Chapter 4

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­­­­­­­­­­­A/N: Helloooooo!!!! I'm still alive. hahaha just wanted to thank all the people who check and voted my fic I really appreciated it. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! I actually gonna post it on Shizuo's birthday but naahhhh!! i tend to forgot some things so I'll just post it today. I know I been gone for a long time but don't worry I'm going to finish this fanfic of mine no matter how lazy I can be. again thank you s much and without further ado on with the story!!!

Warning: Same warning as usual.

Disclaimer: I don't own Durarara and any of its character.


Psyche woke up with a warm heat radiating beside him, an arm wrap around his lithe torso. He blinked his sleepy eyes as he look at the person beside him. A smile appears on his lips as he saw who is sleeping beside him.

'Papa' he thought happily as he snuggled closer to his father. He remembers what happen last night. He was waiting for his father to come home even though he's not feeling well, he wait patiently for him until he fall asleep because of tiredness. He also remembers how his papa takes care of him and he even hugs him and sleep beside him. He snuggle closer to his father, his smile never leaves his face.

His father stirs in his sleep, signaling that he is waking up. When Shizuo open his eyes the first thing he saw is Psyche beaming brightly at him.

"Good morning, Papa" Psyche greeted his papa with a bright smile. His father blinked at him before smiling gently.

"Good morning, baby. How's your sleep." His father asked then place his hand on Psyche's forehead. "Are you feeling better now?" He asked worriedly. Psyche nods at his father with a happy beam but his father frowns slightly at him

"I think you're still not okay, you still have a slight fever." His father said worriedly. Psyche pouted at him.

"But papa I'm feeling well no-" Before Psyche could finish his sentence it was cut off by a cough. Shizuo rub his back worriedly.

"See." Shizuo said worriedly still rubbing his son's back. Psyche hugs him tightly.

"Papa, don't be mad at Psyche." Psyche said in a tiny voice, his fingers clutching tightly at his father's shirt.

"Why would I be mad at you? Shizuo asked as he hugs his son back.

"B-because Psyche's still not feeling well." Psyche said with a sniff. "I don't want *hic* you to *hic* leave Psyche again." Psyche sniffs as tears swells on his eyes. Shizuo hug his son closer to him as he comforts his son.

"Sshh, baby I'm not mad I'm just worried and I'll never leave you so stop crying now." Shizuo said in a gentle voice as he threads his fingers to Psyche's soft hair.

"R-really?" Psyche peaks at his father and Shizuo nods at him with a gentle smile.

"Really." Shizuo assured his son then kisses his forehead before standing up and grab a pair of clothes for Psyche. "Come on, change your clothes because it soaked of sweat and after that let's have breakfast." His father said. Psyche nodded enthusiastically as he removes his shirt and reaches the sweatshirt his father picks for him.

"I'm done papa." Psyche said and Shizuo nodded at him.

"Let's have breakfast downstairs." Shizuo said to his son but Psyche only stares at him, chewing his lower lip.

"P-papa, can you carry Psyche?" Psyche said with a small voice as he raises his arms, his eyes shifting lower. Shizuo smiles at how his son looks adorable. There's a warm feeling spreading on his chest and he like it. Why did he not do this a long time ago? Why did he was so caught up in the past to the point of neglecting his son. If he just forget what happen to him and with Psyche's other father and just give all the love Psyche's deserves then he could experience this feeling a long time ago.

"Okay" Shizuo said as he lifted Psyche on his arms and gives his son a smooch on his cheek. Psyche wraps his arm around his neck and also gives his father a smooch on the cheek.

"I love you Papa." Psyche said happily, a healthy blush on his plump cheek. Shizuo smiled at his son, his eyes soften and look lovingly at his son.

"I love you too, Psyche." Shizuo patted Psyche's head then walks to the kitchen downstairs while Psyche's happily snuggling on his neck.

"I'll prepare hot porridge for you since you're still having a slight fever. Is that okay with you?" Shizuo asked as he place Psyche at one of the chair in the kitchen.

"Hmn, okay." Psyche nodded. Shizuo then ruffles his son's hair before preparing for their breakfast.

Psyche watch his father prepares for their breakfast, his smile not leaving his face. He can't believe it, his papa told him that he loves him too. This is the happiest day for him except for having a fever because he hates making his father worried. Psyche's eyes wanders, stopping at the paper that pinned on the fridge. His eyes widen as he realized that it was his drawing.

"Papa!" Psyche shouted at his father. Shizuo look at his son, wondering why he called him suddenly. "Papa, you saw my drawing already? Did you like it?" Psyche asked his pink eyes gleams in excitement. Shizuo puts the final ingredients on the porridge he's making before covering the pot and waits for it to cook before unpinning the drawing and head to the table.

"Yes baby and I really like it." Shizuo says to his son then points at the addition he puts last night. "I added some too hope you don't mind." Psyche shakes his head.

"Nope, I don't mind. I like it too." Psyche said tracing the words 'Papa loves Psyche' with his finger. "Ne papa, c-can we frame it?" Psyche asked shyly.

"Sure." Shizuo agreed. "I think I have some unused frame here, I look for it later." Psyche beamed at his father.

"Really? Yehey! Then it will be like our first photo together." Psyche said happily. Shizuo look at his son in shocked a tug of guilt and sadness pull on his heart. There is no single photo of them together and all the photo of Psyche that Shizuo have. Psyche has a picture together with his Uncle Kasuka, Uncle Shinra and Auntie Celty but doesn't have any single picture of his father ever since he was born. The thought make his stomach churns in guilt. How can he be so selfish only thinking of himself?

"P-papa? Are you okay?" Psyche's worried tone cut his train of thought, he look at his son with affection and hug him tightly.

"Psyche I'm sorry for everything. Papa really regrets for treating you like that, for neglecting you and pushing you away. I'm really sorry." Shizuo apologized at his son, tears streaming down his face. He already apologized at his son last night but for him it still not enough. He wants to make it up to Psyche. He wants to do all the things that Psyche didn't experience when he was still learning to walk and speak. He wants to bond with his son properly and to make him feel that he was loved by his father. He felt his son's tiny hand rubs at his back comfortably.

"Papa, don't be sorry. I know that you didn't mean to neglect Psyche and even thought you push Psyche away, I know you love Psyche because Uncle Kasuka always telling me that Papa loves me so I'm not mad at you. I love you papa." Psyche said to his Papa, crying.

"Thank you Psyche, I love you too." Shizuo said, kissing his son's forehead. He was grateful to have a son like Psyche. No matter what he did in the past he still forgives him and continue loving him. He really was an idiot for thinking that Psyche is just like his other father. "Let's take some real family picture of us later, okay." Shizuo said ruffling his son's hair and Psyche beams at the idea of them taking a picture together.

"P-papa the porridge is overflowing!" Psyche said in panic. Shizuo turn to the stove and immediately uncovers the pot, cursing under his breath. He stirs the porridge and turns the stove off before serving the porridge.

After eating their breakfast Shizuo cleans the kitchen and washes the dishes while Psyche's taking a rest on their sofa, it was a good thing that today is weekend and Psyche will not be mark as absent in school since he still have a slight fever while Shizuo already called Tom earlier to tell him that he will be absent today which his boss assured him that it was fine. When he finishes all the dishes he went to the sofa and take a seat besides his son. Not a minute pass the doorbell rings. Shizuo stand up to look who it was since he doesn't expect some visitors today.

"Hey, Shizuo-kun." Shinra greeted enthusiastically for Shizuo's liking when he opens the door.

"What are you doing here?" Shizuo asked confuse.

"My beloved told me that Psyche was coughing violently last night so me being a good godfather to him went here to check him up, right my beloved Cel-. A jab on Shinra's side cut off his speech.

[Shizuo is Psyche alright?] Celty typed on her PDA and shows it to Shizuo before retreating it to type another sentence.

[Does he got sick? I'm really sorry Shizuo if I could just read your message earlier this wouldn't happen.] Celty typed worriedly. Shizuo smiled at his best friend.

"It's fine Celty this is not your fault." Shizuo assured his best friend. "And Psyche is okay now just a slight fever."

"Papa who's there?" Psyche asked as he too went to the front door. When he saw who are their unexpected visitors Psyche happily run and hug his uncle.

"Uncle Shinra!! I miss you" Psyche said as Shinra lifted him to his arms.

"I miss you too Psyche-chan. How's my favorite godchild?" Shinra asked in a happy voice.

"I'm fine" Psyche answered

"Okay okay as much as I don't want to ruin your mini reunion but we need to get inside because Psyche still have a light fever." Shizuo said as he ushered them inside his house. The two looks at him in surprise and Shizuo can't help but feel irritated at his friends' stares.

"What?" He asked in irritation.

"Nah, it just surprised me that you're showing Psyche some care." Shinra said nonchalantly. Shizuo flinched at that, Celty noticed his reaction and jab Shinra's side and show him something on her PDA. Shizuo only sighed at that after all he kind of understand why they are surprise at his sudden change of affection on Psyche.

[I'm glad that you're starting to show your care at Psyche] Celty typed then shows it to Shizuo.

"Right. I should have done it long ago." Shizuo said in a low voice before sighing. "It took me many years to realize that Psyche and that asshole are different." Shizuo continued. Celty started to typed at her PDA and shows it to Shizuo.

[It's not your fault to think that way after how Izaya left you of course you don't want to feel that way again.]

"I know but I still feel guilty on what I did to Psyche all this years."

[That's why you should start showing Psyche how much you love him. It is still not too late, Psyche really loves you so don't be afraid to show how much you care for Psyche.] Shizuo smiled gently at Celty before looking at Psyche and Shinra who are talking to each other in which he assumes some random topics. He was glad that he has friends that will support him no matter what happen.

"Thanks Celty." Celty patted him on the back before showing him her PDA.

[You're always welcome.] He can guess that Celty is also smiling softly at him if she have a head.

"I'll just make some drinks for us." Shizuo said and Celty nodded at him. As he prepare the drinks Shinra enter the kitchen with a serious face.

"Shizuo there is something I need to tell you that's why I'm here." Shinra said in a serious face. Shizuo looks at him confused as why Shinra looks so serious.

"What is it?" He asked.

"He's back." Shinra said without hesitation. Shizuo went rigid at what he heard.

"W-who's back?" He asked in a low tone. He already have an idea on who is back but still don't want to admit that he was right.

"Izaya. Izaya is back." At that Shizuo's mind went blank and the only thing that could be heard inside the kitchen is the sound of the glass crashing to the floor and breaking into pieces.

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