"She's dead?"

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The news was getting around. Genesis Reyes had been murdered. Ivy and Kyra were brought to the station for questioning but nothing was found from them. Only that she was murdered in front of their eyes. Parents were freaking out. They had to protect their children from whoever murdered Genesis. The police wouldn't reveal how she was cut up and how grim her body looked. But Kyra and Ivy saw something unimaginable, Genesis being drug across the ceiling of her bedroom.

Her being slammed into the ceiling repeatedly, and finally falling onto her bed just to roll onto the floor.

When the rest of the kids found out, it wasn't a happy day. It was terrifying. Genesis was now dead. She was just here and now she's gone. Kyra swears they could've done something but there was nothing they could've done. Freddy had her and once he has you, you're done.

Kyra's POV:
It was the next day. Everywhere I looked they were talking about Genesis. I sighed and left before Ivy woke up. The drive back to my house wasn't pleasant. I passed Genesis' house which was now a crime scene. Her parents were there being interviewed and I shuddered. I parked my car in the driveway and walked into my house. "Klaus!" I called out. Nothing. The house was silent. I huffed and made my way up to my bedroom and put my stuff down. There was a running sound and I poked my head out of my bedroom to see Klaus running for the toilet. I rolled my eyes and he was puking. "Klaus." I said. "What?" He asked before he began to puke again. I decided to just wait until he was done. He groaned and flushed the toilet. He began washing his mouth out and I said "what did you do last night?"

"I got drunk." He said. I sighed and sat on the couch in the upstairs lounge. Klaus sat down across from me and said "what?" "Something happened to Genesis." I said. He scoffed and said "what'd she do cry all night?" "She's dead." I said. Klaus didn't say anything. He just stared at the floor. "Do you have anything to say?" I asked. Klaus said "did she kill herself because of me?" I shook my head and said "no. She was murdered." Klaus' lips parted and he said "w-what?" "Somebody murdered her while Ivy and I watched." I said. Klaus stood up and walked downstairs. "What're you doing?" I asked. He grabbed the remote to the tv and turned it on and flipped to the news. "17 year old Genesis Reyes was murdered in her home last night. The police have no leads on the killer but will be on the lookout for anything suspicious." The tv said. Klaus covered his mouth and then turned the tv off. "I think the police might interview you." I said.

"Why?" He asked. "Because you were her boyfriend." I replied. Klaus rolled his eyes and he was still in his clothes from yesterday. "Well I wasn't when she died." He said. A small sniffle left his mouth and he said "what happened to her?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I said softly. Klaus said "tell me." I sighed and said "she had a wound on her chest. Four slash marks went across it and she bled out. As she was drug across the ceiling." Klaus looked at me and said "are you serious?" I nodded and he walked away from me. "Do you believe me?" I asked. Klaus shrugged and said "yeah. It's whatever." I walked over to my older brother. "Are you ok?" I asked as I looked up at him. He looked at me and hugged me. I hugged him and said "are you gonna be ok?" "We should throw a party for her remembrance." Klaus said. I pulled away from him and said "is that what you want?" He nodded and Justin ran into the house. "Guys! Genesis is dead!" He said. Klaus huffed and said "I know." Justin frowned and said "sorry." "We're throwing a party for Genesis. So help Kyra decorate. I'll spread the word." Klaus said. Justin nodded and said "kay." I sighed and said "let's go Justin." Justin followed me to the large garage where we had all our party decorations.

Harry's POV:
I woke up later than usual today. I headed into the kitchen where my father sat. "Harry. Did you hear the news?" He asked. I shook my head and said "no dad. I didn't." I grabbed the orange juice from the fridge and shook it. I poured it into a glass and grabbed some pancakes from the stove. I headed to the island that sat in the kitchen and sat down. I sat down with a sigh and dad said "someone's hungover." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the maple syrup. I dunked it all over my pancakes. "Do you know Genesis Reyes?" Dad asked. I groaned and said "why?" "Well she died son. She was murdered." He said. I looked up at him and said "what?" "Yeah. Last night. In her bedroom." He said as he flipped through his newspaper. I ran my hand through my hair and tried to process that she was gone.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up. It was a text from Klaus.

Party tonight at my place. We will be celebrating Genesis' remembrance. We'll have Porter Robinson here as the Dj.

"Hell yeah." I said. "What?" My dad said. "There's a party at Klaus' tonight." I replied. "Didn't you just go to a party at his house?" He asked. I nodded while picking up my fork. My phone rang and it was Kyra. "Hey babe." I said. My dad groaned obnoxiously. "What're you doing?" She asked sweetly. "Eating pancakes." I said with a smirk.

Kyra giggled. She was so cute. I smiled as she giggled. "Are they good?" She asked while laughing. I smiled and said "so good." My dad groaned and I sniggered.

"So Klaus is throwing a party." I said. Kyra said "yeah. Are you coming?" "Yeah. I'll be over later. I gotta help my dad with some stuff today." I replied. My father looked at me and then back at his newspaper. "See you tonight." She said. "Ok babe." I said softly. She hung up and I set my phone on the table. "You're coming with me to Oscorp?" He asked. I nodded and said "yeah. I need something to keep my mind off of what happened last night. And then when we're finished I'm heading to Klaus'." Dad nodded and said "best get ready."

Kit's POV:
I woke up in Javier's bedroom. He laid in my lap. I thought I was in his when we fell asleep last night. Huh. His bangs were in his face and I brushed them softly. I stared at the sleeping boy in my lap. He was beautiful. Javier jumped and his eyes shot open. "You ok?" I asked. He nodded and said "bad dream. That's all." I frowned. We had both been having bad dreams. He sat up and sighed. He grabbed his phone and then unlocked it. I laid on my back and watched him. I grabbed my phone and quickly took a picture of him. He smirked to himself and continued to scroll through his phone. "Oh my god Genesis died." He said. I quickly sat up and looked at his phone. I bit my lip and said "woah." Javier exhaled deeply and I said "you ok?" He nodded and said "I didn't know her that well. But it's still sad." I nodded back and Javier walked to his stereo. He turned it on and began to dance. He giggled to himself and I said "what're you doing?" "Dancing. Dance with me." He said. I stood up and bopped my head. He rolled his eyes and said "dance." "How can we? We're two boys." I said. Javier said "ok. I'll be the girl."

He moved his bangs out of his face and stared at me. A soft giggle left his mouth as I looked at him. "What're you doing doofus?" I asked.

I laughed and he began to move his hips like a female. I raised my eyebrows and he let the music take over his body as his hips rotated.

I walked closer towards him and I pulled him to me. He was giggling until I grabbed him. My hand was on his waist and he looked up at me. "Woah." He said. I smirked and began to move my hips like his. "Yes! You're doing it!" He said. Our hips were moving in sync and he looked into my eyes. His eyes then flickered to my lips, asking for permission. I nodded and he pressed his lips to mine. He stopped dancing and I cupped his cheek and deepened the kiss. Javier pulled away and looked up at me. "You're such a doofus." I said. Javier giggled and said "but I'm your doofus." I nodded and he grabbed my hand and led me downstairs. Javier said "you hungry?" I nodded and sat down at the table. He grabbed some eggs and began to make them. "Shit it's hot." He mumbled. He peeled off his shirt and set it on the chair. "Your mom home?" I asked. He went towards her bedroom and said "mama?" He closed her bedroom door and said "I guess she left for work already." He hummed softly as he cooked the eggs on the stove. "You're cute." I said. He turned around and said "yeah. I know."

He smiled at me and I did the same. "Oh Klaus is having another party by the way." I said as I checked my phone. "Wanna go?" Javier asked. "If you go I'll go." I said. Javier smirked and said "then it's done." He put the eggs on my plate and I grabbed the salt. "Thanks for letting me stay here." I said. Javier said "it's no problem. Plus I wouldn't of been able to sleep." I nodded and he sat down next to me. "Tonight's gonna be fun yeah?" He said. I nodded and kissed his cheek.

Ethan's POV:
I woke up to my dad knocking on my door. "Yeah?" I asked. He came in and said "one of your friends died." I sat up and said "was it Ivy?" He shook his head and said "it was Genesis Reyes." I took a deep breath and said "god." "Who's Ivy?" He asked. I sighed and said "she's one of my best friends. Plus she's the girl I'm in love with." "Oh really?" Dad said. I rolled my eyes and said "yeah." "Well that's good son." He said. I nodded and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications. "I'll be at Klaus' tonight ok?" I said. Dad nodded and said "be careful tonight Ethan." "Of course." I replied.

Here's the update!

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