Chapter 2

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Warning: Grammatical errors, kind of mpreg, bottom!Shizuo. The rating may go up later.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything just the plot.



Heiwajima Psyche the only son of the Fortissimo of Ikebukuro is a very mature kid for his age. He never takes a grudge against his Papa no matter how he treats him because Uncle Kasuka always telling him that he should forgive his father and don't be mad at his him because he didn't mean do it. Of course he wouldn't' because Psyche loves his Papa a lot and he knows in himself that his Papa loves him too. Psyche smiles as he remember what happened earlier when he hugged his father's leg he ruffles Psyche's hair, his smile grew wider as he touches the place where his father's warmth still lingers.

"You're in a good mood today, huh" A calm voice told him as he heard the scrapping of the chair beside him.

"Good Morning Tsu-chan." He greeted to the newcomer enthusiastically. Tsugaru smiles at Psyche's cheerfulness.

"So, what happen?" He asked curiously. Psyche beams at him, his eyes sparkles in happiness.

"You see Papa ruffles Psyche's hair and he smiled at me also." he explained while flailing his arm excitedly. Tsugaru nodded at him a small smile touches his lips.

"That's good then, I'm happy for you." Tsugaru said as he patted Psyche's head, Psyche smiles back at him a small blush on his face. Tsugaru is his only friend, unlike him who is very hyper and can't be still in one place Tsugaru is the complete opposite of him, he was calm and always quite but despite that he really likes him because he treats him gently and he does look likes his Papa except for his real blond hair and a clear blue eyes. The bell rings indicating that the class will be starting soon everyone hastily head to their seats before the teacher came Psyche straighten his back on his chair the smile on his face still not gone.


A few hours later the class already ended Psyche put all of his belonging inside his bag Tsugaru patiently waiting at his side.

"I'm done Tsu-chan, let's go home" He said enthusiastically as he slung the strap of his bag on his shoulder before holding Tsugaru's hand. The two walk quietly on the corridor when their almost outside Psyche's notices that it was raining too hard, he pouted.

"Ohh It's raining" he whines "I didn't bring my umbrella" Psyche said looking towards the dark side, he was excited to get home so that he can show the drawing he made on their art class to his Papa but it seems the rain was hindering his plan.

"Me too, I don't have an umbrella" Tsugaru said calmly then he pulls Psyche with him as he head on one of the bench inside their school.

"Let's wait for the rain to stop here" He said to Psyche smiling slightly as he notices Psyche's disappointment at the weather, he knew that Psyche is so eager to show his drawing to his father, he was talking non-stop about his father how that drawing will make him smile at him again and will ruffle his hair again or if he was lucky he might get a hug. He laughs at how Psyche squeals in excitement earlier he really hopes that his father will appreciate it. He really likes it when Psyche is happy, he squeezes Psyche's hand as he feel Psyche leans on him.

"Tsu-chan is so warm" Psyche murmurs as he looks up to the sky. "I hope that the rain will stop soon" he said still looking at the sky. Tsugaru wraps his arm around Psyche's shoulder pulling him closer to him.

"I hope so too." he answered but unfortunately the rain didn't stop as it continued to pour harder, Psyche shivers at the coldness.

"Are you alright Psyche?" Tsugaru asked worriedly.

"Ah yes, I'm just a little bit cold" Psyche said still shivering Tsugaru pulls him a little closer as he wraps both of his arms around Psyche's shivering body sharing his body heat. They stay like that until Tsugaru's mother came.

"Sorry I'm late Tsu-kun" His mother told him apologetically then her eyes shifted to Psyche's

"Hello Psyche-chan" The woman smiles at him, he smiles back at her.

"Hello ma'am" He answered politely, the woman laughs lightly at him her clear blue eyes just like Tsugaru's twinkle in amusement. She was like a spitting image of Tsugaru.

"Mou Psyche-chan I already told you that you can call me Auntie, right" She said pouting.

"B-but" Psyche stutters but the woman cut him off.

"No buts okay and don't be shy since you're Tsu-kun's friend." She explained then she turns to Tsugaru.

"Ready to go home?" She asked but Tsugaru looks worriedly at Psyche but Psyche notices Tsugaru's eyes at him.

"Don't worry about me Tsu-chan I'm fine you should go home now." Psyche said smiling at him but Tsugaru still looks at him worriedly.

"Are you really sure, you're shivering earlier." Tsugaru said. Psyche pouted at him.

"Of course I'm fine don't be a worry wart" he said jokingly, Tsugaru's mother also look worriedly at him.

"You can come with us you know Psyche-chan and it seems the rain won't stop any soon." She told him. Psyche only shook his head declining the offer.

"Thank you, but I'm going to wait for someone to fetch me." He said to the both of them. He knows that no one will come for him because his father is busy at work and maybe his father didn't notice that he left his umbrella. He just doesn't want to be a bother at them. The two looks at him then Tsugaru sigh at Psyche's stubbornness.

"Okay, Take care." Tsugaru said to him, her mother pats Psyche's head.

"Bye Psyche-chan." The woman said to him

"You too Tsu-chan take care and also Aunt Sayuri." Psyche wave his hand as the two walk away Tsugaru turns his head at Psyche his eyes full of worry but Psyche just grin largely as he waves his hand enthusiastically when the two of them were out of sight he dropped his grin as he look towards the sky sighing loudly.

"It seems the rain won't stop any time soon. I think I should go home now good thing our house is just near." he said to himself preparing to run at the pouring rain.

He was halfway through their house when he heard a familiar neighing sound when he turns his head at the sound he saw a black motorcycle and a woman clad in black with a yellow cat-eared helmet parking at his side. The woman unmounts her bike as she waved her hand creating a raincoat out of her shadow wrapping it to Psyche.

[P-P-Psyche what are you thinking running through this heavy rain?] The woman typed frantically showing her PDA at him. Psyche scratches his cheek sheepishly

"Well, Psyche forgot his umbrella." He said fidgeting.

[But that's not a good reason to go home at this weather, you should have wait for someone to fetch you.] She typed, Psyche look down at her.

"W-well Psyche doesn't know if someone will come to get him so Psyche decided to go home by himself, please forgive me A-aunt Celty." Psyche said his voice cracking Celty looks at him in guilt.

[Err don't worry it's actually my fault too I read your father's message a little bit too late] She showed Psyche her PDA then retrieves it again so that she can type a new one. [So hop on the bike so I could take you home.] Psyche smile widely at the note on Celty's PDA his father didn't forget about him.

"Really?" Psyche asked his eyes twinkles in happiness, Celty looks down at him if she had her head right now she's sure that she's smiling fondly at Psyche instead she typed at her PDA and shows it to Psyche before patting his head affectionately

[Yeah, so come on let's get you home and change your clothes you're soaking wet.] Psyche smiles widely at her, nodding his head before running to the black bike, Celty watch him fondly before mounting at her bike. Psyche was in front of her and she waves her hand making a helmet made of her shadow for Psyche and start making their way to Shizuo's house. When they've arrive Celty immediately ushered Psyche inside as she told to Psyche to remove his wet clothes before running a warm bath for Psyche she noticed earlier that Psyche was shivering and sniffling non-stop. When Psyche remove his clothes he then head to the bathroom where she saw Celty testing the water.

[It seems warm enough, come on get into the bath before you get sick.] Celty typed at her PDA, Psyche then nodded to Celty with a smile before his nose scrunches and start sneezing again with a little bit of coughing his eyes watered. Celty flails her arms worriedly as she ushered Psyche to the warm bath. After the warm bath Celty wrapped Psyche in fluffy pink towel then head to his bedroom too change clothes. Psyche wore a warm pink and white hoodie and white sweat pants, after changing his clothes the two head to kitchen.

[Wait here] Celty typed then walked to the refrigerator to get the milk and pour it to the glass before heating it up to the microwave when it deemed okay she gave it to Psyche who is sniffling on his seat.

[Here drink it up.] Psyche took the warm glass at Celty and smile.

"Thank you, Aunt Celty." He said before taking a sip at his milk.

It will soon to evening when Celty decided to go home with Psyche convincing her that he will be fine, Celty look at Psyche unsure if it's really okay to go home. Psyche smiled at her his most convincing smile, Celty look at her for a second before slumping her shoulder in defeat and type at him to remind him that she'd already re-heated his dinner and left it at the table and he should take care and then she took her way to her home.

Psyche was sitting on their sofa, he was wrapped with his blanket as it was still cold and still raining hard outside. He's still waiting for his Papa to come home he was so excited to show his drawing to him, his dinner completely forgotten. He looked down at the piece of paper and smiles brightly but his smile turn to frown as his nose scrunches before sneezing repeatedly, scratching the underside of his nose he wrapped the blanket tighter around him and look at the door to wait patiently for his Papa to come until he fell asleep.

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