Coozy Date

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The couple started to wake up this morning to a familiar feeling of their pets playing with them. Izuku had one nibbling on his face, while Ochako and Momo felt one alternating between their feet. "This was a feeling I did not miss yesterday with you troublemakers." Izuku sat up to see he had Mushu on his face with Korrin playing at the foot of the bed thinking their feet were toys. "Izuku, who's on the foot of the bed?" Ochako asked with the electric user passing Mushu to her. "I'll give you a hint, it's not this one." Ochako and Momo started to slowly get up to see Korrin looking at them with Momo's big toe in his mouth. She started to turn to see it was 7 in the morning with Eri giggling at them.

"They work better than an alarm clock if anything." "I'd rather not wake up to the feeling of my toes being chewed on by a small cat." Momo had grabbed Eri to feel she needed a change. Izuku handled that while the girls went down to the common area for breakfast. "Common snowball, time to get you into a clean diaper." Eri started to smile as Izuku handled this. When she was changed, he started going down to see Ochako and Momo making breakfast with Korrin and Mushu relaxing on the counter. "Really you two, you couldn't do that in our bed?" Eri reached for them with the cat duo walking over to lick her head.

"Awww!" Izuku looked over to see Ashido and Hagakure watching this happen. "That's adorable!" "Do they always do that?" "Enough where it's normal. I think Eri looks at them as siblings as well." Both girls smiled at this with Eri petting the cats. As this happened, Mineta started walking down to see Ochako and Momo in booty shorts to begin fantasizing about them. "Keep your sick thoughts to yourself pervert and don't make them with me in the room." Mineta looked over to Izuku who was still tired and didn't fully threaten him. "I still don't understand how someone like you got two sexy pieces of as-*ZAP*." A lightning bolt just barely misses Mineta to make his face tingle from the act. He looks over to see Izuku now angered. "Wanna try that again?" The perv ran away with Izuku blowing smoke off his finger.

"Nice shootin Tex." The green head looked over to see his wives smiling with breakfast for everyone. "Now it's time to wrestle up some of 'em vittles cowboy." Ochako spoke in a western cowboy accent with Momo making a ranch hat to wear, making everyone laugh a little. They ate with people piling down one after another to get used to dorm life and talk with their newly acquainted classmates. Things started to get a little dicey when Bakugou came down angered and demanded a rematch with Izuku and began to get violent when being told no, but he quieted down when Momo was seen with a baseball bat and Ochako with an oversized mallet emphasizing him to back off.

Some hours passed with a knock on the door. Izuku opened it to see a familiar green haired girl with a smile.

"Inko, nice to see you again." "Ahh!" He glanced down to see his niece in his sister in laws arms. "Hello to you too Toseki. How is my favorite niece doing today?" Izuku picked up Toseki with her, happy to be held by her uncle. "So how's Toshi handling being a teacher Inko?" "He's managing. Teaching is new to him, so it's something he's trying to work with." "The flash cards were a dead give away." Ochako said this with a laugh while Eri was in her arms reaching for Toseki. The two placed the infants in a playpen where they began playing with some stuffed animals they had in it.

"Yo Shimura, who's the fox?" Jirou smacked Kaminari upside his head for the comment before Izuku answered. "This is Inko Shimura. My sister in law and the husband of All Might. You hit on her again, and you will most likely have a Texas Smash to the face by a very protective husband." "BA!" Toseki threw a stuffed bear at Kaminari who immediately got on his hands and knees apologizing. 'Geez, mention my family once in this group and every person is shitting a brick.' Izuku thinks this while understanding his family is. "Anyway, are you sure you can handle watching the two Inko? I don't want to place too much of a burden on you." "It's fine Izuku. These two tend to be much more entertaining to the other when they're together than I could be."

Izuku, Ochako, and Momo walked over to the pen to pick up Eri and give her goodbye kisses. "Your mommies and daddy will be back later ok? Will you be a good girl for aunty Inko?" Eri started to smile at her parents before being put back in the pen. "If you need anything, please call us." "Momo, it's alright. I'm certain these two will not be a handful." "Ok then. We do appreciate this Inko, so we'll find something nice in our travels for you as a way to make it up." "Thank you for the thought. Enjoy your date." The three left with Mushu and Korrin finding their way into the playpen to play with the infants. "Seems you two made yourselves at home." Inko opened a book while most of class A went on with their daily lives.

In the city

The trio began walking around Mustafar looking at what was around. "Been a while since we were out and about with just the three of us, hasn't it?" "I must agree with you there Ochako. I do enjoy our time alone, but it feels strange without Eri." The two agreed with Momo. When they passed a small bookstore, Momo asked if they could head in with both agreeing. They browsed their selection with Momo finding an encyclopedia on some more advanced items she wanted to try. Meanwhile, Ochako found the new manga to the series she liked with Izuku picking up a book called '101 bedtime stories for kids'. The three went to the counter with Izuku paying for them with the cashier giving them a smile before they were finished.

As they looked in the city for other things to do, they began to feel as if they were being watched. Momo made a small mirror to see it was their classmates Ashido, Kirishima, Hagakure, Jirou, and Kaminari who were tailing them. "What do you want to do about this Izu?" Izuku thought about it before getting a fun idea. "Let's mess with them a little." Both girls nodded and let a small giggle out. They looked around before finding a store for adult items with the five following them in. Kirishima and Jirou started to go a little red in this store seeing things that were kinda inappropriate in their minds for them to be looking at. Things got even worse when Momo began looking at some lingerie that were revealing to make Jirou's mind short circuit.

As this went on, Ochako came over and showed her a few items with both having a laugh. One person they didn't see however, was Izuku. As he came over, he seemed to be holding a movie in his hands and saying some things to them. The act made them go red with the desire to know killing Ashido. They went to the counter with Izuku giving the two of them a slight shock to their butts to make them slap his own. The four that were still conscious watched this and didn't know what to say to what just happened. They quickly followed them out as they made their purchase and left the store.

The trio began to enter a local pharmacy for the five to head in. Jirou was unable to move, so Kaminari agreed to carry her on his back. As they went in, they found Ochako and Momo in front of some stuff. While glancing a little closer, they realized that the two were looking at pregnancy tests. "Are they thinking they might be pregnant or something?" Ashido whispered this with everyone trying to figure this out. They noticed Izuku walk over with a smile while holding up a bottle for them. They began to speak a little with the five getting closer to hear them. They could only get bits and pieces, but a few things were mentioned clear as day. "Are you both sure about this?" "Indeed. I would adore to have your children Izuku." "Same here. Let's have a big happy family." "Then I'll make sure to keep you both satisfied tonight." Both guys dropped their mouths at this comment with Ashido and Hagakure going red at this. "They're trying to have babies?" "No way." They were so conflicted with this information that they didn't notice the three walking away and out of the store. In an attempt to not lose them, they ran after them to see them walking on a street holding a few bags.

The three stopped at a building with them turning to head inside. Jirou finally regained consciousness to realize where they went into. "WHY ARE WE IN FRONT OF A LOVE MOTEL!?" Her shout made all five of them realize what was happening. The three were going to use their time right now to conceive a child with what they bought. The fertility drugs to ensure it, the items at the store for the event, and the motel so they wouldn't disturb their daughter if they had done it. The five ran in to make certain for themselves to be stopped when they immediately ran in by Izuku making their feet stuck to the ground. "Care to explain why the five of you were tailing us through most of the day?" They turned to Izuku, Ochako, and Momo staring at them with a bit of agitation. "S-sorry, we kinda wanted to see what you three do on dates and well...we came in on you three preparing for another baby or two." Ashido held her head down with the three beginning to laugh at them. They motioned them to follow outside so they could clear a few things up.

"To be fair, we've known you were following us since the beginning." Ochako said this with the five looking at her confused. "To be honest, most of today we were messing with you as a reason why you shouldn't do this." "B-but what was with the pharmacy stuff? The pregnancy tests and the bottle of fertility drugs." "Iron vitamins and thermometers." Izuku pulled them out to show them. "I need quite a bit of iron in my diet as my doctor said. Something about my quirk causing issues with my levels when I make myself weightless." "Ok, but what about the talk in the store?" "Acting to mess with you." Izuku said in a deadpan retort as Jirou said her final part. "But what about the adult store. You three bought some stuff there and I'm certain you can't get much misinterpretation there." Jirou stated this with. "Oh that? I figured I would do something nice for Mineta since all I seem to do is threaten him. I want to be his friend but he needs to stop the perverted shit with my wives first." "To be honest, I'd rather Izuku not since he looks at us with those disgusting eyes of his." Momo passes the bag to show only the video and nothing else in it.

"So this entire trip, you've been messing with us!?" "That's right." Kaminari held his head down as the trio started to laugh at them. "You should've seen your faces when you thought we were actually thinking about having more kids. Priceless!" Izuku started to laugh very loudly with Hagakure asking a question. "So you don't plan on having kids." Izuku is about to speak but is interrupted by Momo and Ochako in unison. "Oh we are and it will be sooner rather than later since we found out that She's pregnant." They say pointing at the other. Not 12 seconds later Izuku passes out. Both girls laugh at their husband as Ashido makes certain of something. "Wait, you're both pregnant with Shimu's kids?" "No. That was a joke MIna." Ochako says this with Momo explaining. "We kinda like to mess with Izuku a bit, so we figured this would be the perfect time to make a gag about being pregnant before it actually happened." They looked over to see Izuku still unconscious with a big dorky smile on his face. "To be fair, I think you both made him really happy with that thought." Kirishima states this with seeing Izuku on the ground. "At least we know he would like that idea." Ochako nods at Momo before making Izuku weightless to carry him home. Before they do however, they stop at a cake shop to get a green tea cake for Inko as a thank you since she enjoys the taste.


The eight walk through the door with Inko sitting on the couch with Toseki and Eri sitting on her lap watching a show with her. Izuku regained consciousness not long before returning and brought Eri into his arms to make her smile. "How was today for you three?" "It was nice." "Mainly because of these five, but it was still really good to relax and kinda be our age." Ochako brought the cake over to Inko who thanked them with Toseki trying to grab it with her hands. Her mother brought the cake and the infant into the kitchen to open the box it was in and grab a little slice for her to try. Toseki seemed to enjoy it and smile at Inko before hugging her mother. "So how was Eri for you? I know she can sometimes be a handful." "She was content. Her and Toseki seemed to play for most of the time they had with little if any problems." "That's good." Izuku brought Eri over to her mothers who she practically jumped to. After a little more small talk, Inko had to leave since she had an early shift tomorrow at the hospital. She said her goodbyes and offered to babysit again if the couple needed someone to watch Eri. They thanked her for this before she left.

As they turned around, Mineta walked in to see Izuku and panic. "Perv, catch." Izuku tossed the DVD to the small grape for him to see what it was. "....What's the catch?" "No catch, I just wanted to give it to you as a way of saying I'm not a bad guy. You treat us nicely and respect the fact these two are my wives, we can be friends. You don't, and you know what happens." Izuku points to the still broken window from when Bakugou tried to pick a fight with him the first night with Mineta getting the picture. "Uh...thanks." Mineta walked away with him starting to shake while reading the back of the case. "I'm gonna pretend I don't know what's running through his brain right now." Izuku shivered as he remembered what the back of the DVD said before feeling Eri to know she needed a change.

And that finishes this chapter. Kinda a wind down chapter with the trio messing with their classmates a little. Next chapter will take place with the USJ. How will the family handle being put in danger? Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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