I Know Your Heart/Part 2

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a/n: this is part 2 of I Will Carry My Regret, inspired by a gif (the last one) from writers_pen987


Seven years after

Mystic Falls

"We need you - no - Elijah needs you. And I know I have no right to ask you to help us after everything my brothers have done, but - I have nowhere else to turn to. Elijah is - his soul is stuck in something called the Red Door. It is actually Elijah's inner Hell. We have all tried to get through to him. Get him out of there. Even Hope, but it didn't work."

"Why do you think I can do it?"

"Because he loves you. Truly loves you." Finn said, "and I think that you could reach him."


A couple of days after

New Orleans

"Take this" Freya gave Elena a ring. "This will protect you if he turns violent. To get out you say thesr words
Farðu núna"


"I am using the old magic and so uhm - you have to use the old language."

"How will I know if I reached out to him? How will I know that it worked?"

"You both should come out of it through the door." Freya replied.

"Right. Ok. Let's do it." Elena said putting the ring on her index finger.

Before Elena entered the magical circle, all the Mikaelsons siblings thanked her.

With a small nod, the doppelganger laid down.

Soon as the chanting began she slipped in the darkness, and as she opened her eyes, she found herself in front of a red door.

With a small gulp, she reached for the door knob.

You will be entering the space in his mind. For each one of us it was different.

And for Elena it was darkness. No particular space. She could not identify anything. And then, from the darkness came the sound of someone approaching. Suddenly there he stood in the shadows, the amber of his eyes glaring at her.

"Elijah" Elena said softly.

Stepping out of the darkness, the Original looked at the doppelganger like she was an apparition.

Scary as he looked all covered in blood, Elena boldly stepped forward. Her heart ran a thousand beats a second, transporting her to a memory when she first met him in an abandoned  Mansion.

But now it was different. Now, the vampire looking at her, though menacing in his looks, was a creature lost. Swaying his head away he muttered in old norse.

"Líðawayr (go away)"

"Ek'm hí til takþúr heima, Elijah. (I'm here to take you home, Elijah)"

"Ek hafneir heima (I have no home). Líða (Go)!"

"Kommitr mér (Come with me)."

Elijah shook his head, turning away, but Elena was not giving up and now took hold of his hand, putting her hand on his cheek.

"Lítár mik (look at me) -" Elijah"

"Nei (No)"

"Ek veit (I know) -hvatvetna (everything). Það er sárt (It hurts)."

The Original beamed his eyes at the doppelganger and she now could see deeper in his soul than ever before.

Regret washed over him like the long slow waves on a shallow beach. Each wave was icy cold, sending shivers down his spine. How he longed to go back and take a different path, but now that was impossible. There was no way back. There was no way to make it right. The remorse would eat at him everyday of his life.

"Ek veit (I know)" Elena said, "Ek veit þinn hjarta (I know your heart). Þar er góð inn þat (There is good in it)."

Her brown eyes shone brightly, as if they were reflecting the warmth of the sun. They were such a unique colour, a mix of light and dark. She looked at his dark brown eyes now, with so much emotion held inside.

He trusted her. No matter what the past was, his soul trusted her, it knew that she genuinely meant what she had said.

Looking down at Elena's hands, he took them and a surge of magic hit them both, streaming through all the emotion that spilled out of Elijah's heart.


Elena got up from the circle she was in. Still vividly shaken by the overwhelming emotions the memories of his life before, finding his ground, Elijah got up facing the doppelganger. He knew that she saw all. The good, the bad and the  darkest his soul carried.

Elijah turned to Elena and she hugged him, squeezing him tightly.


-to be continued-

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