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It was the middle of the day and Scarlett was in her element. To be surrounded by forms of life and to be surrounded by nature was something that Scarlett had always enjoyed. 

Even when she was human, she was always found outside playing around and running into the forests that men were afraid to go into. 

Scarlett had no care in the world when she was outside surrounded by trees that bring her a sense of calmness.

Scarlett was rushing around, jumping tree from tree looking for her next prey. What she didn't notice was that the wolves were on patrol at the moment, and they were all looking for Victoria.

 When they had seen a person who looked like a vampire, one which they did not know about, they rushed to chase after her. Scarlett was so lost within her thoughts that she did not realize that the wolves were following her.

Up until now, Scarlett had mainly gone out at night for when she had needed to hunt. She had not met the pack yet since the rest of the Cullens did not want her to meet them. 

Especially Edward. 

He and Emmett were both fiercely protective over Scarlett, and they would not allow any of the wolves to know about her. Edward hated the fact that Jacob had an interest in his girlfriend, and he did not want a wolf to take interest in Scarlett. 

They said it was for her protection, but Scarlett is a vampire, therefore she didn't know why they were so overprotective when they had somewhat of a truce with the wolves. The wolves were chasing up

Eventually, Scarlett had heard the growls and the thud of paws against the ground as she was jumping from tree to tree. When she had looked back, she had seen two wolves were following her. 

She had assumed that they had known about her just a little, even if they had not met her yet. Therefore, she had shrugged to herself and continued to jump from tree to tree. 

Scarlett was naive in the case of the wolves and she did not have enough information about them.

Scarlett had then paused and jumped after a bunny, making it into her snack. 

The wolves were watching her feast on the rabbit and had then begun to growl. Scarlett was right at the edge of the border, and this was without her realizing it. 

Scarlett had then turned around to where the two wolves were watching her. She had made eye contact with both of them, and with one of the wolves, she had maintained their eye contact for a very long time.

For Paul, it was not like love at first sight, really. It's more like the gravity that held him this earth had shifted. When he saw her, suddenly it's not the earth holding him here anymore. The person that now held Paul to the earth was this vampire. 

At this moment, nothing mattered more to Paul than this woman. He would do anything for her, be anything for her. He vowed to become whatever she needs him to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend, or a brother.

There were images flashing through his mind, where they say 'i love you', where she has a baby in her arms, and where they get married. 

Her golden eyes were perfect, and his tail had begun to wag happily when he saw her.

Though, the woman had said,

"Hello, who are you?" Scarlett had spoken with a, what Paul considered to be a cute, head tilt when addressing the wolves.

Paul wanted to say something, anything, but instead, he had run off back into the woods. He had thus left a confused Embry behind. 

"That's my mate?" Scarlett asked herself as she had begun to play with the grass that was surrounding her. 

"I need to get home now," Scarlett said to herself.

She had then gotten up and left. The pair was rushing to tell the pack and the Cullen clan about the newfound bond that has been formed between a pair that had never expected this to occur. 

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