✓ villain :: plot

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now playing . . . villain by k/da !

❝ i'm alive, but i'm dead
hear my voice up in your head ❞

VILLAIN . . . marauders era

TITLE : villain*
— honestly i just didn't know a song that fit but y'know i like this

FACECLAIMS : jenna ortega and lola tung

OCS NAMES : sadie potter and isabelle liu fierro respectively
— yes there's two ocs yay

— below

HOUSE : gryffindor and ravenclaw

TIMELINE : seventh year of hogwarts

DESCRIPTION : when james potter's beloved twin sister, sadie potter, dies, isabelle fierro tries to figure out who killed her — uncovering many secrets about herself and sadie along the way.

EXTENDED : sadie potter had everything. she'd had popularity. she'd had so many friends. she'd been a seeker in quidditch. she'd had money. she, literally, had had everything. that was probably why she'd been killed, because someone had had a vendetta against her. at least, that's what isabelle liu fierro thought. she'd been best friends with sadie before she'd died — close friends since childhood, which was why isabelle cared as much as she did about sadie's death. so she hunted down for clues. and found out many things about sadie and herself that she didn't know about, despite this voice in her head and a hallucination of sadie's ghost that followed her around.

notes !

— i've been reading a visual novel that's like a high schooler solving the murder of the queen bee which was why this came to be

— sadie and isabelle though >>> they have that ride or die relationship that everyone dreams of, despite the fact that rarely anyone knows isabelle because she's not some golden girl gryffindor because [ redacted ] severely highlighted gryffindors. like, literally. sometimes sadie and isabelle would pull off pranks that are as good as the marauders'. they were each others' first kisses. even after sadie dies they still have like a bantery relationship despite isabelle denying that she can see sadie's ghost

— so yeah sadie dies not because of a spell but because of a sword that was just ,,, there at the crime scene next to the whomping willow. isabelle finds her and like has a panic attack because she has ptsd from when her sister died from death eaters in their fifth year

— yes isabelle has ptsd and hallucinates so that's why she acts as if she can't hear sadie's voice or see her ghost because she's like "no way it's just guilt"

— yet isabelle looks for sadie's killer anyway and it basically kinda consumes her and that's kinda the whole plot of the book

— feel free to go wild honestly i have like no plans for who the killer is or anything or even if isabelle finds the killer

— for love interests !! you could just not have one for isabelle. i honestly think that it'd be pretty sick to see her with maybe james??? best friend's older brother kinda vibes. they could look for sadie's killer and fall in love. or maybe james and lily at the same time. we need more poly representation <3 also honestly i would love a mini subplot of marlene x isabelle friends w benefits with marlene in it for tutoring and isabelle in it for info about sadie

— as for sadie maybe. hear me out. she'd had a hookup with either sirius or remus ( or both. ) and it just kept going and somewhere along the lines isabelle found out and um ,,, yeah idk where i wanted this to go


— sadie was portrayed as the perfect girl: she's nice to people that don't annoy her/wrong her, funny, she does semi have a brain though she's not the smartest, she's athletic, and she seemed like she had a perfect life with amazing parents and a good relationship with her twin brother despite their banter that borders on insults.

— sadie's alter ego is ,,, interesting. she's done some shady stuff, and she's hid it well. an affair, some dealing, maybe some blood on her hands? who knows? she's dead ( actually i do have an idea if you want this plot prepare for me to dm you about the idea )

— isabelle is quiet. she's never the center of attention, and she doesn't want to be. it makes her feel better because then no one's making fun of her or paying attention to her so she can snoop around and search for clues. she's the type of person who can not study and still get a perfect score. she's used to being ignored and a disappointment because her sister was the perfect one and then she died.

— but yeah if you want more detail on their personalities i'd be happy to elaborate !!

— ik i said that they don't need love interests but imagine isabelle x james x lily. isabelle and lily academic rivals arc??? except lily did not like isabelle because she didn't study for her tests unlike lily??? but also isabelle really wouldn't care that much. except once isabelle works on the case they realize that they're more alike than they realize and start hanging out more together, both investigating the case and outside of it. lily and james would force her to stop working on the case and go to hogsmeade or study or just to make her eat and sleep. and they'd get isabelle out of panic attacks like ugh. isabelle and james would just be the cutest little dorks. he totally ropes her into doing pranks, despite his head boy badge. he'll make her listen to him talk about quidditch or how annoying sirius and remus are. them being paired up in classes because the teachers notice how much better they works together. and he calls her every nickname that he can think of, but the one that sticks between them and lily is belly, for some weird reason. definitely not because lola tung's isabelle's faceclaim. and definitely not because i just finished tsitp.

— bro i'm so into isabelle and james and lily it's not even real i could write like 20 chapters of just prompts and then just them being them ( 👀 )

— have fun with this plot !! it doesn't have to be like really serious it could be a fun murder mystery. then again murder isn't fun ig.

— this could have any ending you want !! a bittersweet ending would fit this well but whatever's up to your taste

❝ is it really a surprise if i'm playing with your mind? ❞

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