Two Funerals

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Summer's POV:
I stood next to Justin who stared at Harry in his grave. Genesis looked so beautiful even though she was laying dead in front of everyone. Klaus looked horrible. Harry was one of his best friends. Nova hugged him and he stood limp in her arms. Justin said "I can't believe we're actually here right now." Ivy stood over Genesis' grave and she took a strand of her blonde hair in her fingers. "Genesis. I'm sorry." She whispered. Ethan stood next to her and frowned. Javier leaned on Kit's shoulder and I said "you guys been doing ok?" "Javier hasn't been sleeping." Kit said. Javier had bags under his eyes and he yawned. Kyra walked up to Harry's grave. All eyes landed on her and she sniffled. She stroked his head and said "Harry I love you. Please know that." Klaus huffed at her and moved away. He bumped into her purposely and Kyra cried. Nova ran after the Talbot boy and Justin sniffled. Kit said "Javier. You ok?" The younger boy nodded and said "I'm ok." Kyra tried not to cry over Harry's grave but it was no use. She fell to her knees and sobbed. She pulled her knees to her chest and her whole body shook. Ivy stared at her best friend and said "someone grab her."

Kyra's POV:
My body was numb. All I felt in my chest was pain. That's all a I felt. Excruciating pain. My mother grabbed me and pulled me away from his casket. I sobbed and began to act hysterical. Screams left my mouth and people began to dissipate at the look of me. Ethan stared at me in shock and Justin pulled Summer to where Klaus was standing. Klaus eyed me with hatred and I needed him. My brother. He usually holds grudges whenever we fight but this one was bad. People left the graveside. Genesis' parents stared at me crazily. Especially her mother. She knew that Ivy and I were at their house. She stared me down and I felt guilt. I could've saved Genesis. If would've tried. My mother left my side and waited for me in the car. Klaus stood with Justin and he talked about me to him. "She's a bitch! She doesn't care about anyone but herself! She's just upset that she can't a quick fuck from Harry anymore." I whipped my head around to look at him. "I'm pregnant! With Harry's kid! I loved him! I would've never taken advantage of him! Never! How dare you say that about me?!" I screamed at him. Klaus looked at me wide eyed and he panted. "Baby please." Nova said. Justin said "let it go. Stop." Summer looked afraid of the two boys. That we're currently angry. Klaus stormed off and Nova followed. Justin said "come on Summer." He pulled her away and she hurried after them. I sniffled and heard my name.


I gasped and looked around. It was Genesis' voice. "Genesis?" I asked softly.


I turned around to see Genesis in a body bag. Snakes were at her feet and blood covered her body. There was a bloody tear that went down her cheek. She opened her mouth and a centipede came out. It slithered on the ground and I covered my mouth. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and another one came out.

A small scream left my mouth and Ivy said "hey it's just me." I looked around and Genesis was gone. I panted and she said "um will you come over to where we are? We need to talk. Summer had a really great idea and we need to see if you'd be interested." I wiped my eyes and headed toward my group of friends. Ethan hugged Ivy from behind and she said "Summer tell her." Summer nodded and pushed a curl out of her face. She had her curly hair in a high ponytail. "We're all having the dreams right?" She asked the group. Klaus nodded shamelessly and summer said "raise your hand if you're dreaming about him." Kit raised his hand and Javier did the same. Ivy held her hand up and Ethan sighed and followed her. Justin huffed and held his hand up. Summer held hers up, Nova followed immediately after her. Klaus looked down and held his hand up. I looked around and saw everyone had their hand up but me. I raised my hand and Summer said "so all of us. We're all having the dreams. So everyone knows his name. Right?" "Freddy." Javier whispered. Kit hugged him protectively and kissed his head. Summer said "so what I was thinking was...we all stay the night at someone's house. And someone keeps watch while the rest of us sleep. And if any of us have a nightmare, we wake that person up and snap them out of it. Does that sound ok? Some of us really need the sleep. So the person who hasn't been having them frequently, will have to keep watch. Because they're the strongest. Javier is out. He's physically drained. Kit what about you?" "Javier's keeps me up most of the time. So I wouldn't last." He said. "So Javier and Kit are out. Ivy?" Summer asked. Ivy sighed and shook her head. "No. I can't. I've got so much makeup covering the dark circles under my eyes." Summer nodded and Justin said "bullshit." Ivy tilted her head and looked over at Justin.

"Why don't you keep watch then? Huh?" Ivy asked. Justin said "maybe I will. At least I'm not beat down. You're defeated. Or you're just lazy." He eyed her through the circular lens of his sunglasses and Ivy scoffed.

"Guys please don't-" Summer began but was interrupted by Ivy. "Justin you act like you're better than us. Because you're dating Summer. And she's a sweet girl." "What's about you and Ethan? Ethan is sweet too." Justin asked. Summer and Ethan suddenly felt out of place. "Stop! Ok! Ethan and I aren't popular! Let it go. Everyone has been dreaming about Freddy. Klaus will take watch. Since he wants to be silent." Summer said. Ivy looked at Summer and didn't say anything.

Klaus said "fine. Don't sit me next to Kyra." I felt my heart drop again and Summer said "ok. Who's house?" "Can't do it at mine. Parents are back." Klaus said. "Mine. My parents leave tonight." Ivy said. Summer nodded and I realized we'd all be in the gothic style home. Ivy's home was a little creepy. It has been in their family for generations. Ethan walked away quickly. Klaus walked hand in hand with Nova and Summer looked down. "Summer....I didn't mean that you weren't popular. You're different than us. You have a good heart. You and Ethan both." Justin said to her. She nodded and said "just drop it please. Or I'll get upset ok?" Justin nodded and put his arm around her. He kissed her cheek and a smile tugged at her lips. We all headed hack to our homes. Ivy would text us the times and we would all head over. I was dreading tonight. I don't think I'll be able to sleep. Hopefully we can all get along. Freddy is tearing our friendships apart.

Here's the update! I liked writing this chapter! Sorry I've been gone. I'm in school and it's my senior year. So I've had some stress on me. But expect more updates!!

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