Succumbed 💉💊

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(TW: Extreme case of self harm, solitary confinement, mental breakdown and  hallucinations and suicide)

A hard crack followed by a pained grunt came from Eclipse as they were thrown into a prison cell, however this cell has only metal walls with a door that a single sliding window that was narrow.

Eclipse let out deep breaths as he glared through his cracked glasses at the night time animatronic; who had thrown him with full force. The left half of Eclipse's face place was now cracked; like lightening that struck him.

"Enjoy your own personal hell." Moon snarled, growling when Eclipse let out a small laugh.

"Do your worst. You think putting me in a so-called prison is going to hurt me?" Eclipse taunted.

Moon smirked. "Oh... I don't think so... I know so." Moon said and with that; slammed the door with a soft click follow by after, leaving Eclipse in total darkness.

Eclipse let out a small gasp, coming up to a sitting position and sighing. Eyes glowing dimly in the dark as they stared at nothing. Whatever. They could handle this. He faced worst. What could be so bad about this?


The first week of isolation wasn't too bad, Eclipse mainly stayed asleep during the time of being in his little cell, only getting up to pace back and forth to stretch out his joints. They paced and stretched, thinking about the ways to escape; but it was never going to come.

Escaping would make things worse. Would it not? Possibly. Maybe he could try.

The second week of isolation, Eclipse started to feel a little antsy, pacing back and forth to get some sort of exercise and to take their mind off of things. Escaping didn't work. Eclipse failed; the door only opened from the outside and the window was too small. Eclipse tried to convince themselves that everything will be alright and that the others can't let him be in the prison forever. Right?

Surely, the others would think that he learned his lesson sooner or later. Hopefully, or otherwise, it would be another week or so to be let out.

The third week rolled around and Eclipse's anxiety was starting to rise. He swore that he could hear voices, but convinced himself that it was just his imagination and that it was nothing. They tried to ignore the whispers but they kept getting stronger and louder with each pacing day. Ignoring the voices would be easy... It was true? Right?

Voices were all over. They bounced off the walls and in his mind. Everything was fine. He could handle it.

Fourth week was when Eclipse muttered to himself; attempting to calm themselves down from the voices. They walked around their prison; from corner to corner, wall to wall, door to wall and standing in the middle, shifting on their feet. It was fine. They were fine. Everything was going to be alright. Nothing to worry about.

When did all these scars come from?

Fifth week went by. The voices got louder and they started to take form into shadows; long and lanky, big and tall and loomed over them. It felt like pins and needles all across their body. It felt like hands grabbing onto their arms and legs, torso and rays. Eclipse gripped onto his arms, claws digging deep into his casing and breaking off, oil seeping out and hitting the floor. Eclipse fought with the hallucinations; telling them that they weren't real and that it was just mind games being played on him. It was just his mind playing games on him.

It was just his mind slowly cracking.

Sixth week. The hallucinations became more violent. He could feel hands all over his body; grabbing at places where he didn't want them to grab at. His endoskeleton felt like ice and thorns as he kept trying to get away, but the self inflicted injuries became bigger and messier. Half of their rays torn off, the casing on his arms and legs were gone and the one around his midsection was nothing but bits and pieces. Tears fells from Eclipse's eyes as they quietly sobbed.

He was getting better. Right? Crying is just a weakness. So, why was he crying? Was he weak?

Seventh week. Eclipse had slammed their head against the hard concrete floor and walls. Faceplate cracking more and bits flying all over the place. Eclipse choked on their own blood, letting some drip out of their mouth. He curled up in the fetal position as the voices taunted him and screamed at him. More tears falling and hitting the ground. The tears stinging their eyes.

They were a good animatronic. They were getting better. Was this proof enough?

Eighth week went by and the entire left side of Eclipse's faceplate was completely shattered of its casing. Claw marks littered his body and the rest of his rays were missing. Eclipse's breathing was staggered as he stared at the wall were he leaned up against; knees pulled up to his chest and arms tucked in. The hands refused to stop touching him.

He wanted to lay down. He did. But it didn't stop. Nothing stopped.

Ninth week. Eclipse felt so tired. Exhausted even. Auditory and visual hallucinations them, reminding them of what a mistake and a failure they were.

Maybe this has been their fate all along. To be isolated from the world. Why did no one do that in first place?


Stubborness. Of course. Just what the world needed.

Tenth week. Eclipse body sat in the corner of the room. Unmoving. Eclipse was falling deeper and deeper; ready to succumb of endless slumber.

Body was weak. Mind weak. Maybe a little sleep would work.

Eleventh week. Eclipse stared at nothing. The hallucinations slowly coming to a halt. Eyes no longer illuminating.

Sleep. That's what they needed. Sleep.

Twelfth week. Eclipse stopped all together. The shattered remains lay across the floor and the shattered robot sitting in the corner of the room; completely still.

Eclipse succumbed to the darkness. He finally got sleep.

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