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I'm falling. I am falling. I. AM. FALLING! This is not good, I have always liked jumping off of cliffs and what not, but this? This is a bit extreme. Scratch that, extremely extreme. I calm myself down and try to think good thoughts. Wait...do they have anime and games in heaven? I really hope they do, because the opera singing and harps are just not my style. What do people do in heaven when they get bored? Do they even get bored? For your information, I am not religious, I'm just wondering to keep my mind off from the fact that I'm...Holy shit, I'm still falling! Is this a bottomless pit? I feel like I've been falling for ages!

    I flip my body around so I am falling headfirst. I look down and see that it is coming to an end. I feel like this is the time for the protagonist to scream "I'm too young to die!" and then give a last speech of farewell before being saved. I do another flip so now I'm the right way around...I think, I don't have the slightest clue how the laws of physics work here. Anyway, I really do hope they have ice cream where I'm going. I put my hoodie on and sigh as I resist the urge to cross my legs and say in English "Would you like a elegant flavorful cup of tea? Or a fat and juicy hamburger?" I, believe it or not, am actually really good at British English. I've been on many trips to London, and copying their accent comes naturally to me. Oh, I forgot that I was dying. My bad.  The whole falling thing finally comes to an end and I am blinded by a white light. I think that my eyeballs just got burned. I feel something soft under me. Pillows I'm guessing, or clouds...or ice cream. No, ice cream would be cold. I finally open my eyes once the brightness of the light had subdued. I open my eyes to see 3 boys. I get up off the thing that I was sitting on, I still don't know if they are pillows or clouds, and walk towards the group.

    The boys are standing on different symbols. One is an axe, one is a sword, one is a bow, and the one left out is a shield. I'm guessing I have to take the shield, but I don't mind. A shield seems cool. I walk over and stand on the platform. I didn't notice the king-person of this place till I looked where the boys were looking. He cleared his throat and began speaking
"Welcome Heroes, we have summoned you here because our world is in grave danger! There are these things called Shadows, every month, when a when the shadow god darkens The Kingdom of Pheuloera, they appear. Their appearance causes a horde of other monsters to come flocking towards the kingdoms. These monsters attack the land and kill many people in their frenzy. The shadows are an embodiment of human greed, and when it attaches itself to someone, the individual suffers from plagues symptoms before morphing into some demon. The threat is only getting worse and worse. Please help us."
The boys shout in perfect unison. Man, were these guys in choir together?

    The others looked just as shocked as me. One guy stepped up, and he loudly declared.
" Do these 'shadows' have a physical form? And what gives you the right to take us away from our home just to fight for the sake of a kingdom that we are not a part of! This is...it is debauchery!"
"I think you mean discreditable."
"Oh...yeah what the black haired kid said!"
"So we don't have to call each other by hair color, let's introduce ourselves. My name is Lian Gengxin. I'm 17 years old."
Lian has black hair and black eyes, his pale white skin makes them more noticeable. He is wearing a white shirt with a crooked collar, an ebony jacket, black jeans and a pair of tennis shoes. He glares at the king with a distasteful look in his eyes. He looks like he could be a model, but he seems kind of aloof. Also, I bet if any girls tried to approach him, he would ignore them or say something rude. Oh that would just be hilarious. His attitude reminds me a lot of the main character, Shinobu Kazeyama, from Shin-Shin-Shine. From his name, I can tell that he is Chinese.

"I'll go next! I'm Johann Von Münchhausen. I'm 18!"
Now we have a German. He has blonde on the verge of yellow hair and cat like green. His hair spikes up all over the place, I wonder if he uses anti frizz shampoo? He is wearing a baggy gray shirt, ripped black jacket, denim jeans, sneakers and a beige scarf. He smiles and looks really energetic, I think I can get along with him. He emits a sporty vibe and just like Lian, he is extremely handsome. Is this some kind of manga or something? Did I get teleported to a parallel universe?! That's so cool!

    My thoughts where interrupted by the last boy stating his name.
"I am Timothé Moulin. Pleasure to meet you. I am 18 years old."
He did a little bow and flashed a smile that would make any girl melt. I'm guessing he's French? He looks French. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes. He is wearing a white dress shirt, a black jacket with an upturned collar, black baggy pants and a pair of stylish boots to go with the outfit. He seems like the type to flirt with any living thing- correction, any female living thing. Sorry, sorry, my mistake. I don't like people like him-players.

    I think it is my time to introduce myself. I am about to open my mouth when I hear.
" I am King Gersequ III, and this is my family."
His family randomly pops out off nowhere and start their introductions.
"I am Queen Fernizel I."
The king has dirty blonde hair, green eyes and a beard. He looks quite old compared to the queen. He is wearing a golden crown with jewels imbedded in it, a gold and purple silk robe, a tight purple shirt with gold silk patterns, purple pants with leather ankle boots. He seems to be in a bad mood, on no wait-it's just his face. The queen on the other hand has purple hair and purple eyes. She has a snobby look on her face. She has a gold crown with red silk like flowers on the base, a black red and white dress, and this weird thing on her back. She is wearing red shoes. The Queen is very pretty, I'll give her that, but her dress is way to big for my taste.

    "I'm Princess Sissy Berisano Klav "
"I am Prince Silvanus Kemsilivis Klav"
Let's just get one thing straight, they both have astonishing good looks. The Princess has blonde hair and green eyes, just like her father. Her long hair reaches her knees. She is wearing a white dress with no connected sleeves. The dress has gold patterns and her under gown is a dark blue color. She is wearing sleeves that are big at the top, but then are tight around the rest of the arm. The shoes are the same blue color as her under gown. Her brother, the prince has blue hair, and the same purple eyes as his mother. He is wearing a black and white shirt, shoulder pads and black pants. He has the same ankle boots as the king, but his are black and for some odd reason, he is wearing gloves.
"Well now that we have wrapped up introductions, let's get down to business."
What about me? Do they know I'm here? I take a step forward. The sound of my shoe hitting the ground was almost silent, but could be heard so clearly in the quiet room.
"Who are you!? Take of that cloak at once!"
The king exclaims in alarm. I meekly take off my hoodie and say.
"I-I'm Haruka Kimura, I'm 15."
"A girl!?"
The boys say, once again in perfect unison. Man, they really were in choir together. The King steps up and asks in a harsh tone.
"By what means are you here?"
"I am like them, I was summoned here."
"Ha, don't make me laugh. A girl as a hero, impossible!"
"Then why am I here, your majesty?"
"...There must be some kind of mistake! I guess we will just have to make do..."
I don't like this guy, he is extremely rude. A girl can be a hero, just you watch! I hear him mutter, but it's impossible to make out what he is saying. Tch, ass. The Queen smirks and pulls a lever. As soon as she does a shield appears in my hand.  It is in the basic shape of a shield, and has the color scheme of dark blue, black and white. The shields rim is black, while the blue makes up a portion of the inside. Circling the white gem in the middle, are other white gems placed around 20 centimeters apart. It looks awesome! It's really light for its size. I look over at the others weapons. At the end of the day, it's obvious that more though was put into the making of their weapons. Well, I don't mind.

    The Royal family lead us to a balcony that sits over a big room. I think I know what's going on. They are making us form a party.The room has red walls and a chandelier hanging smack in the middle of everything. The wall has small pockets, where they set white couches. There are two staircases coming down from the balcony in a mild spiral. It is basically like the cliche castle in fantasy games and movies. They are making us form a party. The King clears his throat, in doing so he gets the attention of all the people.
"Now, I have summoned you here for an important reason, I would like you to form a party with the hero of your choice. Now commence!"
We, the heroes, walk down the stairs to meet our to-be teammates.  A bunch of people run over to the three male heroes, but none to me. I sigh and sit down an a nearby couch. After a minute, I doze off.
"Umm... Miss Kimura?"
"We would like to join your party!"
As soon as I hear her words, my eyelids shoot open and I jump up.
"We should start with introductions. I'm Haruka Kimura."
"Meslah Dejubish."
"Shimi Kisjn."
" Princess Sissy Berisano Klav."
"The princess!? Why would you want to be in my party?"
" I believe in you! You are the only girl hero in history! Even though my father says you can't be a proper hero, I will stand by your side and aid you. You can count on me, we're friends after all."
I hug her and she hesitates, but hugs me back. My first friend in this world, I'm so happy! As we let go, she says.
"Why don't we go shopping? You know, for armor and stuff for battle."
I nod and we start walking towards the front door of the palace. When we start walking out I notice something, or rather someone. The Prince Silvanus is practicing swordplay. He changed his outfit, and now wears a loose shirt and a pair of loose and flexible pants. I stare at him in awe as he practices his swordsmanship. He looks kinda attractive. I hear giggling behind me and Sissy says.
"Do you like my brother? Hehe your so cute!"
"N-N-No I d-don't!"
"Then why is your face as red as your hair?"
"If you want, I can tell you how to get him to fall for you."
"I thought you didn't like him, hmm...did you change your mind?"
"Ok fine! I like him!"
"That's better. Hehe, well, we are having a ball tonight, in honor of the new heroes. I can tell you a way to make him love you."
"Well...ok. Girls!"
"Yes mam."
"Yes mam."
" Shimi, go escort her to my room. Meslah, come with me. We need to go get something."
"Plan Silha: Go!"
"What's Silha?"
"My dear Haruka, it's your ship name!"
"S-Ship name?!"
"As I was saying...Plan Silha: Go!"

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