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a/n: Elena leaves Mystic Falls after Alaric and Jo's wedding. After travelling for a while, she ends up in New Orleans as a certain Original vampire needs her as she has traveller magic. Also, she didn't take the cure. She is still a vampire.

thank you for reading 🥰


New Orleans

"So, you're staying here now? Working as a bartender?" Caroline said to Elena who served her a drink.

"I just like it. It's fun. And I'm enjoying myself. It's all about adventure, remember?" Elena said.

"I'm sorry to cut this short, but we got to go back to Mystic Falls." Stefan shot in, apologizing for the interuption.

"What's happening?"

"Julian managed to trap Damon's soul with the Phoenix stone. We need to get back by dawn with the this basilisk stone to Bonnie to bring him back." Stefan said.

Caroline turned to Elena, shrugging with her shoulders. "And I thought we would have this weekend without the heretics drama."

"You can stay." Srefan said.

"I can't. Bonnie will need me. I have a feeling this is not going to be an easy battle. But I will be back." Caroline hopped off the stool.

Stefan nodded a bye to Elena and exited Rousseau's.

"So, we don't have time to talk Elijah and you and the non-event."

"It's too complicated." Elena mutters.

"Oh, please. You want him. And I saw the way he checked you out when we were in that Bayou negotiating about the Crescent wolf blood." Caroline said.

Elena went quiet. She recalled Elijah locking his eyes with hers, even though it was for a few seconds.

"Don't let Hayley get her paws on him again." Caroline said.

"She is married to Jackson." Elena said, shaking her head a little.

"She only married him to get those wolves upgraded. Trust me, she's got him wrapped up around her finger. All of them actually. If you ask me, I wouldn't wait." Caroline said and hugged her friend goodbye.

As she saw her friend and her ex drive away, she sucked in a deep breath and made her way home.

Things with Elijah were complicated, and that was an understatement.


A few days ago

Elijah stood a heart's beat away, his dark eyes probing into her soft brown ones, transporting her to the moment she had first met him. But this time it was different. This time, her feelings for him ran deep. She bit a silent gulp back. Her gaze drifted down to his full lips.

She felt her heart stop as he dipped his head and captured her mouth with his.


Her brain, her heart. Everything was on fire.

The kiss was hot and hard. She opened her mouth to him, and lost herself to the taste of him. His male-scent was overwelhming, sending her into a maddening heady trance. Desire bubbled in her veins with every stroke of his tongue against hers.

Kissing him was like free falling. She shuddered, everything inside her melted as she leaned into him.

And then - he broke the kiss, releasing her and backing up a step.

Elena swallowed hard. The kiss lingered with her still so vividly.

"I need you at the bar" Camille came up to Elena, breaking her thoughts.

A couple of hours later, she knocked at the door of Elijah's study in the Mikaelson Compound before she entered.

"Hello," Elijah said turning to face the brunette, putting the book on the desk, "I was about call you."

"Yeah? Why? Something happening?" Elena said.

"I have to go to France. Well, we need to go. I will need you to open a door."

"France? What's going on?"

"There's this little town called Manosque. Very important scrolls are hidden in a Chateau not far from it." Elijah explained.

"Ok. When do we leave?" Elena wondered.

"Tonight." Elijah said folding a paper. "A drink? I know you have served a thousand drinks today, and I guess you had not had a moment to have one."

"No - yes, I'd like a drink." Elena accepted.

"I'm afraid it's only Bourbon neat." Elijah said and poured them both a drink.

A stiff drink was what she needed. Taking a good sip, she felt her nerves subside. The Bourbon worked its magic. Taking another sip, she met his gaze. His warm chestnut eyes expressed a strange kind of calm, but she could see that behind it he struggled to keep his composure.

She sharply moved her head, as if she was stung looking out into the night.

Clouds drifted away from the full moon, drenching the room with soft lunar light. Like compelled, she stood staring at the silver disc, closing and opening her eyes, a shiver ran right through her.

"I'll go and get a few things. I'll meet you at the airport." Elena suddenly turned, setting her glass aside.

"We depart 1. 15 a.m." Elijah said as he took a good glug of the drink.

"Right. I'll see you there." Elena nodded a little.

"Elena" Elijah said, making her stop and spin in her rock stud Valentino heels.

"Elijah" she muttered, her eyes sparkling quizzically at the Original.

"Nothing" Elijah backtrackted.

"No. Say it. It's about the kiss. And not the one in Willoughby, but the one after the kidnapping and Klaus interrupting us. Don't sweat. I know that
your emotions are all over the place cuz you're still not over Hayley and you feel that you're rebounding and using me and that it's not fair on me."

"Yes." Elijah said in a low voice.

"Like I said, it's ok. I totally get it. No big. So, now - let's get to Manosque and get those scrolls." Elena said and exited.

Elijah's heart burnt. He felt this electrifying, intoxicating feelings coursing through his veins when he was around her. But he feared that it wasn't enough. And sex without love to keep the bond strong would ultimately damage whatever they have and he believed that it could not ever be repaired.

Elena deserved more. And his heart was too bruised to give anything more at this very moment.

Leaving the study, he went to prepare for the trip.

_to be continued

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