All I Want

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a/n: Happy B-day writers_pen987


Whitmore hospital

"I am done. Instead of driving to a fun weekend to New York, I will pour a glass of wine, get a pizza, put a romantic movie on and - probably fall asleep and dream about a fun weekend."  Elena said signing a document.

"Ahh - Jo said that your best friend cancelling your trip. You so looked forward to going away."

"Yeah - but I'll be fine."

"Uhm - talking about being ditched- I was going to surprise Rebekah for her birthday this weekend, but Stefan whisked her away to Paris."

"They made up?"

"Yes. And I am left with these two tickets for the 'Chicago' Musical. So, if you have nothing better planned- except take away and romantic movies this weekend, we could go to New York" Elijah smiled charmingly.

"Seriously?" Elena looked surprised at the offer .

"Yes. Seriously. I know that it will not as wild as what you've probably had planned with your best friend"

"No - I mean - this sounds great. I'd love to go." Elena said elated.


The next day

New York

"It was amazing. Thank you for inviting me." Elena said as they sat down in a bar.

"It was pretty good. I really enjoyed it, though a musical is not really my thing.

"But you love jazz"

"How do you know I love jazz?" Elijah looked at his fellow colleague a tad bit wide-eyed.

"Rebekah. She told me that you used to play the piano. She said that you nearly gave up on Medical School and became a jazz pianist."

"Trust my sister to blab about my past." Elijah shook his head in embarrassment, "Please tell me that was all."

"There is mote. She also said that you are like this old school rare kind of a gentleman - and that if any of us attempted to play with your heart - we would have her to deal with."

"OMG - she didn't?"

"Yep. You can imagine me and Bonnie - we were like 'overprorective much'."

"Yes, that is Rebekah." Elijah sighed a little.

"Well, she explained. And I totally get her. Jeremy was like that with me. I made one mistake after another."

"Still -"

"Yeah - finding the one, the soulmate seems like the hardest thing to do." Elena said.

"I think that - actually I have found mine" Elijah said suddenly changing his demeanour, staring at her softly, though his eyes exhibited a kind of serious nervousness, biting a gulp back.

Just close your eyes
And count to five
Let's craft the only thing we know into surprise
Set down your glass
I painted this
To look like you and me forever as we're now

And I'm shaking
and I'm still
When your eyes meet mine all the simple skills
Like to tell you all I want, is now

Taking his hand, Elena's eyes sparkled at him, "I think I did, too."


"Aha -" Elena muttered, feeling her heartbeat strangely accelerating as Elijah rested his hand on her cheek.

Slowly, Elijah pressed his lips to Elena's. His lips firm against hers, still remained soft and gentle, holding for a few seconds, before they began to move with hers in perfect sync, slowly, cautiously. Moving his hand from her cheek to the back of her head, his fingers tangled up in her long, dark chocolate hair, lightly pulling her into him, adding more pressure to her lips, deepening the kiss.


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