Chapter 8

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A/N: Hiiiiiiiii!!!! I'm back!!!! Thank you everyone for reading this.

Because I love you all my dear reader I decided to write this instead of sleeping last night but uggghhh my internet won't let me post it so I'm uploading it today!!!!

Same warning as usual. I do not own Durarara.

Izaya was pissed. Very pissed. He was on his computer ever since he got home and he didn't even find some worthy information. No marriage certificate that has been registered, Shizuo's civil status still single. (what the heck) and a birth certificate of that Psyche. (Just thinking about that name makes him sneered in disgust.) The only parent that registered in his birth certificate is Shizuo as a father and no mother. 'So it's a one night stand huh. Meaning that bitch just dump all the responsibility to Shizu-chan.' Izaya thought disgustingly. Cursing whoever that woman is. And then there's Shinra.  That damn quack doctor remained tight lipped and didn't gave him any information he needed but instead a lecture. Izaya rubbed his forehead and look at the time it's already midnight and it's not good for his recovering body to stay this late so he shut down his computer and prepares for bed. If he can't get any information at Shinra then he had no choice but to confront that Shizu-chan's bastard (he doesn't care anymore if he's only a kid). How he will do that, he still doesn't know.


The sun was already setting when Izaya decided to get out of his apartment, he's quest on looking up any information about that bastard child of Shizu-chan's remains unfruitful. Now he can be seen skipping at a familiar ground of his old high school noticing not too far an unfamiliar looking building. Izaya then realized that it is a elementary school because of the children walking out the building. 'Oh, there's a lot that have change ever since I'm gone' he thought then made a beeline to the front gate to inspect it until he noticed a familiar mope of blond. His blood boils at the sight. There walking alone is the bastard child of Shizu-chan, his lips contoured into a sadistic smirk. "What a lucky day" he said to himself as he walk toward the blond kid.

"Hey." He said a little bit cheerful to the blond kid. The kid look at him with wide eyes but his expression remains monotonous. Izaya gritted his teeth. He really do looks like his Shizu-chan.

"Yes?" The kid asked politely. Izaya smiles at the kid.

"Can you show me where's the town mall? I'm kind of new here and don't know where to go." He lied. The kid looks skeptical bit still remains emotionless.

"My mother told me not to talk with strangers." Smart. Izaya acts as if disappointed.

"Really? But I'm not a bad person. I promise." He said pouting he noticed that the kid mention his mother but he didn't pay attention to that  but to the kid who is looking at him and bow his head.

"I'm sorry." He said before turning around to walk away. Izaya's patient snapped and he reached to grip at the kids arm.

"Wait. Just a moment." He said while gripping a little bit harder at the kid's arm. The blond kid then started to try pulling out of Izaya's grasp so Izaya tightened his grip to the kid which make him flinch in pain. That action didn't go unnoticed to Izaya and that makes him smile sadistically inside. As the kid try harder on pulling out his grasp Izaya decided to let go making it as if it was an accidental slip which makes the kid to fall out, grazing his elbow.

"TSUUUU-CHAAAANN!!" A high pitch shout could be heard from a far when Izaya looks from the blond kid to the owner of the voice he went rigid.

'What the hell?' Was his first thought. A black haired kid with pink eyes that looking at him with anger but what shocked him the most is that the black haired kid looks exactly like him. Then he looks at the blond kid on the ground. 'Tsu-chan?' He thought frowning.

"HOW DARE YOU HURT TSU-CHAN?!" The black haired kid ask angrily as he saw him lift a trash bin that triple his weight. His eyes widen at the sight and he's not the only one who is surprised at the the kid's strength even the blond kid is looking at him with surprised look on his eyes. A loud snapped could be heard before the trash bin slip out of his grasp landing on the ground with a loud thump. The dark haired kid cradled his right arm, probably because it was the one that get all the pressure from lifting a heavy object, crying from the pain and Izaya is sure that the kid just broke his arm.

"Psyche!" The blond kid shouted in worry and Izaya then look at the blond and to the black haired kid, a confuse expression on his face. Didn't the blond kid is Psyche so why is he calling that black haired kid that name. "Are you alright Psyche?" He said as he sit down in front of the crying kid, checking his arm.

"Tsu-chan it hurts!" The black haired kid or should he call him Psyche from now on said still crying. Tsu-chan now frowns in worry, not knowing what to do he decided to hug Psyche careful at his injured arm.

Something stirs from Izaya as he saw the black haired kid cried in pain. He doesn't understand why of pained him to watch the black haired kid cry in pain. There's a side of him that want to hug him and kissed the pain away while coaxing him to calm down. But he didn't know why, his feet slowly walking toward the black haired kid

"What happened here?" A familiar voiced asked from behind him, making him stopped on his tracks. Izaya's heart beat painfully inside his chest. 'Shizu-chan' he thought and when he turn around he saw the blond hair and deep chocolate brown eyes that he dearly miss.

Brown meet Red. Both shocked can be seen at the two as the stared at each other until the brown shocked eyes turn into anger as he saw the crying kid.

"What did you do?" Shizuo asked coldly but Izaya can't find a any word to answer. He just stared at Shizuo.

"Papa!! It hurts!!!" Psyche's wailed and Shizuo's attention went all to Psyche as he passed at Izaya, not giving him a glance.

'Papa? The kid that looks exactly like him just called Shizu-chan his papa?' Izaya though confused. The clog on his mind started working.

"What happen, dear?" Shizuo cooed gently as the blond kid stepped back and let Shizuo to tend on his child.

"I think Psyche broke his arm when he lifted that big trash bin." The blond kid explained.

"Why he did that, Tsugaru-kun?" He asked gently.

"Because that bad guy hurt Tsu-chan." Psyche pointed at him using his good arm. Then Shizu-chan's attention turn to him, his eyes held so much rage.

"You!" He started angrily. "Are you not going to do anything right!! Everything you did just hurt people and now you hurt my son."

"W-wait Shizu-chan. Let me explain." Izaya said as he walk neared to the three.

"Stop don't come any nearer from here and stop calling me Shizu-chan that's not my name." Shizuo said angrily. Izaya stopped from his tracks a hurtful expression on his face. Shizuo then lifted his son from the ground careful at the broken arm and walked passed to Izaya the blond kid following behind him. Izaya decided to follow them, not paying any mind every time Shizuo sneered at him and told him not to follow them because there's this deep feeling. A suspicion why he's so concerned about the kid. A suspicion he so wished to to be correct.

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