The Dead Among us

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My name is Tallon Holiday. I was born on April 7th 2001. I was two pounds, three ounces. Premature and I was also born with a birth defect. A hole the size of a dime in my heart.

That didn't stop my mother from loving me, she did what she had to, in order to keep me alive. Which the Doctors told her I wasn't going to make it past the age of two. But we beat those odds together.

Which brings me to March 14th, we were coming back from visiting family in Utah...

"Mom, have you see--found her." I find my baby pig, Hammie and she curls up on my lap.

I know, I'm a terrible person, naming my baby pig something that she would become if i never would have saved her from that slaughter farm three months ago.

"This was fun right kiddo? Visiting all of our family." I nod and stroke Hammie's little ear. "It was great, though I don't understand why Aunt Minnie drinks so much. She smelled like peppermint snaps." I cringe and my mother laughs.

"Well we ca-" A truck cuts us off and my mother swerved a bit. My heart was pounding hard as I held Hammie close. "You okay?" Mom asked. "Yeah I'm fi-mom look out!" Someone was standing in the middle of the road and my mother swerved to the point where the car flipped over the bridge.

Everything was silent, even when we hit the water. My ears were ringing but at least I could hear my mother's voice. "Don't panic Tallon." Mom says to me. I try to keep calm but the fear is rushing me.

"Mom I'm scared." I whimper out.

"Tallon it's going to be okay." Mom said in her reassuring voice. The water was quickly filling up the car. I had pulled Hammie into my arms and rocked her. I was shivering while the water was slowly surrounding my mother and I by our waists. "Mom, I don't want to die." She shushed and cooed me. "I won't let you die Tallon, I promise. We've been far through far too much." I wish I was brave like my mother, I wish I could handle this situation but all I could see was the both of us about to die in this watery grave.

"You will do great things, Tallon. So many great things." I hear my mother mutter as she moves around. "" I call out to her.

She was kicking the glass on her driver door and Hammie was now under my neck. "Tallon hold your breathe." My mother orders. I do as I'm told and the water rushes in quickly. Hammie was squealing and my mom had leaned over, unbuckling my seatbelt.

I take in a deep breath too soon, because the water rushes my mouth. I choke and the panic crushes me. I start lashing out but my mom grabs me and pushes me through the window.

Hammie floats up and I try to grab my mother's hand but the car slips further under the water. I see the fear in my mother's eyes as a pair of hands grab me out.

"Mom! Mom! Mom!!!!"

"Tallon! Tallon wake up, honey." I wake up and I starts swinging. "Stop! Stop! Stop it!" The light come on and I see my Aunt Jenna.

"You're okay, everything is fine. I'm here." She whispers. I jerk out of her touch and slam the door to the bathroom.

I hold onto the bathroom sink and take three large intakes of air. "Tallon?"

"Just give me a minute." I call out. I hear a squeal at the door and I automatically open the door to let Hammie in. Her little snout sniffs my ankle and I pick her up, kissing her little cheek.

"If you want to talk--" I cut my eyes at my aunt and her offer dies. She just nods and leaves me with Hammie.

The moment she's out of sight I regret being cold to her. I don't mean to lash out at her. It's just since she's my mother's twin sister, I feel angry. Selfish in a way. How come my mother is gone yet I'm being tormented by her face?

I walk back into my room and see it's a little after 5:30. I mentally curse and put Hammie on my bed. "Wanna trade places? You go to this new school while I stay in bed all day?" Hammie scurries under my sheets and I smirk.

"Guess that's a no?" She snorts and I smile at that as I go get ready for this new school.

Once I'm all showered and dressed, I pick up Hammie then walk downstairs. The smell of breakfast makes my stomach lurch so I decide to get a poweraid.

"I made you your favorite." Aunt Jenna says as she places a plate down. "Not hungry. Can we just go?" She sighs and gives me some money for lunch.

She goes to speak but she just stops and goes to get her paper work. I look down at Hammie. "That offer still stands you know." She goes to her food bowl and eats ignoring me.

"You know Midtown High was where your mother and I graduated..." I turn up my headphones and listen imagine dragons.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I wish I could say being the new kid in school was easy but, no. Everyone here knows about what happened to my mom. Which will bring on the fake, oh I'm so sorry about your mother, and she was a nice woman.

"Class, this is Tallon Holiday." Miss Greene announced to a room full on uninterested adolescents. "You can choose any seat, I'll give you your books after the lesson." I just walk to the front and sit down.

People don't understand, the back is the typical spot, but in case of an emergency, the front is the way to go. I put my head down and look at the clock.

"Just three more hours until lunch..." I mutter. Just then a scrawny kid comes running into the class. The teacher didn't even have to look up to see who it was.

"Take a seat, Mr. Parker." We lock eyes for a second and he trips. "Smooth move Parker." Some one calls from the back. I roll my eyes at him and put my head back down on the desk.

As the bell rings and it's lunch time, I hold my tray and look around for a place to sit. At this point I'll take the floor. I walk pass the jock table and hear someone call my name. I ignore them obviously and walk forward.

"Hey! Tallon!" I turn and see the Parker kid running up beside me. "Uh, hey." I scan the crowd and see a secluded spot with my name all over it. "Just wanted to greet you, since you're new. Uh wanna sit with me?" I look at him and I was about to tell him off, but he gave me this little side smile and I sigh.

"Lead the way, Parker."

"Peter, my names Peter. But yeah, follow me." I follow him to a table where a husky boy was waiting. He was staring at me as his chili fell on his shirt.

I need to find a mirror quick, because clearly there is someone on my goddamn face. I slide right in just as a girl came over. "What's up losers...who's this?" She asks biting her apple.

"This is-"

"Tallon." I interrupt as I take a long drink from my Snapple bottle. "Tallon, hmm your mom must have been a hippy."

"Michelle." Peter hisses. I hold the juice in my mouth and slowly swallow. "She was, she liked to think she could save every eagle she came across, so she decided to name me Tallon." I glance at Peter and he had his milk at his lips.

"Your...I'm sorry." Michelle apologized. I shake my head. "It's fine, people don't talk about my mom, or they say how sorry they are, when they didn't know her at all. Thank you for saying something normal for a change." I look down at my burger and push it away.

"Right, well, this is Ned, you already spoke to Michelle and we have two classes together." I tune Peter out and look across the room to find three kids sitting all by themselves.

The one with the jet black hair was plainly staring at me as he juggled some apples. The funny thing was, it looked as if the apples were floating in the air.

"Tallon?" I snap out of it to see Ned was talking to me. "Yeah?"

"Are you gonna eat that?" He asks pointing at my burger. "Go ahead. Next time I'll bring pizza from home." He takes my food and I look back at the kids but they were gone.


As I walk home, I blast music in my ears, drowning out all sound around me. I see the people around me moving fast, but all I want to do is slow down.

Maybe I want to die, maybe that's why I'm about to walk in front of this moving car as the light turns green. I take a step forward but I get snatched back quick.

I look back and see the boy who was juggling the apples earlier.

I take out one earbud as I see his mouth move. "--You're welcome." He says with a smirk. "Wasn't going to thank you, jerk." I turn the corner and he was following me.

"My name is James by the way." I keep walking. "You're Tallon Holiday, 5'4, strawberry blonde hair, likes cherry limeade slurpees, has a pet pi-"

"Are you stalking me?" He backs up as I get defensive. "No, but I found out all of that because I'm special, like you." I frown at his words.

"What the fu-" He takes out a playing card with words on it. "Come here if you want answers Tallon. Starting with how you're special like me and the others." Before I could speak another word, he walks off.

"Hey! He--he..." He was already lost in the crowd. I look down at the card and writing on the front of the card was an address. I turn it over and on the other side it said;



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