Unfinished Business

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I was waiting on the roof of the school with only five minutes to spare.

What if he doesn't show up?

Can I really trust him on training me?

Is he really going to make me wai-

"Sorry I'm late. I got held up." I smile at Spider-Man and pull my hoodie closer. "It's fine. I wasn't waiting long. I did bring you a donut, from Antonio's. They have the best donuts in New York City." He accepts it. "Sweet, you got me glazed."

He lifts his mask partially and eats the sugary goodness. Once he's done, he pulls his mask back down and dusts his hand then faces me.

"So, I don't know if I'm a good enough candidate on training you, but I can give it a try. Uh, any clue what triggers your powers?" He asks me. "No clue, well um, the common denominator is I'm either stressed or angry. So I think it's an emotional power."

"That's good, let see how far you can go until we need to get to school."


"My--my school. Cause I have school somewhere else. Totally not this school." I frown but brush it off. "I don't feel angry or stressed which is coming from a teenager in high school is saying something."

"Nothing makes you angry right now?" I think for a second. "I guess something but that seems so childish right now."

"Well give it a shot." I think and I see a spark but nothing more. "Okay, uh. Aren't you mad at James and his friends ?" Spider-Man asks me.

"Do you want me to set the roof on fire?"

"No, definitely not. But maybe you can channel that anger at a smaller level?"

"I don't know how but I guess I can try." I think about James and what his demands are and I hear Spider-Man back away.

"Okay!" I shut my eyes my powers lesson. I look at him and I get frustrated. "This is either isn't working, or I'm literally going to barbecue everything in my sight."

"Hold on, don't give up. How about this. Think about Peter." I frown. "Peter doesn't make me angry."

"Ever heard of burning passion?"

"I mean, yeah. But I don't think of Peter that way." He stands in front of me. "Imagine I'm Peter." I cross my arms over my chest. "Are you gonna take your mask off?"


"Then this isn't going to work. Besides I don't want Peter involved in this. Peter is that one piece of normal I have. I want to keep him that way."

"But what do you think he would do about your powers?" I look down at my feet. "I'm sure he'd freak out."

"Why?" I throw my hands up in frustration. "Because, he's normal." Spider-Man scoffs. "Is anyone normal these days? Come here."
I walk up to him and he holds out his hand.

"What if my hand-" He takes my hand anyways and we look over the school building. "Close your eyes." He tells me.

I sigh but I do what I'm told. "...open them." When I do I look over and I freeze.

I see Peter in front of me. A rush of anger spikes and I snatch away from him. "You're Spider-Man!"

"Let me explai-" I ball my fist and they ignite. "You lied to me! I kissed you! Peter I kissed you and told you things! Ahhh!" A large fire ball forms in my hand and I go to throw it but instead I crush it.

"Tallon?" Peter asks. I look at him and get this weird feeling in the balls of my feet. I raise a brow at him and I notice he's getting shorter.

Or am I getting taller?

He backs up and his eyes get wide. I look away and notice I'm floating. "Pe--Peter! Peter!" I yell his name.

He tries to get to me but I keep floating higher. I cover my eyes and hear something snap. When I open them I'm falling down and Peter acts fast.

He catches me but we both fall. He makes sure I don't hit my head by making sure I land on top of him. "Are you okay?" He asks. I give a small nod and slowly get up.

"What the hell was that?" I whisper to myself. "Tallon, I know you might not want to involve people but maybe I can get in contact with Mr. Stark-"

"Do it. I want to know how I can float, and how I can control this fire stuff coming out of me."

"I will, and Tallon. I'm sorry about this." I look at Peter and just step back walking away...

As my alarm goes off, I just lay there taking in all I just learned a few hours ago.

1) I have fire abilities.

2) I can float, maybe levitate.

And three.

3) Peter Parker is Spider-Man.

I touch my lips and I don't know how to feel about that last bit of information. I turn over and Hammie was sleeping against my leg. I hit stop on my alarm and continue to lay in bed.

"Tallon? Some nice boy is here to see you." Aunt Jenna yells at my door. I sit up quickly just so I can move my bra off of my closet door and chuck it under my pillow.

She knocks and opens the door. Right there was Aunt Jenna and Peter. "I'm leaving this open." She informs me. I sigh but nod. As she hovers for a moment then leaves. Peter walks into my room.

"Close the door behind you."

"But-" I raise a brow at him as if testing him to challenge my authority. He closes the door and stands there. "There's a chair, Peter." He trips a little getting to it but grabs the chair and sits down.

"So, I talked to Mr. Stark and he wants to meet you tomorrow."

"Great." I lay back on my bed and look at my ceiling. "Tallon, we should really talk."

"Talk about what?" I hear him sigh as he moves the chair close to my bed. "About what's been said." I prop myself up on my elbows and give him a raised brow look.

"Oh how I told Spider-Man I mean you, all of my secrets? Hmm, yeah that sounds about right."

"I can't say what I did was right but you have to understand I didn't do this to hurt you. I told you instead of continuing with this. Can you at least give me credit for that?"

He gives me a sad puppy look and I roll my eyes and feel Hammie leap off of my bed towards Peter. Peter catches Hammie and I was mortified.

"Uh, I think this is yours..." Peter had my bra in his hand and I snatch it so fast, I'm surprised it didn't catch on fire.

"You are grounded, young lady!" I say in a stern voice to her. Hammie snuggles up close to Peter and does a small squeal.

"Don't you squeal at me, Hammie."

"You named your miniature pig, Hammie?" Peter says as he strokes her little cheek. "Yeah, hey don't distract me. She is in trouble."

"For?" Peter says with a smirk. "Oh you know what she did. You know what-" Hammie squeals and leaps into my arms, kissing my arms and laying there.

Peter reaches and I warn him. "She's deadly. I seen her bit-" Hammie leans into his touch and I feel betrayed.

"Traitor..." I whisper in her little pink ear. "We should go and catch the shuttle to school." Peter comments as he shoulders his bag.

"You're not off the hook, here Parker." I narrow my eyes at him and he nods. As I grab my bag, Peter stops and looks at my desk.

"What's that?" I look over to where his eyes are looking. "That? Some picture I took when I was kid. I had the hugest crush on iron man and this kid dressed up as him. Come on we need to go. Hammie we will discuss your punishment when I get back." I throw over my shoulder at her. She gives a whine and we both leave...

"You can't just mix those two compounds together and expect a mild explosion." Peter says to Michelle.

"Yes you can, Tallon. You know I'm right." Michelle shows me her formula and I give a nod. "She's right, by having only a small amount of each compound the explosion would be little to nothing. Here."' I move my hair behind my ear and move in close to show the rest of the group.

Peter clears his throat and just as I'm explaining, the bell rings for next period. "Gotta go. Come on Tal." Michelle takes her stuff and I follow her.

As Michelle and I head to class together, I see Safari coming down the hall. She looks right at me
and as I pass, she quickly puts something in my hand. I look down at the little note and ball it up.

"Michelle, I'll be right back. I forgot something in my locker."

"Alright, I'll save you a seat." She tell me as she heads into the classroom. I meet Safari in the girls room.

"James is having a little meeting tonight and wanted to see if you'd be interested in coming." I cross my arms over my chest and face her.

"Why didn't he come to me with this invite?"

"Because he know he's wrong. Look, you and I both know that guys can be dicks. Pun all intended. James is just looking out for us."

"I don't see it that way, but thanks for the invite Safari." As I start to leave, the sinks all turn on by themselves.

"You know, your element maybe fire, but I like to think I'm the hot head." Safari smiles and water shoots right at me. I hold my hands up in the air and steam slaps me.

I hit the wall hard and as I try to get up, Safari yanks the back of my hair and I wince. "James might see that's you're needed, but clearly you don't want this. Talk to James or the next time I see you, you won't get a shower." She throws my head and leaves me alone in the girls room.

After I lick my wounds I go searching for Safari but instead I get Peter. "Tallo-"

"Peter can this wait? I have some business to take care of-"

"Tallon Holiday?" I turn and see Tony Stark's friend James Rhodes. "I got it, really." Peter pleads to him.

"We gotta speed this up, Tony wants to meet her." I can't help but blush. Peter clears his throat and moves me to the side.

"So, Mr. Stark has been calling me nonstop. I have no clue what caused him to rush the appointment but we need to go meet him." I nod.

"Let's go." We walk over to Mr. Rhodes and get in the car. As I put on my seat belt I see Safari in the window.

We're not done here, Safari. Definitely not.

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