Chapter 38: Contractions

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November 19th

"Basil, could you please get me some water?" I tiredly request, burying deeper into the fuzzy, fluffy blanket on my dad's fully reclined recliner. Basil nods and gets up from his spot on the loveseat beside the recliner, kissing my temples before heading to the water dispenser to fulfill my request. I sigh, unable to concentrate on the TV.

I'm not quite in active labor but the contractions are getting noticeably closer and longer. My water hasn't broken either. I've been timing them and trying to stay relaxed, which is easier because Isaac and my grandparents have arrived. In addition, Felicie flew out and should be here soon. Everyone has been very attentive and helpful, except for Benedikta and Rosine. They flew back to Sonnetal days ago to prep for our homecoming.

"Here, Zipporah." Basil hands me a cup with chilled, sweet water and a straw. I smile.

"Thank you, Basil." He strokes my hair and cheeks as I slowly down the fluid. When it's empty, Isaac offers to refill it. I nod and hand the cup to him.

Isaac and Basil have been at silent odds, and have carried on an unspoken rivalry over me. At the same time they're very similar, and it's funny. Both of them are awkward because the situation is very new, but are very loving and supportive in their own unique ways which I need.

Another contraction hits and I tap the stopwatch, trying to relax and breathe. Basil rounds the recliner and starts to massage my neck and shoulders, "Any change?"


"And?" I look at the stopwatch and then the clock.

"They're twenty minutes apart now.. " Once the contraction ceases I click the stopwatch again, "And lasting 35 seconds."

"You're getting closer. Things are speeding up today." Mom remarks with a bright smile, recording the new numbers and the time.

I am very excited to hold and cherish Lanzo, but labor is draining me. Since yesterday I've been in the cycle of switching positions, changing locations, and trying to occupy myself. I didn't sleep much last night, maybe three hours on and off. And with the way everything's progressing I know I'll not get much if any tonight. Tomorrow is Lanzo's due date and it appears that he is honoring it.

I place one hand over Basil's and he stops massaging, "Is that better, mein Schatz?"

"Ja, danke." He sets the refilled water cup down on the end table on the side and then sits back down on the loveseat, holding my hand and tracing, stroking up and down my arm.

"When do we call the midwives and the doula?" He asks Mom, referring to  our birth team; Nancy, Zara and Joanna. He's asked this several times, and I know it's because he's nervous. Mom tsks.

"Not until contractions are about ten minutes apart and last 45 seconds. At this rate, it's not far off."


"You're welcome." Isaac gently places his hand on my shoulder.


"Yes, Isaac?" He smiles and holds up our family chess set.

"I found it. Would you like to play? I've gotten a lot of practice at school."

"Sure," I sit up and disentangle myself enough for Basil to help me walk to the dining table. Isaac happily sets up the board and Basil brings my water over before sitting down beside me with the stopwatch-timer, "Icy, I'll play red."

"Alright then."

Fifteen minutes into the game we hear a knock at the door. Basil hops up to answer it. It's Felicie and Papa. We told them to knock a specific pattern. I rest my head on one hand and move one of my Bishops, taking Isaac's revered rook and checking his king, "Check."

"Wha- how?" Isaac blurts and I smile.

"You've improved, young grasshopper, but you need to work on your strategy." I explain. Isaac huffs in determination and moves his king out of check. I pretend to be studying the board then move my Queen to take his knight.


"Checkmate." He sighs and tips his king over. As we're shaking hands, Felicie and Basil enter the dining room.

"Zipporah!" She greets. I smile and we hug.

"Hallo, Felicie!" I reply. She backs away but holds onto my arms, grinning.

"I was hoping I'd get here in time. I wanted to be here for my first grandchild." I open my mouth to correct her, but shut it. Basil is her only biological son and so Lanzo will be her first biological grandson.

"I'm glad you're here, Felicie."

"How are you faring?" Coincidentally, a contraction comes on and I click the stopwatch again, grabbing onto the table. Basil starts massaging my shoulders and neck again, "Oh, you must be getting close." Once it's again passed I exhale.

"Forty seconds every twenty minutes." I call.

"At ten minutes we'll call the birth team." Basil explains to Felicie, continuing to massage my back.

"I see. Is there anything I can do?" I shake my head.

"Actually, we could use your help." Mom calls from the living room. Felicie nods and plants a motherly kiss on my forehead before joining my mom and grandma. Isaac takes my hand in his.

"Does it hurt, Zipporah?"

"Yeah, but not like I thought it might." I explain as gently as I can, considering Isaac's nature. But both of my two favorite men know that the hardest part is coming. The actual delivery. Basil leans down and hugs my torso.

"So you won, mein Schatz?"

"Ja. Icy is improving, though. I'm very impressed." Icy beams.

"Thanks, sis." I smile then tap Basil.

"I'd like to walk for a while."

"OK. C'mon." Basil steadies me as we stroll slowly out of the house. I stretch a little and take in the rays of sunshine- it's late afternoon now. A beautiful sight over the mountains.

"Basil, are you ready to be a dad?" He chuckles nervously.

"Ja, I'm ready to see our baby. I can't wait to be 'Vati'." I giggle.

"I can't wait to be 'Mutti'," I twine our hands together, "I'm debating whether or not I want to the delivery to hurry up."

"You'll do great. I know it, Zipporah." Basil assures, kissing my knuckles and fingers. I lean against him and we continue our walk around the yard then down the street and back, over the course of an hour and a half. We talk continue to keep track of my contractions.

At six thirty in the evening, contractions are ten minutes apart and fifty seconds long. Basil calls Mom and the birth team, then carries me back. He smiles, "You ready, Edelweiss?"

"Absolutely, Basil."

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