Chapter 3

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Heya! Here's another chapter for you guys. Thank you for checking my fic. Enjoy reading.

Warning: Same warning as usual.

Disclamer: I don't own Durarara!! or any of its character. I only own the plot.



Chapter 3

Shizuo took a long drag of his cigarette as he tilts his head upward to release it out of his lungs, the sky was cloudy and dark he noticed matching his bad mood. The reason of his bad mood is the punk Tom currently speaking to, doesn't want to pay his debt, he watched as Tom talk to him calmly while the punk just scream and cuss at him. When the punk grabbed the collar of Tom's suit, Shizuo's vein popped, his cigarette snapped into two, he marched toward the two while growling when the punk noticed him his hold to Tom's loosened as he stare at Shizuo's form, towering him and started to shake.

"Hey you punk! Pay up or I'll gonna smash your head on the pavement?" he growls, the punk shook in fear as he fishes his wallet and pays his debt with a stuttered 'I'm sorry' and closed the door with a loud bang. Tom sighs as he counted the bills.

"Sorry 'bout that Tom-san" He apologized.

"Don't mind it" Tom said with a smile, Shizuo nodded his head as he lit up another cigarette. The two were walking to their next client when the rain started pouring hard, they immediately run for shelter.

"Crap." Tom said while looking up the sky "We may not finish early, we still didn't reach the quota for today." Shizuo grunted as response, he too was looking at the sky when he remembers something.

"Shit!" He cursed loudly as he fishes his phone from his pocket, Tom looks at him confuse but didn't asks anything. Shizuo hastily type a message on his phone and when he deemed that it was okay he hit the send button and put it back to his jeans pocket.

"What was that?" Tom asked him curiously, Shizuo scratches his cheek meekly before answering.

"Ah well, Psyche forgot his umbrella so I texted Celty if she can fetch Psyche for me since I still have a job to finish." Shizuo said while looking at the dark sky. Tom chuckled at his answer, Shizuo looks at him in question. Tom then smiles softly at Shizuo.

"I'm just glad that you're showing concern to Psyche." He said with a smile, Shizuo looks away from him not answering. Tom sighed at that.

"You know Shizuo, you should express your love to Psyche more." Tom said a little concern, Shizuo looks at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"I know Tom-san but I can't, every time I look at Psyche I always saw that bastard. What if it's not just the face he got? What if he's just like his father? What if he also left me? I don't think I will make it if he also leaves me." Shizuo said weakly. Tom sighed at his answer.

"Shizuo look, Izaya and Psyche are different. Psyche would never leave you that kid really loves you, you know." Tom said with a smile, the frown on Shizuo's face still not leaving his face he's not sure if that's the case. Izaya told him that he loves him but what did he do? He just toys with his feeling, mocks him and leave him after that.

"But-" before he could finish his sentence Tom beat him to it."No buts just do it okay or you may regret it later." Tom said seriously, Shizuo purse his lip into thin line. He looks at Tom before muttering a weak yes, Tom smiles softly at him. "Good" The two waited for the rain to stop but it seems the weather won't stop anytime soon so they waited a little bit and as soon as the rain start to weakens they run to their office to get an umbrella before continuing their job, good thing their office is just nearby. An hour later Shizuo receives a text message from Celty.

[I'm sorry, I read your message a little bit late. I saw Psyche running on the rain he was drench from head to toe. Don't worry as soon as I get him home I'll warm him up.]

Shizuo reads the message again, a little worried for Psyche. A stab of guilt crawls on his chest. He really should take care of Psyche. He felt awful.

[It's fine. Please take care of him. Thanks Celty] He replied immediately before putting the phone back to his pocket.

It was late when the two finish their quota for that day. As soon as Tom told him he could go home now, he said his thanks and immediately run off to his home. A little worried on Psyche, earlier Shizuo recieved a message from Celty again telling him that Psyche was continuously sneezing and coughing. He wanted to check Psyche if he's okay but he can't just run and go home because he is still working and he can't just leave Tom with those scumbag. When he got home what he saw makes his heart swell in worry and guilt. There Pyche lying on the couch wrapped with thick blankets, his face is red and panting really hard. Shizuo walk toward Psyche and touch his forehead, he immediately retrieve his hand. "Shit." he cursed before going to his bedroom to change his wet clothes into something warm then run downstairs to carry Psyche to his room, he placed him on his bed and run to the bathroom to get a wet towel and a thermometer. When he get those he immediately go back to where Psyche is, he place the wet towel on his forehead and put the digital thermometer on his armpit. When the digital thermometer beeps, he then checks it. 39°c it reads, he place the thermometer on top of his drawer beside the bed and start wiping Psyche's body with another wet towel to cool him off, Psyche's eyelids flutter.

"P-papa?" Psyche rasped. Shizuo looks down at him worriedly.

"Hhmmn.. What is it dear?" Shizuo asked with a soft voice. Psyche smile at him his eyes were glazed.

"Okaeri Papa." He said with a coughed. Shizuo frowns worriedly as Psyche started coughing violently, he pulled Psyche into a sitting position to rub his back gently.

"Ssshh.. Tadaima, now stop speaking and rest okay." Shizuo said gently still rubbing his child's back. When Psyche calms down, he gently lay him on the bed and reposition the wet towel on his forehead. He stands up to get some water but before he could reach the door Psyche grabs the hem of his shirt.

"P-papa don't leave Psyche." he said weakly. Shizuo looks at Psyche for a second before bending down to caress Psyche's warm cheek.

"I'll be back okay, I'm just going to get you a glass of water." Shizuo said while caressing Psyche's cheek. Psyche's hold to his father's shirt tightens.

"Really? Y-you'll be back?" He asked a little hopeful. Shizuo smiles softly.

"Yes, so be a good boy and rest okay." Shizuo said before kissing his child's cheek and lifting the blanket up to his chin. Psyche's hold loosened then smiled weakly at his Papa.

"Okay" with one last smile he turn around and head to the kitchen downstair to get a glass of water and a medicine in their first aid kit. Opening the fridge to get a water for himself then he closed the fridge and turns around, he notice the food he made earlier are in there wrapped in a flimsy plastic wrap and left untouched, Shizuo frown. "Psyche didn't eat his dinner." he muttered to himself. He then decided to make a simple rice poridge for Psyche since he couldn't stomach heavy foods because of his sickness. He gathers the ingredients for the porridge and started cooking it.

While waiting for the rice to cool off he heads to the living room to clean the mess, he noticed something on the table. A piece of paper, his heart flutters and at the same time his chest burned with guilt when he saw what was written on it, he picked the paper up and look at it. The paper were lined with different colors and shape but what hit him the most is the two stick figure hands lock in a somewhat holding hand gesture and the figures resembles him and Psyche, a word written in a pink crayon inside the speech bubbles beside the tiny stick figure 'Psyche loves Papa'. He bit his lower lips to suppress the sob that threatening to escape from his lips. Tom-san was right Psyche really loves him, even though he always neglects him. Why did he think that Psyche is just like Izaya. He's such an idiot. Of course the only things that Psyche got to his other parent is his face nothing more, nothing less. His sobs grew louder as he clutches the paper on his chest.

After his emotional outburst, he prepares Psyche's dinner and head upstairs. When he enters the room he saw Psyche waiting for him, his back resting on the pile of pillows. When he saw his Papa enters the room his eyes lit up and smiled.

"Papa" he croaked. Shizuo frowns in worry, he walks towards his son and place the tray of porridge and water aside and take a seat beside his son.

"What are you doing? I told you to rest right?" Shizuo said in worry as he arrange Psyche' in a more comfortable position. Psyche looks down on his lap.

"I'm sorry Papa. But Psyche got worried that it is just a dream and not real." Psyche said in a low voice. Shizuo's eyes started to water again as he look at his neglected son. Without a second thought he wrapped his arms around Psyche and kisses his forehead.

"No it's not your fault, it's Papa's fault for not taking good care of you, for not showing how much Papa loves you. So I'm sorry Psyche, Please forgive Papa for everything." Shizuo said while sobbing loudly, his arms wraps tightly on his son but not tight enough to crush or suffocate him. Psyche tiny fingers were clutching Shizuo's shirt as he burrows his head on his Papa's chest. Shizuo could feel his shirt getting wet but he didn't mind it.

"Psyche's forgive you. I love you too, Papa" Psyche said, his voice were muffled. Shizuo then pulls his son away from his chest then caress Psyche's cheeks with his thumb, wiping his tears before kissing his son's forehead again.

"Thank you." Shizuo said with a smile, wiping his tear streak face, then ruffles his hair. "Come on Pysche, I made you porridge. Eat it so that you can drink your medicine." Psyche nodded. Shizuo then reaches the bowl of porridge, scooping a spoonful, blowing to make sure that it's cool enough for Psyche.

"Here." Shizuo offers the spoon, Psyche open his mouth to take the spoon full of porridge.

When Psyche finishes his food, Shizuo gave him his medicine and water, Psyche gladly take it and when his Papa tucks him to bed, he grabbed the hem of his shirt, Shizuo turn to look at his son.

"Papa can you sleep beside Pysche?" Psyche asked quietly, Shizuo smiled softly at his son and ruffles his hair.

"Sure." he said, bending down to kiss his son's forehead. He then head downstairs to put the dishes on the sink deciding to wash it tomorrow morning and placing the pitcher back in the fridge. When he close the door of the fridge Psyche's drawing greet him, he stares at it for a minute and smiles softly at the additional details he put earlier. 'Papa loves Psyche' was written in brown crayon inside the speech bubble beside the bigger stick figure. He turns around to head upstairs where his son waiting for him, when he open the door he saw Psyche was already sleeping. There is a large space beside him, smiling as he lay down beside him and wraps his arms around his son not minding the heat Psyche's body was radiating, hoping for his son to feel better tomorrow.

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