Chapter 21

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I glare at the girls back pinning her down. My father is my most prized procession I will not let any one harm him even my future bride.

"You may be my future bride but, you will not harm my father."
I whisper in her ear

She shrieks

"It's time to finish what I started."
Father says

"Houge Haru hold her steady."

We both held her arm her squirming irritating me. My father begins walking over to her as she pulls her head down. Her friends yelling at her running at us Daniel, Emily, and Morgan run at them as we let my father do his business. He walks over to the girl face unknown to even me.

"Once I do this your mind will be mine."
He whispers reaching down to touch

"I don't think so old man."
A male/female voice came from the green haired girl

A HUGE tree branch swung at my father and I grabbed him jumping barely out of it's grasp only earning some scratches. I put my father down and look at him for permission to fight.
He nods an I smile evilly I dash to the others my yellow eyes flashing. My speed increasing as I ran at the green eyed girl. Her hair and eyes seem to be turning a darker green she was trying to get Emily which worked she was crushing her slowly. I jump right in front of her getting my clawed hand to attack she smiled an evil smile much more cruel looking than something I could do. She ducks my attack dropping the blonde who probably broke to many bones to move. She then swings a fat kick to my stomach me seeing it coming jumps higher. This action only made the girl smirk grew she then disappears in a flash to quick even for my animal like eyes to see. I feel pain in serval places my back, my face, my stomach, and neck. I then grabbed by my arm and thrown into the ground making me flip rolling over. I growl and get up looking at my future bride. I can't help but, smile a little at her power is incredible but can she keep up? I glance at my hooded father who nods making my smile turn to a vicious smirk. My cat like eyes glow again feeling power, speed, and my injuries heal. I walked towards the girl as she glares at me hatefully she then makes eye contact with me making her freeze in place.

"What?! What's going on I can't move?!"
Her voice sounding like a different one a males to be exact

I grab her chin roughly

"Were playing a new league up for the challenge?"

She glares at me hatefully as her eyes seem to mix with green and a blueish gray.

"I knew you would."
I say swinging a kick to her face making her fly into a tree head first

I then chase after her not giving her a chance to get up. I kick her back sending her flying up wards. I jump to strike her but in the process she turns a small whitish grayish orb in her hands. She then shoots it forward hitting me in the stomach making me hit the ground the ground having a large indent as I feel a sharp pain in my back. She then lands on me knocking the wind out of me.

"I'm in a whole nother league compare to you."
A innocent voice says leavig the green hair girl

She grabs me by the throat lifting me up. She's pulls her other arm back making another orb ready to make the finishing blow. I begin to chuckle confusing the poor girl when she quickly turns thrashing me into my father before he can touch her. He catches me and places me aside sighing in frustation.

"Let us go kiddies. See you another time children. Especially you Crystal I'll be seeing you tonight."
My father chuckles making a swirl of darkness surrounded each of us.
I take one last look at my bride as she glares hatefully.

"We'll meet again my bride but, I won't go easy on you next time."
I chuckle

The swirls swallow us and we are transported to a place that's had no life what's so ever. Emily growls in annoyance for getting whooped by the water girl again. Houge turns into his human form not happy about losing either. Morgan not caring walks over to me raising a eyebrow.

"Why'd you go easy on her?"

This makes the rest of them turn their heads at me.

"Yeah why did you?"
Emily asked full suspicion

"I can't kill my future wife."
I chuckle

"Yeah but, you could've been more aggressive."
Houge says

"Father didn't want me to show my full abilities."

They look at the man who nods and turns to me.

"Yes father I'll get into her dreams for you again."

I say my cat like eyes flashing their yellow glow my sharp teeth showing.
I'm gonna have fun messing with her tonight.


I was partly wake in my body Aisu and Kusa decided they would take control together. I gain a point of view watching the darkness swirl around the six. The boy the hooded man called Haru smirks at me.

"We'll meet again my bride but, I won't go easy on you next time."

With that they disappear and my knees give out making me fall. The world was swirling as the others ran at me yelling my name. I close my eyes not able to help fainting from exhaustion.


I'm walking in the world of darkness wondering with serval thoughts floating around my head.
Why am I here?

I keep walking which feels like hours when a dull light comes to view. I keep walking towards it pushing my hand in it. I know dumb idea...But I get absorbed in it sending me somewhere different. I land with a a soft thud quickly sitting up seeing dead trees, grass, and burnt marks all around. I slowly get up worried for what's around me as I get up the dead grass comes to life. Glancing at the moving bushes ahead I make an ice sword in my hand ready to attack. A small white cat with yellow eyes come out meowing. I sigh in relief happy that the little creature isn't any harm to me that is till it began to growl. I look at it confused that's the cats growling becoming worse, louder, and deadlier. The cat begins to grow turning into a large cat beast with large, flashing yellow eyes. It charges me making me dodge but, the remaining yellow grass grabs my wrist confusing me greatly.
It slashes at me making me close my eyes. I feel it's claws tear at my face making me yell in pain. I hear someone chuckle the beast seems to back off. I open my eyes my left one blinded by blood the other one perfectly fine. The blood drips of my face as I stare at the boy before me. His yellow eyes matching the beast next to him. The beast eyes dancing with blood lust as the boys dance with amusement. I narrow my good eye at him not happy to see this prick so soon. He chuckles again and the grass let's me go. I get onto my feet ready to fight the cat beast. I hear more growling all around making me take a few glances. I see I'm surrounded by cat like beast. The yellow eyed boy walks up to me making me tense. I let a low growl loose not afraid to fight the boy. He smirks at me only a few feet from me but, out of my attack zone.

"Do you know what my abilities are?"

"No and I could care less."
I snap

"You may like to know that Kurai has been able to enter your dreams cause of me."

My glare stops at those words making them widen with confusion.

"Who's Kurai?"

"Oh yes you don't know my fathers name oh well you do now."

I process his words as they echoe though my mind. It's his fault? For my terrible dreams how?

"If your wondering it's because of the dark spirit in me I can make illusions and enter peoples dreams. My power grows as long as people fear my power in different levels only I can access and stop if I want. If I go to far with it then I could lose control of my self."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because dear I can make you worse dreams a reality. Plus my bride I can transform animals so you may want to keep your wolves away. I can access your mind at it's weakest points your fear the weakest thing so I can get to it. So if I where you I would be scared."

I glare at the teenage boy and wipe the blood from my eye.

"Well your not me and I'm not scared."

He chuckles darkly clearly amused by my attitude.

"You will be soon my bride but, for now I leave you with a waring. Do not threaten my fathers life again he is only during what he can to protect you but, if you do I won't hesitate to harm you my love."
He says as him and the while fading away

Dream end

I groan feeling a stinging sensation in my left eye. I feel sore like if I've been working out for three days. I sit up feeling my muscles burn I look around to find I'm in a room. Wait how am I in a room?

The door creaks slowly a face coming I view. I look out the open window getting an idea in my head. I jumped out getting the fresh air to my face. I then dash into the Forrest the place looking to familiar. I but my lip stopping realizing something.....
Were back at the academy....

I shake my head knowing it's true but, trying to relax. I hear foot steps behind me making me whirl around. I see a smirking yellow eyed boy Haru....

"What are you doing here?!"
I say backing up

"Nothing I just wanted to talk."

I go to run when my leg began to feel like jello and collapsed from under me. Before I could hit the ground a pair of arms catch me chuckling.

"LET ME GO!!!"
I yell trying to get out his grasp

"I'm not gonna hurt you."
He says putting me down

"How'd you find me?"

"I have my ways."

"*cough* stocker*cough*"

His eye brow twitch with annoyance but, shook it off pulling me close.


"Yes because you belong to me."


He growls with annoyance

"Listen here I didn't come here to listen to your yelling I came here to talk."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Well anything ask me any question and I'll answer it."


"Yup I answered that one."

"That wasn't a question that's a word."

"The way you said it was like a question."

I shake my head trying to stay focus

"Ok so why does your father want me?"

"He already told you that plus that I'm not allowed to talk about."

"WHAT YOU LITTLE-ugh stay calm ok then what can I ask you?"

"Anything else but, that topic."

I nod so he wants to get to know me better?

"Um...why do you call my bride?"

"Well because were getting married of course."


"Well father said you were a feisty one."
He sighed

"And your annoying one."

He smirked and pulled me into his lap earning a punch to the stomach. He kept his grip though pissing me off I used my well working arms to push him away. He looked a little hurt but, I could care less he works for the bad guy.

"You know looking at you makes me wonder who side I should really be on."
He says

I look at him in Surprise not expecting those words to leave his mouth.

"You know my spirit says she loves Kusa too."
Haru says

-I'm not interested in that low life bat he has in his body.-

~better not....~
Aisu mutters

-what was that Aisu?-

I could literally feel Kusa smirking at the blushing gray haired girl.

~Nothing nothing at all~


~Sweetie stay out of grown up business and plus you can't cough in your mind dear.~

I internally sweat drop at this

"He doesn't feel the same way he already has a bride."

"But he forced her didn't he?"

"Um I'm not sure so I can't answer this I'll ask when there not a arguing in my mind."

He looks at me strangely like I'm some type of two headed freak.

"You can hear both of your spirits?"


"Huh you know I expected you attack me with plants or ice by now."

"And I except you to leave by now."

"Well sweetie that's not gonna happen till your friends show up."

"Stop calling me sweetie."









"Ok jeez calm down."
He chuckles

Why am I still letting him near me?
I should use a tree to chuck him...
Yup then put some ice spears underneath his landing...
Sounds like a good plan.

"I'm I really that attractive to you that you won't stop staring?"


"That what you'll say for now until you finally learn to love me."

"I. will. never. learn. to. love. you.Got it?"

He a quick look of hurt flashed actors his face but, very hard to notice. He just kept a smile on his face like I never said that. Ok maybe that's a little cold but, how I do I know he loves me? His the enemy and I'm with Charlie. I love Charlie not Haru it's just simple facts.

"I'm sorry for being so cold but, I'm already in love."
I state trying to stand

My legs jiggle but, I'm able to stand I take a step forward almost losing balance. Haru just snakes his arm around my waist keeping me up.

"T-Thanks but let me go."

"No you'll fall."

I sigh clearly down with this boy

"What is the real reason your here?"

"I said to talk."

"Well there always a hidden message."

"Want to know why?"

I nod looking at him

"Because I waged to get a look of you again."

He then disappeared making me fall on my butt. I growl with annoyance and slowly get up my legs feeling perfect now.

"What just happened?"

-hehe kid you were in a illusion.-

~Yes I wonder why he would do such a thing to keep you here.~

I shake my head and walk back to camp seeing them about to search for me I think. I walk by them causally ignoring them and hugging my little wolf.

"Hey guys."
I say doing a lazy wave

Rosa yells

"Your in no condition to walk."
Pinky says

"You could've gotten hurt!"
Magen yells

I just sigh and look up at Charlie.
Practically reading my mind he shakes his head making me smile.

"I wanted to be sure where I was."

"Then why did you take so long?"
Jon asked boredly hands in his pocket

"Because I love the Forrest. I got a little lost you ding dong."
I say sarcastically

Charlie chuckles and pulls me away from the wolf towards the school. A annoyed looking Michio, and Faisuke stood at the entrance annoyed by his little fan girls behind him. Some of the girls notice Charlie and squeal. I smile innocently and make the plants around them trip them before they can catch up to us.

Rosa, Magen, Jon, Tristan, Sliver, Daisuke, and Michio followed behind us as we entered the gym. It seemed the whole school was waiting there for us. I take a glance at the head master to see him nod in greeting me returning the same. This is my home this is the place I train. Now it's the place were I train others.


Hey guys like the book what do you think of Haru? Is he cool? Annoying? Attractive? Funny? Weird? Stockerish? I could go on but, don't feel like it any way guys please vote, comment your opinions, and continue reading.

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