Will You Fight For My Love/2

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Having overpowered Joker's minions, both, Elena and Elijah, aka  Catwoman and Batman, stood catching a bit of breath back.

"This was a trap."- Batman said-"the Mayor was not here."

"You don't say."- Catwoman said somewhat frustrated-"I should have known. He is playing with us for the fun of it."

Narrowing his eyes at her, Batnan said nothing and turned away, opening his bat wings flying down to the alley.

Miffed that she didn't even get a thank you, Catwoman followed him.

"Gentlman you are not. It's not that I ask for a medal, but a little thank you would not be so hard to roll out from your bat mouth. I don't know where you've been and what had happened to you, but you are pretty rusty. And if you think that you can take him on all but yourself- than you should have stayed in your cave, sleeping the night away."

Batman, or rather Elijah now sharply turned around facing Catwoman. Her words Gentlman you are not hit him hard. Everyone who ever knew him, would say that his manners, his whole demeanor was old school. But he was not Elijah, he was this - hero vigilante, who was not supposed to show emotion, but do a job. Still, you could be polite. He heard the voice of his butler.

Drawing a mental breath he now said-
"Thank you. I guess now you will be asking for a ride home."

"You're welcome. And -no. I got my own wheels. Thank you." - Catwoman/Elena hissed back at the dark vigilante and strolled over leisurely in her cat like manner, moving her hips gracefully to her motorbike, parked not far from the batmobile.


In the morning
Mikaelson Mansion

A bit later

"Good morning, Edgar." - Elijah said to the butler as he walked in the dining room.

"Good morning, Sir. The papers and the tea are served. Would you like pouched or scrambled eggs this morning?"

"Neither. I will just have the tea. Thank you, Edgar."

"Very well, Sir." - the butler said and poured the Earl Grey tea with a dash of milk.

Elijah unfolded the papers, and the title shot at him like a bullet.

Elijah folded the papers and took a sip of the tea, his thoughts disappearing to the night before.

Whoever Catwoman was, she surely gave him a good run for his money.

"Master Elijah, are you all right?" - Edgar inquired as he saw the billionaire descend deep in his thought.

"Yes. I am fine."

"If you are troubled by the newspaper article - you shouldn't be. Even Master Wayne had help now and again, Alfred told me."

"It's not about that." - Elijah fibbed.

"I know that business it is not as Mikaelson Corp. shares are on the rise. It is Ms Gilbert. I do not know why you have not told her about Mrs Marshall-Kenner. That you were providing a safe haven for her husband, so they could meet. She would have kept the secret safe."

"Maybe. I couldn't risk it. She is a journalist and she - it's not even that. It is safer for her not to know about Jackson's undercover operation."- Elijah said getting up.

"If I may add - Ms Gilbert is a smart, compassionate soul. A woman of great integrity."- the butler said.

"She is. She truly is."- Elijah said taking a long sigh.

Excusing himself Elijah now went out.

Edgar took a deep breath himself now. He loved his Master as a son. He knew all his good and bad days.

He had achieved so much in his life. He was good and kind to everyone. But somehow he never could get to have a slice of happiness. It always slipped away.

There was nothing in this world that he wanted more than to see Elijah find a loving woman and start a family.


Elsewhere, Elena was now reading The Daily.

"Oh, you're on the front page! Did you really save him?"- Caroline, her best friend and roomate asked.

Folding the paper, Elena now replied-

"I just helped him a bit. Nothing big."

"Right. What I want to know is what are you going to do about Elijah Mikaelson?"

"Nothing. I am so done with him. It was a total mistake sleeping with him. I can't believe I let myself go the way I did." - Elena said taking a sip of the milk.

"Seriously? You said that it was heaven. And that he is the one." - Caroline reminded her friend.

"Well it was heaven and then I hit the floor hard. Remember- he took Hayley Marshall home." - Elena said, her stomach churning with anguish.

"You should not give up so easily. Would Catwoman let him go? No. If I was you I would dig my claws in and if any other feline tries to come close to him, I would show her how sharp they are."

"Oh, Care, please. He is also my boss, so this was wrong on so many levels
I got to go. I'm already late for work. See you tonight."

"Ah, tonight is the 'Spiderman' premiere! Claire gave me two tickets. I'll meet you in the 'Silver spoon' Cafe.

"Yeah, see ya."- Elena said grabbing her bag, scampering out of the attic apartment.


In the Mikaelson Corp Presidential Office

"Hello there" - Elijah said as he swiped the call open.

"If you want to see your girl alive - bring 10 billion dollars to the Old Gotham bridge at 11 a.m. sharp. Tick tock."- a voice said and before Elijah could react, they hung up.


a/n: and so it seems this will be a much longer story. 📖☕🍫

Thanks for reading.



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