For Ever

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"Dear diary,"

Elena started, but put the pen down. Her mind wondered to the past.

Ten years ago
New Orleans

"Elena we have to go" Bonnie says.

The vampire stands up reluctantly, turning to Andrea Lebonair, "Keep him safe."

"I will. Maybe one day you will get to have your forever." The hybrid says.

"I hope so, too. If we ever find the spell Kai cast on him and wake him up." Elena sighs painfully as Stefan closes the coffin.

"Hey" Damon put a hand on the brunette's shoulder, "are you ok?"

"Yeah and no." Elena replied, closing the diary, "it feels like it was yesterday. And it's been ten years already. I miss him. I will always miss him."

"Yeah, I know what that is like."

"Oh, Damon - sorry. I am moping here and you"

"It's ok. Stefan gave his life to close the gates of Hell, but Elijah was put under a spell just for the heck of it."

"It was not just for the heck of it. We imprisoned him, condemned him to solitary" Elena reminded her friend.

"Yes, but he so deserved it. Or did you forget."

"No, I didn't." Elena nodded slightly, tears welling up in her eyes again, "But Elijah paid the price. I should have never got involved with a mortal. I should have broken up with him. He would be alive and well."

"Didn't you try?"

"Yes. It was easier said than done. Anyway, enough about painful memories. What are you doing here?"

"Meeting Caroline to coordinate Bonnie's surprise birthday party at the Grill." Damon explained his visit to Whitmore.

"Oh, yeah - I hope you guys have lots of fun fun."

"Aren't you going to be there?"

"No. I'm leaving tonight."

"Why?I thought you were at home here?"

"It felt really good being here with all you guys - but I don't have a real home. Though it felt it when I was with him - I will visit - and you can all come to - wherever I am for a while." Elena said standing up.

"This is goodbye then?!" Damon stood up as well.

"It kind of is. Don't say anything to Bonnie and Caroline just yet. I will do that tonight when I see them."

"All right." Damon said giving the ancient vampire a warm hug, "maybe one day you will find the spell and wake him up."



That night as she set off from Mystic Falls, putting the radio on, a song that came up on the radio transported her to the moment she saw Elijah.

New Orleans
Ten years ago

She watched him play. From the shadows. She would stand at the door of Rousseau's and watch him. She was taken by him. Or was it the music. She couldn't decide. It was heavenly. She had not heard anything like it. And she was walking the Earth for thousands of years. Everything about him was extra special. Her soul quivered dreamily.

Well, they say people come
The say people go
This particular diamond was extra special
And though you might be gone, and the world may not know
Still I see you, celestial

Elena bit her lip. At the moment as she decided to walk away and never return to the bar, he turned and caught her eye. Before she could turn away a sudden feeling of shyness took over her. A genuine grin spread across his face, turned everything, him from handsome into divine. In that moment she felt her heart flush warm. This was a person she wanted to know more than she had ever wanted anything before. She knew this was a man she could love for eternity.

"Hello-I'm Elijah"

"Elena" the vampire replied as the man came to her.

From that day on, life was a walking dream. Her life, her existence had a new meaning.

And when she thought she knew love before, nothing came close to what she had experienced with this man. Elijah Mikaelson. A surgeon, who loved to play a piano in a bar for fun.

How was she to put their love into mere words? An entire ocean of ink wouldn’t be enough to describe them. They were a starburst of light amongst the darkening dusk. They were all the stars in the sky condensed into a single point. And she knew that she had found her one true love. And it would be just him forever.

And I should but I can't let you go
But when I'm cold, I'm cold
Yeah, when I'm cold
There's a light that you give me when I'm in shadow
There's a feeling within me, an everglow

But the changing of winds, and the way waters flow

Life is short as the falling of snow
And I'm gonna miss you, I know

But when I'm cold, cold
In water rolled, salt

And I know that you're with me and the way you will show
And you're with me wherever I go
And you give me this feeling, this everglow

What I wouldn't give for just a moment to hold
Because, I live for this feeling, this everglow

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