Beyond-Love True and Real

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In a Galaxy far far away

Elena put her uniform on. Then sat down in front of the big mirror, skillfully plaiting her long brown hair tightly and spun them to tuck them in a bun. She put her cloak on. And looked at herself just one more time. She was to give a speech in front of the whole Galactic Vampire Council.

The door of her chamber buzzed and Elena opened it by voice command and Caroline came in.

"Ready to rock the Council?"- Caroline asked.

"Ready. I can slay a zillion galactic demons- but this I had to practice more than the crane move"- Elena admitted.

Elena put her Slayer accreditation on and the two women got out of the private chambers.

"Did you get the memo about your new Guardian?"- Caroline asked.

"Yes."- Elena said not really pleased-"I have no problem with knew people, but for this mission I would really like to go with someone I knew really well".

They got into the lift.

"You mean Drake?"- Caroline said.

"We worked well." - the slayer sighed thinking of her partner.

"How are his injuries?"- Caroline inquired.

"I have seen him earlier. It doesn't look so good. The poison is still in his system".- Elena explained.

Both of them walked out of the lift and soon found themselves with other slayers and the council members.


A few hours later

Elijah waited in front of the main Council conference room.

He stood up as Elena approached him. They greeted one another formally.

Elijah was one of the very old vampires. Trillion years old. They had no emotions. Their prime focus was to work as Guardians. He was the last of his kind. For him to be chosen to become her Guardian was a special honour. Elena knew that.

She had been through so much as soon as she entered the Academy at age of seven. At sixteen she was combat ready. At twenty-one she lead the Slayer Special Squadron of the United Galactic Armada against the Vulfing Demonic Fleet in the final battle. Slayers always looked like fragile creatures, but their fierce stemina was something to admire. Their intelligence and cunning was legendary.

At the end of the briefing, Elena said to the dark quiet vampire-

"Let's just hope this doesn't get messy"

"You have doubts about my commitment to you? I have pledged to be a Guardian. I am a man of honour. "- Elijah remarked.

Elena made a silent sigh and nodded acknowledging his words.

"I will meet you at the docking at moonset!"- Elena said leaving the briefing room.

Bonnie, the witch, having heard their conversation from the other room thought- "Oh my- this is not going to go so easy!"


A year later

In the Medic Corp on Planet Draconis

"I don't know what had happened. There was communication disruption caused by the electrical storm. He never arrived on the designated pick up place"- Elena said somewhat worried-" I blacked-out"

"Yeah. It's good Stefan sent the droid. It found you in time."- Caroline said.

"Why did you not look for him? Why did you give up?"- Elena said, tears brimming in her eyes.

"We tried our best- but we couldn't find his coordinates"- Caroline replied and continued-

"I am sorry. They had discovered us and we had to leave"

Elena closed her eyes and tears just ran silently down her face. She feared the worst.

"You have to go now." - the Medic said to the blonde slayer.

Caroline nodded and left the room. Elena needed to rest as her injuries were still quite severe.

Elena could not be given a sedative as it would interfere with the poison that was in her. She transferred all her pain to a mental picture to make both the physical and emotional pain somewhat bearable.


"There is a cave under the waterfall."- Elijah said-"we can have shelter until the storm subsides. So we can send out the communication."

Elena nodded and they rushed through the lush vegetation to the safety of the mountain. There, they made themselves comfortable. They both knew the mission went awry.

"This was never going to be easy"- Elena said taking a bite of her ration-"you will have to drink from me."

"I cannot do that, Your Grace"-Elijah said.

"Please don't call me that. We are equals. A team. You cannot go without nourishment any longer."- Elena said.

"I only need a few drops of blood and I will be fine. If they smell any kind of blood they might find us."

"All right."- Elena said making herself comfortable on the ground. Preserving strength was of essence. He noticed her shiver slightly. Slayers were very resilient and could quickly adapt to different climates, but they still were human, and if it was too cold, they could risk hypothermia, which would lead to heart stopping.

Elijah walked over to her saying-

"You will forgive me but this will have to be done otherwise you will freeze."

Elena looked up and knowing what he was suggesting agreed for him to lie next to her enveloping her first in his arms and then nearly her whole with his. She nestled comfortably to him in a perfect spoon fitting position. Soon she was much warmer. But then a different kind of trembling ran through her whole being.

It was the nearness of him. Unlike the vampire species, the slayers had heightened emotions, which they had learned to control through rigorous mental exercises. It was thought, vampires had none. That they were a rational species. But once a very long time ago they had human DNA, same as the slayers, but the millennia of the evolution made them into the creatures they were. Feeding on blood. With their faces looking dark and monstrous.

With Drake, she never crossed any personal boundries. But everything about Elijah was different. They could understand one another without speaking. They were always in sync.

His manners and attitude were very ancient. He had always approached her as if he was in awe of her.

Elena had found it a bit stiff and rigid at first. She knew it was because if him being from a very old line of vampires. But his conduct around her, in the very gentleman like manner, as they called it, made her feelings for him  crawl out blossoming into something she herself battled hard to keep under control.

A slayer falling in love with her guardian had happened once before, resulting in him having to renounce his post.

Elena turned now to face the vampire and he moved slightly thinking he had done something inappropriate. She stopped him by putting her hand on his face.

"Your-"- Elijah started but Elena shushed him.

"Don't- say anything"- Elena whispered gazing into his eyes adding- "I can hear your heartbeat"

Elijah shook his head a bit- he was not impartial to the slayer either, and he thought he had fought off his feelings that now shot out.
He looked at her surprised as he didn't know that Elena had the same ability as he did- and tried to stop his heart beating any differently than usual, but her warm eyes probing into his dark cold ones assured him that it was all right.

His eyes now confessed what he had stored in his heart for a long while.

Elena's tiny happy smile on her face broke his inhibitions. They moved slowly towards one another into a kiss-

💕We've been in the same place, for a long, long time

If our hearts go the wrong way, I still know you're mine
Should we even try to fight it?
If our love is trapped in all ways
I know that things been rough
But when you're by my side
It's more than enough, yeah
For us to make it through the test of time

When the sun dies and the stars fade from view

Our love will remain real and true
Through the distant and cold depths of space
The radio sings our song, it's a love real and true💕


Somewhere deep in space

Elijah was in a stasis bed. His subconsciousness had one picture in his mind



Elejah in a sci-fi setting! 😉👆😁💕

Thanks you guys for all your lovely support.

xoxo 😘

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