Chapter 12

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A/N: Hi guysss!!!!! I just wanted to apologized for not updating for so long. Just been with school work and other fanfiction!!!!! If you ship Viktuuri and like genderbent, please read my fic, Decisions and Choices. I have an One Piece fic too. If you like or ship LawLu (Luffy x Law) please read my two story about them, A Promise from Me to You and Got Shipped. *cough*UnashamedPlugging*cough*

Anyways Thanks for Patiently waiting for my update without further ado!!

Warning: Grammatical error, misspelled words because I write, I edit and I post.

Disclaimer: Durarara is not mine period.

"I'm your Mama." Shizuo said nervously to his son. Psyche stared at him with wide eyes and mouth agape.

"" Psyche asked him confusedly. Shizuo looks at Celty who's sitting beside Psyche with uncertainty. Celty reach for Shizuo's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Shizuo smiled softly glad that his bestfriend is here to help him.

"It happened few years ago..." And so Shizuo started to tell his son how it all started.


It was a normal day for Shizuo, well if you call fighting with the soccer team and uprooting their goal on the ground and swinging it like a weapon normal when he noticed someone staring from the roof top down to him. His brown eyes met with the most striking red eyes he'd ever seen. He flinch at how it stared at him fierce and frowns when there's unknown feeling crept to him. Shizuo growls as the one of the soccer team hit him on the back of his head. He broke their staring session and turn to look at his attacker. He let out a loud roar and the poor soul back off in fear as Shizuo swung the soccer goal to them.

When Shizuo finished fighting and all the team were laying on the ground while groaning in pain he heard someone clapping their hand. Shizuo growls at the annoying sound and whipped his head to know who it was when he saw those red eyes staring at him with amusement. There again he could feel the unknown feeling in his chest.

"Wow! What a monster you are.~" The man said to him with annoying childish tone as he smirk at him. Shizuo vein popped on his forehead.

"Who the hell are you pest?" Shizuo growl dangerously but the raven in front of him doesn't show any ounce of fear. The two engaged in a heated glare when suddenly Shinra arrives.

"Here you are Izaya. I've been looking for you." Shinra said happily to Izaya then his eyes caught Shizuo's. "Oh you two already met." He exclaimed.

"You know him?" Shizuo asked angrily.

"Ah yeah.Shizuo this is Izaya he may be an asshole but he's a good friend of mine." Shinra introduced the both of them.

"My.. Shinra you hurt my feelings." Izaya said dramatically and turn his gazed to Shizuo looking at him from toe to head then gives Shizuo a flirty wink. "Nice meeting you, Shizu-chan~" He drawled at the end, stretching his hand for a hand shake. Shizuo shivers at the look Izaya was giving him and his heart started to beat annoyingly. Shizuo glared at Izaya, hating the feeling that the raven was giving him.

"I don't like you so fuck off." Shizuo spat.

"Too bad, I like you so you can't get rid of me." Izaya shrugs and Shizuo's cheek get warm at the way the raven looks at him. Unable to comprehend what was happening to him the only thing that came to him is to grab the discarded pole at his side and swing it to Izaya's direction but the raven haired dodge it easily and with a blink of an eye he was already infront of Shizuo, winking in flirty manner before slashing him on the chest. Shizuo's unarmed hand fly to his chest to feel that there's blood trickling from it. Shizuo sneered angrily at him.

"You fucking pest." Shizuo growled but the raven only blow him a kiss teasingly before running off which irritates the blond more.And their cat and mouse game started.

Day by day withouit fail Shizuo and Izaya are always making a ruckus, Izaya always teasing the blond but that change one day when Izaya pinned down Shizuo at one of empty classroom. The two were panting very hard due to their chase as Izaya looms on top of Shizuo a playful smirk on his face whilst Shizuo were glaring at him.

"What the fuck flea?!" Shizui asked with a growl and Izaya's smirk widens as he lean closer to Shizuo's face.

"You know Shizu-chan." He started "I really like it when you are underneath me." He said purring. Shizuo's eyes widens and his face burns as Izaya nuzzles his nose on Shizuo's ear.

"W..What are you doing? Have you gone crazy?" Shizuo stuttered as he try to pry out of Izaya's hold but Izaya's hold were stronger. Stronger than his monstrous strength. Izaya giggles as he stared at Shizuo's reddening face.

"Nope, silly Shizu-chan. I'm already crazy." He said giggling. Shizuo were looking at him with widened eyes and his breath hitches when Izaya spoke in a low husky voice. "I'm crazy for you." He said almost growling. His eyes almost glinting with want. Shizuo gulps as he stared at Izaya, his heart thumping wildly inside his chest.

"What are you saying?! I don't understand you?" He shouted to hide the nervousness he feel.

"I was saying that I like you." Izaya said with a pout. "You're so dense." He added as he let go of Shizuo's wrists and cross his arms around his chest, sitting on top of the blond. Shizuo looks dumbfounded at him.

"Y..You like me?" He asked in surprise. He really doesn't understand what the hell was on Izaya's mind. "You gotta be kidding me?" He said not believing the dark haired guy on top of him. Izaya only huffed as he look at Shizuo still pouting.

"No I'm not. That's why I'm telling you that you are so dense. I'm always showing you how much I like you everyday. I even confessed to you the first time we introduced to each other." He said. What the fuck. Shizuo's mind supplied. He doesn't remember anything Izaya did to him. All he fould remember was all the torture he went through just to make all the local gangs stop attacking him, all the blames that he didn't even do and his missing things. Wait. What the fuck indeed. Shizuo looks at Izaya with an irritated frown.

"So all the suffering I went through was yor way to tell me that you like me?" Shizuo asked incredulously. Izaya grins widely as he nodded his head enthusiastically. Shizuo would snort at the way the flea answered like a child if not at their compromising position but Shizuo sighed instead, rubbing his face with his palm.

"Izaya that's not showing your affection to me. That's called bullying." Shizuo said as he look at Izaya seriously.

"Eh?" Izaya said dumbfounded. Blinking he shrugged his shoulder before smiling again. "Well it's still the same. So Shizu-chan I like you I know you like me too." He said in a singsong voice. Shizuo sputter at that, face heating up as

" did you know?" Shizuo asked stuttering his face still red. Izaya stared at him with wide eyes. He was sure that he really concealed his feelings to Izaya Those annoying feeling he felt when he first met Izaya were soon realize that he fell in love at first sight with the crazy bastard but he hide it because they were supposed to be rival.

"Eh really? I just said that but I didn't know you actually like me too." Izaya said with a happy smile. "I'm glad I thought I need to kidnapped you just to be mine." He said with a serious tone. Shizuo shivered in both fear and excitement at the voice Izaya used.

"You're kidding right?" He asked at Izaya who still grinning despite the seriousness of what he had said.

"Of course I'm not kidding silly." Izaya chirped then the glint in his eyes changed into a dangerous one making Shizuo gulps in nervousness. "Now, time to claim my price." Izaya said with a smirk before leaning down to Shizuo, capturing those sweet lips with his own. Shizuo let out a tiny gasp when Izaya started to suck his lower lips and in that exact moment the raven haired take this opportunity to plunge his tongue inside the blond's open mouth tasting every inch and corner of his mouth. Izaya groans pleasurably and started to grind their hips together his hands travelling inside of Shizuo's shirt. The movement send out a pleasurable tingle all through Shizuo's body. Just like what Izaya said he claimed Shizuo as his own, marking every inch of his body until everyone recognize that Shizuo was his.

In the next few weeks. Shizuo couldn't be happier in his life. Finally someone that will love him despite him being a monster. For all tbe years he had lived he thought that he was going to be alone forever that no ones wants to be with a monster like him but all that proves wrong when Izaya confessed, more like pinned him down inside an empty classroom and harassed him with his usual craziness. It's not like those romantic shit he always watched on tv but still it counts as a love confession right. Weeks passed then the week turn to months that's where everything change.

Shizuo noticed that something was weird. Izaya's behavior changed. He doesn't pester Shizuo for his attention anymore, the gangs that fighting him were decreasing and Izaya rarely goes to school he may not look like it but Shizuo was sure that Izaya never did once skipped school. A nagging feeling crept on Shizuo's chest. What if Izaya realized that Shizuo is not worth it? That he really just a monster like what everyone was saying. Shizuo shake his head to get rid of those thing that invading his mind. Of course Izaya wouldn't do that. Izaya loves him. But then where is Izaya? Why does he not talking to him anymore. Shizuo doesn't know what to think anymore.

"Hey Shizuo-kun, are you alright?" Shinra asked him worriedly. The two were walking on the sidewalk ready to go home when Shizuo suddenly stumble to the nearest trash bin and throws up the food he consume earlier. with one last retch Shizuo stood up straight and wipe his mouth with his sleeves, grimacing at the nasty after taste of the bile.

"I dunno. I've been under the weather this past few weeks." Shizuo said weakly, feeling nauseous. Shinra nodded, his eyes calculating Shizuo's state and true to his word Shizuo looks pale.

"Let's go to my apartment first. I'll run a quick check up to you" Shinra said worriedly. Shizuo only nodded he didn't refuse because it is already hard to fight back the nausea.

On their way Shinra needs to support Shizuo as he was always stumbling due to dizziness and fatigue which is hard for Shinra because of their height difference. Fortunately they met Celty halfway. Celty helped him to carry Shizuo to their apartment. Upon arriving Shinra immediately check Shizuo there are already a suspicion on the back of his mind but didn't push it as it was impossible but when all the test came positive he almost gawk at the result.


When he told Shizuo his result he almost got a punch on the face. Almost. Good thing Celty was there to stop the fist that will be connect on his face. Thank you my beloved.

"That's impossible. I'm a guy." Shizuo said groaning. Shinra agreed.

"Did you ate something weird or anything?" Shinra asked in his doctor mode already calculating how this happen.

"Naah. My mom packed me a bento and when she couldn't I always buy my food on the cafeteria." Shizuo answered, massaging his head.

"Anything weird?" Shinra pressed. Shizuo almost growled but Shinra just stood there.

"The only weird thing that I remember that happen to me is when you stitch my wound and uses an anesthesia but the fucking anesthesia didn't work just doubled up the pain." Anesthesia? He knows that anesthesia numb the pain not to double the pain. Not unless. Shinra gasped and turn his attention to Celty who is busy nursing her best friend.

"Celty, the anesthesia that I asked you. Where did you get it?" Celty tilts her head and type on her PDA.

[At the usual place.] Celty said innocently. Shinra's eyes widen and curse loudly. Shizuo looks at Shinra suspiciously.

"What is it, Shinra?" Shizuo asked a little bit nervous. Shinra fidgeted slightly at the heated glare Shizuo was giving him.

"You see I think injected you the wrong liquid." Shinra said sheepishly. "I remember that my father borrowed my clinic and did his experiment there. So I remove all of my things there and change it to different place. I forgot to tell Celty. I'm sorry." Shinra said in an apologetic voice. Upon hearing her name and her mistake Celty flails her arms and apologize frantically to Shizuo. Shizuo felt an incoming headache aside from the nausea he felt earlier the two looks at him sheepishly a question left hanging in the air Shizuo let out a deep sigh.

"What?" He growls. Shinra let out a tiny squeek while Celty flinch then Shinra took the courage to voiced out the question albeit a little bit afraid.

"So you're at the receiving end?" At the question Shizou blinks and when the question sinks in his face explode into a warm red. Shizuo splutters clearly embarrass.

"Wh..What the fuck, Shinra?" Shizuo stutter. Shinra chuckles and shrug.

"I just didn't expect it." Shinra answered. It was not a secret to his friend that the two were dating. It was actually Shinra's intention to hook up his two friends from the start seeing how Izaya is he knows somehow Shizuo could help Izaya and he is not wrong because now Izaya will do something stupid that will hurt his blond friend. He is not in the place to interfere with the two but Izaya already made his decision and no matter what he say he will not listen to him. "So what will you do? Are you going to tell Izaya about this?" Shinra ask with a lot more seriousness. Shizuo got quiet and after a long silence Shizuo finally answered.

"I don't know."

In his room, laying on his bed Shizuo was thinking about his situation. His hand unconsciously rubbing his stomach where a new life started to develop. He was thinking what will he do. There are doubts attacking his mind. He is scared. Scared that Izaya will left him because of this. He was a monster since back then because of his strength and now there's another reason to be called a monster. What if Izaya doesn't want it and he still wasn't sure if he is ready to become a father, mother or what ever he will be. What if his child turn out to be a monster like him. He doesn't want his child to experience what he went through. Doesn't want his child to feel the isolation he felt just because of his abnormality. He really needs to talk this things to Izaya he was sure Izaya knows what to do because he is smart. But the problem is it's been a week since he saw Izaya and doesn't know what happen to him. Taking a deep and shaky breath he reach out for his phone on top of his bedside table. Unlocking it he saw an unread message, opening the message he let out a sigh of relief and happiness. It was from Izaya, asking him if they could met after class. Feeling giddy he replied to his text agreeing to meet up with him. Tomorrow he will tell Izaya about the new life growing inside him.

Tomorrow came and now he was on his way to the roof top, their usual place. When he arrive Izaya were already there waiting for him. When Izaya heard him approaching he looks at him. Shizuo gave him a slight smile. But Izaya just stared at him with no emotion on his face. Shizuo had a bad feeling about this. He doesn't like the expression Izaya was giving him. It was cold and harsh.

"Shizu-chan let's break up." Izaya said in a low voice after the moment of silence Shizuo looks at him, his eyebrows knit in confusion.

"W-why?" He said as he look at Izaya, hurt and confusion evident in his eyes. Izaya only shrugged and looks away at him.

"I was chosen to study abroad as a scholar seeing that I have a good grade." He explained.

"So you're choosing this scholar shit instead of me?" of us? But he couldn't say the last word as Izaya looks at him seriously.

Yes, I'm sorry Shizu-chan." Shizuo look at him, tears now leaking down his eyes.

"Why? Why did you choose it instead of me? What am I too you?" Shizuo shouted as his tears started to leak down his face but Izaya only looks at him silently

"Izaya don't leave me please, I love you" He said in a heart breaking voice as he hugs Izaya tightly. Izaya laugh lightly then his laughter turn manically as Shizuo looks at him confused.

"Love? You love me?" Izaya said in between his laughing fit. "I'm sorry Shizu-chan but you got the wrong idea." he said as he smirks at the blond. Shizuo's confused face darkened into rage.

"What are you saying?" He asked as he glared at Izaya who still smirking at him he clenched his fist tightly the nails dug at his palm.

"Oh Shizu-chan did you believe all the things I'd said to you? But sorry to break your bubbles but none of them were true and we don't share the same feeling after all I can't love a monster like you I just took pity on you as I saw how you craved to be loved." Izaya chirps still smirking. Shizuo's glare intensifies as Izaya laughs at him "Poor you"

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD" Shizuo shouted in rage as he swing a fist at Izaya's face making the raven haired fly a few distance from him. He stalks towards Izaya and clutch the collar of his uniform. "I fucking hate you Izaya, I wish I didn't met you and fell in love with you. Don't ever come back here you shit or else I'll kill you with my bare hands." Shizuo said looking at Izaya straight in the eyes, his voice dripping with hatred. With one last punch he stood up and walk away from the raven haired. "Shit" he cursed as he wipes the tears that flows freely again from his cheek with the back of his hand.

After that Izaya never return to school and Shizuo left heartbroken and lifeless. His friend and family were getting worried.

"Hey Shizuo-kun you should take care of your self more. Think about your child." Shinra said worriedly. Shizuo turn to look at his friend.

"Fuck you. Fuck this child. Fuck everything." Shizuo snapped. "I don't want any of this anymore. Shinra get rid of this fucking thing growing inside me. There's no point in keeping this inside me. Izaya doesn't care for me and I know if I ever told him this he will just going to rub it on my face that I'm a monster who can carry a child. Now get rid. of. t..this." He said the last word with a choke as fresh tears started to leak out from his eyes. They were inside of his room. He stopped coming to school as well, What Izaya told him hit him so hard. As he thought it was meant for him to be alone.

"Shizuo-kun please don't talk like that. It was never Izaya's intention to hurt you. Maybe Izaya have a reason to do that." Shinra tried to console Shizuo but the blond only snort.

"Yeah fucking right. I'm not going to believe in some bullshit." Shizuo said as tears smudge on his face. Celty tap Shinra's shoulder when he tried to reason out again.

[Can you let me talk to him?] Celty typed as she get Shinra's attention. Shinra looks at the two before nodding and left the two alone but still worried to Shizuo. When Shinra left Celty wipes Shizuo's tears with her gloved hand.

[Shizuo please don't talk like that to your child. It was not its fault. I'm angry with Izaya at what he did to you but please don't take your anger on your unborn child. Please.] Shizuo stared at Celty ashamed at his outburst. He really doesn't want to get rid of it, now that he was thinking clearly he regret what he said.

"I'm sorry." Shizui said in a quiet voice intended for his unborn child and for Celty. "I'm sorry." He hiccuped as tears leaks out his eyes

[It's fine. Cry it all out I'm just here.] Celty then hug Shizuo tighter, rubbing his back as Shizuo cry his heart out.

A few months passed since Izaya left they already graduated it was a good thing that he still doesn't show when his school year ended and now it's Shizuo's due date. His pregnancy didn't take long since it was different from a woman's pregnancy. But Shinra made sure that Shizuo and his baby to be always healthy. His pregnancy were kept  a secret nobody knows it except for Shizuo himself, his two friend and his family. It was Kazuka that learned first and a few convincing from him, Shizuo decided to tell his condition to his parent. At first they didn't believe him because it wasn't natural for him to get pregnant but after showing some proof they believe him. At first his parent got angry and upset for not telling them about his relationship but it vanished and turned to worry and anger as they learned what his ex-boyfriend did to him. They supported him and never treated differently and for that he was really thankful even though he only bring shame to his family he was still accepted. Now he was at Shinra's clinic waiting to deliver his child his whole family were outside waiting for him. He was scared at first. Shinra told him that it was dangerous that there's a low chance of him surviving if they did the usual procedure. But then Celty came up with an idea to use her shadow.

It was successful after a long agonizing and painful hours the baby delivered safety. Shizuo was clearly exhausted with the unnatural way they did. Celty were carrying his newborn baby and Shizuo were very eager to see his child despite of his exhaustion his family were now surrounding him excited to see the new addition of their family. When Celty give Shizuo his child Shizuo's eyes widen slightly. The child have a dark raven hair and his closed eyes opened slightly his irises were red (that will eventually turn to pink , like Izaya. He turn away to his grinning son as painful memories with Izaya flashes to his mind


"And that's what happened ten years ago." Shizuo finished his story to Psyche. "Then after you were born I refused to look at you. Heck, I wasn't even the one who gave you your name. It was your Uncle Kasuka that named you and it was my parent who practically took care of you when you're still a baby. For whole 10 years I didn't do anything I just let myself live in the past I didn't do anything to move on." He continued. His eyes were glossy with unshed tears that he tried to stop. He doesn't want to cry anymore he was tired of crying. "I'm sorry Psyche because you look exactly the same as your father I neglected you. I'm just afraid that if I love you, you will leave me just like what your father did to me. I know I'm an idiot for thinking such thing. But I'm just scared to be left alone by someone very precious to me. I m not worthy to be called a father or in this case a mother." Shizuo finished his voice were quivering at the last question. He looks down clearly ashamed and he refuses to look at his son's eyes. Afraid that if he ever look at his pink orbs he could only see hatred and anger. But then he felt a feather light touch on top of his shaking hands Shizuo looks up to see his son's teary eyed pink orbs full of understanding and forgiveness and Shizuo couldn't help but let out a slight sob and the the tears he tried to hold just fall freely.

"Idiot Papa. Psyche already told you right that Psyche forgive you and this is not your fault. I don't hate you. I love you." Psyche said through sniffs. He climbed on top of the table and crawl to his father to wrapped his arms around his father's neck and hugged him tightly, nuzzling his tears smudged face on Shizuo's neck. Shizuo wrapped is arms around Psyche's body, pulling him closer to him. As the two cried on each other's arm Celty watches the heartwarming scene in front she can't help but melt at the sight. She was happy that finally Shizuo let out what he truly feels. It was painful for Celty to see her friend hurting like this unable to help because it is not her place to meddle. But now finally Shizuo let everything spilled without care.

After the long silence, wrapped in each other's arm Shizuo called out softly to Psyche, his son now sitting on his lap.

"Psyche, if you want to know your other father I won't stop you. You're free to do so." Shizuo said with a soft voice. Both Celty and Psyche looks at Shizuo, shock evident on their face and in Celty's case, body language.

Psyche stared at his Papa not sure what to say. Is he really ready to face Izaya, his other father the one who hurt his father the most?

A/N: I know it's kinda rushed. I'm sorry!

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