Chapter 11

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A/N: Heya Guys!!! When inspiration hits you so hard!!!! OML I'm so hype. My favorite JPop rock band will be guesting in BOA... I've been waiting for this for so long!!!. LMAO. And then my favorite cosplayer is one of the guest in Cosmania. RIP Money.

Anyways Sorry for my long absence. I'm just so busy with my internship and been eaten by Yuri!! On Ice fandom. So here's a kinda long-ish chapter to make up my absence. Hope you all like it!!! //heart emoticons

Warning: Grammar errors and Spelling mistakes. Please be reminded that English is not my first language.

Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara only the plot of this fanfiction is mine.
Psyche put all the cleaning materials inside the cabinet. He was the only one who left inside their classroom as he was in cleaning duty, his classmate who have the same duty  as him had already left. Then he sling his bag on his shoulder skipping through the corridors. He skipped-walk until he exited the building and went to where Tsu-chan is waiting for him. As he saw Tsu-chan's natural blond hair he started dashing but stop mid-tracks as he noticed someone is pulling him. He frowns worriedly and walk slowly to them until the stranger let go of Tsu-chan's arm . The stranger may fool anyone that it was accidentally but not with Psyche. He saw how purposely he let go Tsu-chan's wrist and stumble on the ground leaving a graze on his elbow. In that exact moment Psyche saw red and dashes where the stranger is standing and smirking at Tsu-chan who is cradling his injured arm.

"TSUUUU-CHAAAANN!!" Psyche screamed in high pitched tone. The stranger then look at Psyche, his eyes widen slightly as he noticed the stranger but his full attention was on Tsu-chan. "HOW DARE YOU HURT TSU-CHAN?!" He screamed angrily. His mind was blank and the only thing on his mind is to protect his precious Tsu-chan. So in haste he grabbed the nearest thing to him to throw at the mean stranger which is the trash bin triple his weight. He lifted it in his little arms, screaming with adrenaline rush until there's a snap and Psyche's body burns in pain. The grip on the trash bin loosen and slipped from his arm and landing with a loud thump on the ground. Psyche cradle his injured arm, eyes welling up in tears because of the pain.

"Psyche." He heard Tsu-chan call him worriedly. "Are you alright, Psyche?" He asked as he kneel down in front of Psyche, checking his injured arm.

"Tsu-chan it hurt." Psyche whines as he clutch his injured arm, crying and sniffling loudly. He saw Tsu-chan frowns not knowing what to do so he hug Psyche instead. Psyche clutches the front of his shirt and buried his head on Tsu-chan's chest. Tsu-chan run his finger through his hair to make him calm down but Psyche still cries from so much pain.

"Tsu-chan" He sniff.

"Sshh.. Calm down Psyche, Shizu-ojichan will arrive soon." Tsu-chan said worriedly. Resting his chin on Psyche's head.

"What happened here?" Psyche perks up at the familiar voice of his Papa. "What did you do?" His papa said angrily, probably talking to the stranger. Psyche looks at his papa and saw how angry he is. Psyche feels a little bit scared at how scary his papa looks but his injury is way too painful to think about it.

"Papa!! It hurts!!" He said wailing in pain. His papa looks at him worriedly and dash towards him.

"What happen, dear?" His papa asked him gently, Tsu-chan give way for his papa.

"I think Psyche broke his arm when he lifted that big trash bin." Tsu-chan explained in monotone but Psyche could hear how worried his best friend for him.

"Why did he do that, Tsugaru-kun?" Papa asked Tsu-chan gently but his voice sounds worried at the same time.

"Because that bad guy hurt Tsu-chan" Psyched answered instead, pointing the mean stranger. His Papa turn to the bad guy angrily and he looks scary again. Tsu-chan knelt down beside him, holding his hand. Psyche looks at Tsu-chan and saw him smiling at him soothingly. Psyche smiles back and hold his hand back. Their attention turns to the two when his Papa started screaming at the guy. It was the first time he saw how angry his papa

"Stop. Don't come any closer from here and stop calling me Shizu-chan that's not my name." Papa shouted angrily. Psyche saw how the man stopped and a hurtful expression marred his face. Psyche's father lifted him from the ground careful from his injury

"We're going to Uncle Shinra okay." Shizuo told him in a gently and he look at Tsu-chan and noticed his bruised arm and wound. "Come with us Tsugaru" His papa told Tsu-chan.

"Papa it hurts." Psyche whines.

"I know baby, don't worry Uncle Shinra will fix it." Shizuo said gently. Psyche nodded and nuzzled his head on the crook of his father's neck, sniffling slightly. His Papa were cradling him in one arm and beside them was Tsugaru. "Don't let go of my hand, Tsugaru." Shizuo said to Tsu-chan. The blond kid look at Shizuo and nodded then turn to look at Psyche who is also looking at him and give him an assuring smile. Psyche's cheeks reddened as he smile slightly at Tsugaru. Psyche then looks at the stranger that following them. No matter how many times his papa gave him a sneer or glared at him he still follows them. He stares and now he noticed what the stranger looks like. He has black hair and his eyes are red but what Psyche noticed the most is that they were look alike, except for the color of their eyes. Like how his Papa and Tsu-chan looks like. Psyche frowns. Who is that guy and why does he know his Papa.

"Shizu-chan" The stranger calls again but his papa didn't look back. Then the stranger noticed that he was watching him and looks at him. Their eyes met and Psyche could feel something inside him. A familiar feeling that he can't understand. The stranger smiles weakly at him but Psyche still upset at what he did at Tsu-chan so he gave him a cold glare and buried his head on Shizuo's neck again.

"Hey, Shizu-chan." The rave haired the man called again.

"Don't." Psyche could feel the shift of his Papa's head as he turn to look at the stranger. "Don't talk to me, Izaya-kun." Psyche's ears perk up at the name. Izaya. The name of the guy who hurt his papa. The guy he calls in his dream as tears wetting his closed eyes. Izaya. That guy is Izaya, whom he promised to protect his papa from. Psyche looks at the guy again, glaring and hating him more that now he know who he is.

After a moment they arrived at Uncle Shinra's apartment and his papa ring the doorbell and call his name as well multiple times.

"Coming" a cheerful voice said from the inside before the door opens widely. Shinra open it and saw Psyche his cheerful demeanor changed into worried. "What happened?" He asked but Shizuo walks straightly inside.

"Hey Shinra! What are you still doing there? You need to treat Psyche." His papa said as he place Psyche gently on the sofa. Tsu-chan sitting beside him looking worried. The guy said something to his papa but Psyche didn't hear it because Uncle Shinra talks to him.

"What happened?" Uncle Shinra asked. Psyche looks away.

"Psyche lifted a heavy trash bin." Psyche said quietly. Uncle Shinra's eyes widen from shocked before nodding at him. "Is my arm needed to be cut?" Psyche asked, his voice sounding scared. Shinra laughs slightly at Psyche.

"No silly, Your arm won't be cut. It's just a broken bone that will immediately heal when I put a splinter."Shinra explained with a smile. Psyche breath out a sigh of relief. He though that his arm will be cut because it hurt so much. Uncle Shinra turn his attention to Tsu-chan inspecting his injury also. Psyche could still hear his father and Izaya arguing but he can't understand what they were saying.

"I need to clean your wound so it won't get infected and I'll apply some ointment on your bruise, okay." Uncle Shinra said to Tsu-chan then look at the both of them. "Wait here." he said before turning around to face his papa and Izaya to tell them to be quiet and civil with each other. His papa shrugged and walk towards him, crouching in front of him.

"Unlce Shinra will put a splinter on your arm so be a good boy okay. Just remember that Papa is just here waiting for you." He said gently, petting his hair. Psyche nodded cutely at him.

"Okay papa." He said as he kisses his papa's cheek. Uncle Shinra guided them to his clinic. Shinra hoisted Psyche up on one of the bed before taking out his kit and splinter, Tsugaru watching them. Uncle Shinra placed a splinter on his arm before wrapping a bandage and putting his arm on a sling after that his attention turn to Tsugaru. Psyche looks at Tsugaru.

"Tsu-chan." Psyche started, voice quivering. "Sorry." Tsugaru glances at him.

"Why?" Tsugaru asked in confusion.

"Because Psyche couldn't protect you instead Psyche got hurt and make you worry." Psyche said eyes tearing up. Tsugaru smiles softly and pull him using one arm.

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault okay." Tsugaru said softly, running his good hand on Psyche's back. Psyche nodded, sniffling softly.

"And done." Shinra exclaimed happily, checking his handiwork on Tsugaru. "Come on you two let's check those two they probably killing each other by now." Uncle Shinra laughed Psyche tilted his head in confusion but Shinra just usher them to the door. When they are closer to the door they could hear screaming.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING. YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO CALL PSYCHE YOUR SON!" Psyche heard his papa screamed. Psyche frowns in confusion. Why does his papa mention his name.

"Papa?" Psyche called in confusion. "What are you saying?" He saw how his papa flinched and look at him with widen eyes.

"P..Psyche?" His papa started. He can see how scared and shocked he is when he looks at him and now Psyche could feel his heart beat in nervousness. "It's nothing don't mind us." His father said, voice shaking. Psyche noticed that Izaya walks toward him and kneel in front.

"Psyche-chan, My name is Orihara Izaya and I'm your father." Izaya said gently. Psyche frowns at him and shook his head not believing him.

"No you're not. My Papa is Heiwajima Shizuo and Psyche is a Heiwajima." Psyche said to Izaya and run toward his papa to hide behind him, Tsugaru following him. He could hear Izaya pleaded and their argument with Uncle Shinra.

"Papa what is that mean guy talking about?" Psyche asked at his papa still confuse at what's happening. His father smiles warily at him.

"It's nothing. He said.

"Please Shizu-chan, tell him" Izaya pleaded desperately.

"Shizuo-kun. Psyche has the right to know since it concern him also." Unlce Shinra said in serious voice. Psyche is now getting scared. What is the thing he needed to know and why does his papa doesn't want him to know. Psyche clutches his father's pant leg tightly. His father let out a deep sigh before crouching in front of him.

"Psyche listen to me okay, just remember that whatever you will hear today I'm still your father and you are my son. You have the right to choose if you still want me as your father. I know I did bad things to you because I'm an idiot and I regret it. I love you." His father said on the verge of crying. Of course he will chose him no matter what. What does his Papa talking about. He was now getting more scared at what was happening. His father took a deep breath before continuing. "Psyche is your father." His father said finally crying. Psyche froze.

"Wha-" Psyche asked shockingly. "No!! Papa, you are my papa. I dont want any papa aside from you!!" He cried, wrapping his good arm on his father's neck. He could feel that his papa is crying as well. "I don't like him! He hurt Tsu-chan and he hurt you." Psyche pleaded. He doesn't want Izaya. He is a bad guy who hurt his two beloved person.

"Psyche. Please give me a chance." Izaya pleaded but Psyche whines harder.

"Noooooo!! Don't touch me" he shouted. Shizuo shielded him and growling at Izaya to stop touching him.

"Psyche already choose and he doesn't want you so don't show yourself in front of us anymore. Come on Tsugaru we're leaving." His father said angrily before walking out.

Psyche was quiet on the way home he doesn't responding every time his father calls him. He only remains beside Tsu-chan who is holding his hand tightly. On the way they met Tsu-chan's mother. His papa apologized for getting Tsu-chan hurt in his care. Psyche also apologized to Aunt Sayuri. The blond woman, Sayuri smiled at him and shook his head saying that she didn't mind and thankful for them for treating Tsugaru. Tsu-chan bid him goodbye with a hug and a whisper of 'Take care' Psyche hug him back. Tsu-chan wave his hand as they walk away.

The two continue walking to their house quietly, Psyche still keeping his distance at his papa. When they arrived at their house Psyche walked straightly at their shared bedroom and locked himself inside. He refused to talk at his papa even though he was confused and many questions swirling inside his head. He was afraid. Afraid to know the truth. What if he is really not related to Shizuo? The reason why his papa hated him from the start is because he looks like that Izaya. What if he give him back to Izaya? He doesn't want Izaya he only wants his papa. Psyche sniffled as he burrowed his head on the pillows, his arm in an awkward position. There's a knock outside of the door but he he remained lying still afraid to confront his Papa until a warm sensation runs to his cheek. He jerked out and saw a shadow. Celty's shadow to be exact. Psyche runs to the door and open it widely, launching straight at Celty. He could feel Celty's arm wrapping around him.

"Auntie Celty." Psyche sniffles as he burrowed his head on Celty's chest. Celty patted his head and guided him to his bed before showing him her PDA

[How are you?] Celty asked. Psyche nuzzled his head on Celty's chest.

"I don't know Auntie Celty. I'm confused and scared and my arm is hurting." Psyche said while sniffling. Celty wrapped her arms around Psyche and they stayed like that until Psyche looks up at her with a frown.

"Did you know Auntie Celty?" Psyche asked with a frown. Celty tilted her head in confusion. "That Papa is not Psyche's real papa." Psyche continued. The two stared at each other before typing at her PDA.

[I do.] The PDA reads. Psyches stares at the words before tears started to leak from Psyches eyes making Celty flails her arm in panic.

"Why does nobody told Psyche the truth?" Psyche said, crying. "Auntie Celty who is Mama?" Psyche asked while crying. He never bring the topic about his mother because he thought that just having his Papa with him is enough. Now that he learns that Shizuo is not his father he wonder who is his mama. Is he unwanted that's why he was left by his parents. Psyche felt Celty's warm hand on his cheek, rubbing the tears with her thumb.

[I'm not the one who can answer your question.] Psyche frowned at Celty. [Only your Papa can answer that.] Psyche's frown deepened.

"But wha-" Before Psyche could finish his sentence Celty place her point finger on Psyche's lips.

[I'm sure he'll answer you. Talk to your papa.] Psyche remains stubbornly quiet. Celty shake her head before typing at her PDA again. [I'll come with you so don't be afraid.] Psyche looks up at him with a pout.

"Really?" Celty nodded as he hoisted up Psyche on her arm taking an extra care on his injured arm. Psyche wrapped his good hand around Celty's neck as she walks toward where Shizuo is. When they arrived at the kitchen Psyche shimmied down Celty's hold and looks toward his Papa. His shoulder slumped and a glass of milk in front of him Psyche noticed that his papa's eyes were swollen and red, Psyche bites his lower lip in guilt. He make his Papa cry.

"P-Papa" Psyche called, voice quivering. Shizuo's head shot up as he heard his son's voice.

"P..Psyche." Shizuo called as he stand up and walks toward his son, pulling him into a tight hug. "Psyche I'm sorry. Don't be mad at Papa." Shizuo said in quiet voice. Psyche hugged his Papa back while shaking his head.

"Psyche's not mad, Papa. Psyche's just confused. I'm sorry to make you worried." Psyche said in the same quiet voice his Papa used for him.

"Don't be sorry. It's my fault. I keep it a secret, I'm sorry." Shizuo said as he pull away from the hug, looking at his son before cupping his cheeks with his hand, gently rubbing it with his thumb.

"Papa are you really my Papa?" Psyche asked. He could feel his father went rigid. "Papa?" Psyche asked as Shizuo sighed patting his hair before guiding him to sit on one of the chair. Celty following them from behind.

"Of course baby, I'm your Papa" His father said with a strained smile. Psyche's frowned deepened.

"But you said Izaya is my Papa. Psyche don't understand." Psyche asked in confusion. "Then who is my Mama?" Psyche asked the question he never thought he will ever asked to his Papa stared at him before looking at Auntie Celty sitting beside him who gave him a small nod, taking a deep breath his Papa said something that making his eyes widen in surprise and confusion.

"I'm your Mama." The only thought that swam inside his mind is How does it happen.

A/N: Cliffy cliffy. Lol.
I wrote it while I'm at the office sitting on the spinning chair. Spinning like Izaya hahahhaha

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