything. You and Ethan's little conversation. I won't let him get you." He mocked Ethan. I went to hit him and he grabbed my hand. "Nice try sweetheart. But you're next." He said. I looked down and realized that he was right.

This is what I wanted. I tried to do it in my dream but it didn't work. At all. And if I was in the dream world I could tell Summer about the dream powers. We all have a special power, that we can use against Freddy. As I was making sure everything was intact in my head, Freddy stabbed me in the chest. I let out a small scream and he smirked. "Now you die." He said. He pulled out his hand and stabbed me again. I gasped this time, blood trickling down my chin. At this point my mother turned around and a scream left her mouth and I fell to the ground. "Ivy!" My dad said. I coughed and felt my eyes grow heavy. I closed my eyes and felt myself at rest. I woke up in the dream world. Just like Ethan had said. "I'm sorry he got you." Ethan said. Freddy disappeared and I looked around. "Where'd he go?" I asked. Ethan shrugged and said "probably his lair. Since you know.....he just killed and stuff." "Why are we the only ones still alive in the dream world?" I asked him. "I think it's because we have a purpose. We're the ones who are supposed to deliver the message to our friends. The one that saves them. Their dream powers. Which is why we have to make sure that we get the message to them. Cause if not...they may die because of it." Ethan replied. I nodded and said "that makes sense I guess." This is what I had to do, go inside Summer's dreams and tell her everything. Before times runs out.

Lmao I'm updating this book like crazy. It's cause I really really want to write the sequel. I'm so excited for you guys to read it. I hope you'll all enjoy it as well. It should be up in the next week or two. We're on hurricane watch here in Florida so not sure if I'll be updating for the next few days.

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