Chapter 4: One of the Vincians

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TW: Mentions of r@pe. Although, it is not descriptive, those who have trauma, please click back. 

Note: Lexy is Felix's nickname given by his parents. And the word ' Vincian' is a alternative word for gay. 


" I am getting married."

" I...congratulations!. When is the marriage?"

" After five months."

" Oh, that is great."

A strong gust of wind brushes past Adien's silky black hair, as his chocolate brown eyes widen in shock and lower down in melancholy, looking disceetly at Felix's left hand. It was not visible but anyone observing carefully could see it was dying slowly, but surely. 

 This grief had always been there in a locked up and forbbien part of his heart. It was pushed down by various dominating emotions alike--happiness, grief, anger and many more--This grief had its roots deep within his youthful heart, and it gave him never-ending pain. 

The cause of this grief was were many. 

Not being there for his infatuation. 

Not being able to doing anything, even though he saw it with his own two eyes. 

Not being brave enough to stand up for himself and tell out the truth. 

Not being able to be in charge of his own decisions. 

Not being there for him

While all the time knowing, the time traveller was wrecking Felix's life.

Seeing those raven black eyes again, this grief surfaced up again. Seeing pain in his infatuation eyes, was like a fuel for the pain to grow all over again. It was quite similar to a gardener watering a plant, yet, the plant withered from the inside, instead of growing strong. 

He knew Felix did not want this marriage. 

He knew he wanted someone else. 

But who?

He was not quite certain. 

Even if he did, they both had obligations to fulfill, being the princes and soon-to-be kings of Meldrop kingdom and Acnestis Kingdom, respectively. 

He could not anything. 

Even as a friend. 

And it pained him. 

" I know"

" What? Pardon me, but i don'-"  

" I know you don't want this marriage. It's quite clear in your eyes, Lexy. I know."

" are right. I don't want to marry Clarrisa. I like someone else.", says Felix dishearten lacing in his raspy voice. They once again have returned to the gardyn after having a small 'chat' with his parents about the whole marriage arrangement and announcement, he returned to Adien as this might be the last time he may see him. 

" Who?!", Aiden nearly shouts, as he felt a spark of hope. 

He did not mind  being a vincian for Felix. 

As long it is him, that is enough. 

As long as he is happy. 

Adien does not mind breaking the laws. 

"I can't tell." A frown makes it's way to the young prince's mien as a gloomy demeanor falls upon Felix. He looks down in shame and anger upon the marble floor. The ball was nearly to an end and he has yet to dance with Clarrisa. His parents had instructed him to dance with her, yet, his heart yearned a dance with the fine young man infornt of him. 

'Just this once'

" But why?", Adien questions feeling dejected. 

" I just can't!", Felix shouts, desperate to shout that he was in love with the man right in front of him. Yet, he could never do that. 

And destroy their friendship. 

Adien sighs in exasperation, he knew trying to gain the truth from Felix was senseless. 

" Fine, I just hope you both would have a good future together.", he says and walks off. 

Meanwhile, Felix is despising himself, for not being able to tell the truth. He was afraid of being spurned by Adien. It would break his heart, to see hatred or disgust in his friends's eyes, for something he has no control over. 

Adien being catious around a vincian, such as himself. 

Him being hesitant to hug or even touch Felix, in fear of being molested by him.

Or worse, being shunned by him.  

Thoughts like these broke his heart. 

Although, Felix would never do anything without Adien's consent. He is not quite certain that Adien would even believe him. 

After all, the vincians are known for molestation. 

A few years ago, a young man named Fred was one of the thousands loyal soldiers who served the royals, no one knew his about life or family. But it was known he was personally hand-picked  by Sir Thomas Nicholas, who is the Chief of the entire army of Acnestis Kingdom. Sir Thomas was one of the most trusted person by the king and queen, therefore, no one questioned this strange recruit. 

Moreover, Fred was the most loyal solider anyone had ever met. During those gloomy days, he had sacrificed his entire ear and a eye in a war. No one expected for such a well renowned and loyal solider to do such a vile and sinful act. 

Fred molested one of the soldiers. 

Or in other words, Fred raped one of the soldiers. Who was a male too, the topic had been suppressed but people had a way of knowing things. 

The victim's name was not disclosed, but this incident shook the entire kingdom. And anyone who turned out to be a vincian was considered to be a molester, and a sinful person.

No one trusted a vincian. 

And if the future king turned out to be one, things may go downhill, fast.   


" My sire, this would look absolutely enchanting on you. What do you say?"

"Lexy, I agre with her, it fabulous!"

" Mother, please refrain yourself to use my nickname in public."

" How about this one? This one really brings out your eyes!"

" It is...Fine. I guess.", a frustrated sigh escapes the young prince. 

" Ah! Sire, this would...

The youngest prince was lost in thoughts as he eyes the tuxedos presented by a employee, with a weary eye. 

The ball was concluded with Felix having a embarrassing dance with Clarissa, as he kept on stepping on her foot every five seconds. And him asking his most trusted sleuthhound to keep an eye on the lady in black who attended his ball.

 After a bit of questioning, the sleuthhound discovered that, none of the guests seemed to remember this peculiar lady dressed in black. Not even the waiter, on whom she "accidentally" spilt champagne on. 

It was like, she was never there. 

She never attended the ball. 

However, Felix saw her with his own two eyes, and he was certain a she did exsist. His sleuthhound, named, Edison Prowler or better known as EP, assured that he would find the lady in black by this weekend. 

" Felix! Did you choose the tux that you would were at the wedding?!"

" N-No, mother. But I will start, right away!"

Felix is snapped back to reality, when he hears his mother's high-piched voice, as he stumbles a little. 

He looks at the tux presented by the employee infornt of him. It was a wonderful piece of clothing, having a streak black flat front trousers, running along its sides were satin pant stripes, it was paired up with a jacket of silk lapels, cummerbund and the classic white irish pocket square. A turn-down shirt was right next to the jacket. It had glamorous shirt studs, gleaming under the lamplight. 

A few accessories were spread out on the trousers, which were a black bow-tie, eagle claw cufflinks and a red chrysanthemum as a boutonniere. A boutonniere is  practice of wearing a flower near the collar of the tux at a wedding. 

(For those who did not understand shit in the above paragraph, just imagine a black tuxedo in your head. And the boutonniere part is half true and half fiction. Please don't come and attack me.) 

Felix and his mother were at a boutique named " Enchantment" . Although, the could have asked the royal suit maker to make a tuxedo, but Felix insisted to buy one, physically, in a boutique. After, his mother's approval, they both arrived at the most expensive and well-renowned boutique in all of Acnestis. 

" Enchatment" was the boutique which sold many gowns and tuxedos to the royal and the upper-class families in Acnestis for many generations, it was no doubt they were the best of the best. 

Soon, in broad daylight, both the queen and her son, the future king, Felix arrived at this boutique and hour ago. 

During that time, many tuxedos were shown, many tea cups were emptied (by the Felix), many flirtatious winks and failed attempts to impress Felix were witnessed, many unimpressed looks were exchanged, and many somber thoughts engulfed Felix's mind. 

Howsoever, Felix still had not chosen the tux, he obligated to wear at his wedding. 

" Not this one, it is just...plain."

" Felix-"

" Mother, please, let me decide. It is my special day."

" ...Fine, son. As you wish."

" Please, if you may, show me one with blue jacket."

" Yes, your majesty."

Felix was just binding his time, he could not purchase his wedding tux, without his hus-

' Stop it, Felix. Don't be a mutt!'

He could not purchase a wedding tux, not when his heart ached for a certain someone to be a huge part of his life.  

Alas, that someone could never be a part of his life, as his boyfriend or in the near future as his husband. 

But he could only part a of his life, as a mere friend. 

And that is a curse of being one of the vincians. 

Felix gives out a deep sigh, as he glances over a tux, eyes full sorrow. 

' Love is complicated, 

for some it is fabricated. 

Alas, the love I feel is quite true, 

it is also something I can't persue. 

Being a prince comes with many obligations, 

Along with many expectations.

Will I ever be able to reach my moon?

Or will I be swept away by a tycoon? 

Love is such a nuisance, 

it is never given with a lucence. '


Hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading! 💖📸

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