Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Durarara it belongs to the great Narita-sensei. I only own the plot.



"Shizu-chan let's break up." Izaya said in a low voice. Shizuo looks at him, his eyebrows knit in confusion.

"W-why?" He said as he look at Izaya, hurt and confusion evident in his eyes. Izaya only shrugged and looks away at him.

"I was chosen to study abroad as a scholar seeing that I have a good grade." He explained.

"So you're choosing this scholar shit instead of me?" of us? But he couldn't say the last word as Izaya looks at him seriously.

Yes, I'm sorry Shizu-chan." Shizuo look at him, tears now leaking down his eyes.

"Why? Why did you choose it instead of me? What am I too you?" Shizuo shouted as his tears started to leak down his face but Izaya only looks at him silently

"Izaya don't leave me please, I love you" He said in a low voice as he hugs Izaya tightly. Izaya laugh lightly then his laugher turn manically as Shizuo looks at him confused.

"Love? You love me?" Izaya said in between his laughing fit. "I'm sorry Shizu-chan but you got the wrong idea." he said as he smirks at the blond. Shizuo's confused face darkened into rage.

"What are you saying?" He asked as he glared at Izaya who still smirking at him he clenched his fist tightly the nails dug at his palm.

"Oh Shizu-chan did you believe all the things I'd said to you? But sorry to break your bubbles but none of them were true and we don't share the same feeling after all I can't love a monster like you I just took pity on you as I saw how you craved to be loved." Izaya chirps still smirking. Shizuo's glare intensifies as Izaya laughs at him "Poor you"

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD" Shizuo shouted in rage as he swing a fist at Izaya's face making the raven haired fly a few distance from him. He stalks towards Izaya and clutch the collar of his uniform. "I fucking hate you Izaya, I wish I didn't met you and fell in love with you. Don't ever come back here you shit or else I'll kill you with my bare hands." Shizuo said looking at Izaya straight in the eyes, his voice dripping with hatred. With one last punch he stood up and walk away from the raven haired. "Shit" he cursed as he wipes the tears that flows freely again from his cheek with the back of his hand.

10 Years Later

"P-papa wake up" A child said as he shakes his father to wake up. "Papa its breakfast time wake up please." His father only groans at him as he pulls the blanket up to his head. Pouting, the child then shakes his father a little harder. "Papa I'm hungry" he whines.

"What the- Psyche can't you see I'm sleeping, if you're hungry there's food on the fridge eat that." The blond growls, glaring at the child. Psyche stood frozen at his place, lips quivering in fear.

"I'm s-sorry Papa" Psyche apologized quietly. "Don't be mad at Psyche please." Psyche said as his tears start falling. Shizuo looks guiltily at his son but he didn't do anything to comfort his child. Sighing deeply he get up from the bed not sparing a glance at his crying child. He walked towards the kitchen, looking at the cupboard he took the cereal and pour it on two bowls, one for him and one for Psyche then he also pours milk into it, placing the two bowl of cereal at the table he calls Psyche to eat.

"Psyche your breakfast is ready." Psyche walks slowly, head bow down as he take a seat on his chair and started to eat his cereal quietly. Shizuo watches his son eats, every time he look at Psyche his heart clench painfully as he was the exact copy of his other parent, the guy who tricked him and plays with his feeling. He growls as he remembers what that bastard did to him. "Papa are you still mad at Payche?" He look up at his trembling son, he bit his lower lips as he look away from Psyche.

"No, don't mind me just finish your breakfast quickly. You still need to go to school today." Shizuo said in a cold voice not sparing his son a single glance as he continue to eat his breakfast not seeing the tearful face of his son.

"Yes, papa" Psyche answered quietly as he finishes his breakfast quickly placing the empty bowl on the sink before dashing upstairs to prepare for his school. Half a minute later he head downstairs seeing his father packing his lunchbox."I'm going now Papa." Psyche said as he ran up to his father, hugging his leg tightly. Shizuo stood there awkwardly, don't know what to do as his son hug him affectionately, making up his mind he patted Psyche's head, feeling his son nuzzle his face on his legs, he smiled slightly.

"Here's your packed lunch." Shizuo said in a low voice, Psyche took it with a large grin.

"Take care." Shizuo said smiling lightly as he ruffles his son's hair.

"Yes papa, you too take care, love you" Psyche said happily, looking at Shizuo with large pink eyes. Shizuo was taken aback his son's word still echoing at his ear "I love you, Shizu-chan." Shizuo frowns deeply instead of Psyche, what he saw in front of him was Izaya.

"Papa?" Shizuo frowns at the image he saw, shaking his head he looks at Psyche.

"Nothing, you should go now." Psyche look at him expectantly waiting for his father to say something but Shizuo turn his back to his child in favor of washing the dishes. Psyches frowns sadly at that, he stares at his papa's back momentarily before walking to the front door. Shizuo glances at the door as Psyche gets out he bites his lip as he clenched the dishes at hands almost breaking it. He felt guilty on what he was doing on Psyche he felt bad for neglecting him, for treating him like that because every time, every-fucking-time he look at Psyche he can't help but remember his ex-lover and he can't help but push Psyche away just to get rid of the painful feeling he felt because he knows deep inside him he still love Orihara Izaya.

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