Chapter 15- Ryan

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Trigger warnings- Swearing, gun mention, tobacco mention and steroid mention. 

"What the hell," I say "where's your evidence?" The officer looks at me as if I've just told him I was on the moon.

"Well upon a search of all four of your lockers we found this," the officer says. He holds up a video tape. Written on the side is CAMERA 7 4:30-6:30PM MONDAY 20TH SEPTEMBER.

"This was found in your locker. Do you have any idea how it got there?" The officer asks.

"No clue," I reply "but I didn't put it there. Some arsehole is trying to frame me."

The officer frowns "Mr Jamison please do not swear. I'm afraid you need to come with me to the station and... OH MY GOD IS THAT A GUN?" I roll my sleeve down and hand it to him. "It's not ours. It was here when we arrived. We don't know whose it is." I say.

I don't know why I lie to cover for Jessica but for some reason it felt the right thing to do in the moment.

"A likely story," the officer says "it's fake but still. Which one of you is the owner of this?" I look around at the others. Jessica looks terrified, Laura looks like she couldn't give less of a shit and James, he looks almost depressed or disappointed. He doesn't believe that I did it does he?

"It's mine" I say, turning back to the officer.

"Come with me" the officer replies and I follow him out the door.

After a ride in a police car, which is far less exciting than it sounds, we arrive at the station. I'm led into a room for an interview. When the door to the interview room opens Officer Clifton has another officer with him.

"Mr Jamison this interview can be conducted with a lawyer present if you wish" he says.

"No," I reply bluntly "I don't need a lawyer." It's not like my dad or I can afford one anyway. 

"Do you want to call your mother or father to sit in this interview with you" Clifton asks.

"No" I say again. My dad's probably drunk and my mother's dead so neither of them are any use to me right now.

"Very well Mr Jamison," Clifton continues "this interview will be recorded is that ok." I don't think I have much choice.

"Yeah it's fine," I reply "but call me Ryan instead of my last name." Clifton nods and the other officer presses a button.

Clifton begins speaking:

DCI Clifton: Interview 4 regarding the murder of Edward Grey. Suspect's name is Ryan Jamison. Present are DCI Clifton and DS Brooks. Time and date at the start of interview 28th of September and time is 9:17am. Ryan did you place the video tape from the security camera into your locker?

Ryan: No. I have no clue how it got there.

DCI Clifton: Does your locker have a padlock with a key or a combination?

Ryan: A combination.

DCI Clifton: And does anyone know the combination except for you?

Ryan: No just me. I'm not that stupid.

DCI Clifton: You were inside the school building when Mr Grey was murdered. The time of death has now been limited to sometime between 4:30 and 5 pm so where were you at this time?

Ryan: I went to the bathroom and then I was in detention. After detention ended Mrs Greenwood had to take me to Mr Rogers office.

DCI Clifton: And why did you have to go to Mr Rogers office?

Ryan: No comment.

DCI Clifton: Did you just go to the bathroom when you left the room or did you go somewhere else?

Ryan: I just went to the bathroom.

DCI Clifton: But that's a lie isn't it. You were seen on the CCTV cameras going down the stairs which you wouldn't have needed to do if you were only going to the bathroom. So where were you really going?

Ryan: No comment.

DCI Clifton: Very well I have no further questions. Interview suspended at 9:26.

I could have told them where I was actually going but that would end up getting me arrested so that wasn't possible. I can never say what I was actually doing. Or where I went after I went downstairs. If anyone found that out there'd be hell to pay.

DS Brooks comes back into the room. "I've got to take you to the holding cell" he explains.

"What?" I say "I'm being kept in. You have no evidence."

DS Brooks shrugs "you didn't give sufficient answers so the DCI is going back to the school to look for more evidence. Hopefully he'll be back soon. You won't be there that long. Your bag's going to have to stay in here though."

I take off my backpack and he begins walking towards it. For a moment I'm scared he's going to look through it.

"Anyone the DCI can hand your stuff to for safe keeping back at school?" He asks.

"Yeah," I reply "James Jackson."

"Sure whatever, now come with me" DS Brooks says and I follow.

The holding cell is nothing like you'd imagine. It's literally a white room with a wooden bench. It even has a cat flap in the door. The only thing that's there for entertainment isn't really a feature of the room itself but it's more down to where the room is. You can hear the officers speaking outside.

I must have fallen asleep. It's a long while later when a conversation from the officers outside brings me back to the real world. I can hear two people talking to them.

"Ryan is innocent," one voice says.

"I have the evidence on my phone to prove it." I'm shocked when I recognise that it's James' voice.  

"Yeah Ryan is not the culprit" another voice says, this time it's Laura's voice. Suddenly I hear the muffled sound of a video recording being played. I can't make out anything though.

A few minutes later the door to the cell opens and DCI Clifton is stood there. "Ryan you're free to go," he says "I'll give you and your friends a lift back to school."

I come out of the room and James hugs me. I can't believe he and Laura have found something to prove my innocence. My only question is did they find out my secret to do it?

"How did you find out I was innocent?" I ask James and Laura when we get back to school.

"Well we were both nervous that you were actually the killer at first" James says.

"But then Liam came over to us at lunch and said you were innocent and he could prove it" Laura explains. Oh god. They know.

"I said I was going to record it so we could show the officers the evidence and Liam agreed," James explains "he said that he had sent you a text asking for a bag of tobacco and he asked you to meet him in the toilets outside the detention room. But then he got asked to go to a training session at 5 and he needed some extra energy. He messaged you and asked for a pack of steroids which is why you went back downstairs didn't you?" I nod in response.

I'm slightly confused as to why the officers didn't arrest me anyway for possession of drugs but I'm extremely grateful.

"So who could have murdered Grey then?" I ask.

"We've found the answer to that too," James explains "or at least we think we have."   

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