제13장: Practice

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Note before reading: If the scenes feel rushed, that means that the book still needs to be revised after completion.

As I said, feedbacks are highly appreciated if there are mistakes or anything that you want to let the author know.

Lovelots! 💕 If this chapter does not have any translations, this means that the author is still trying to find the appropriate translator to avoid any misunderstandings.

This part is still unedited and will be revised in the future.

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Gunyeo's teammates were already there, waiting for him patiently as he dragged me along with him. They gave us looks at first but decided not to dwell on it that much. Of course, I couldn't help but hide my face with my other hand in embarrassment as I followed Gunyeo along.

Why did I even agree to this?

As soon as we were near, he then told me to sit on one of the benches. Of course, since I was just here to watch, I agreed. Walking over the bench and sitting on it, I turned around to see Gunyeo talking to his teammates and even decided to point me.

"Oh, gosh, this is so embarrassing,' I muttered to myself before hiding my face with both hands as I felt the tension. I don't really like being pointed at. Especially if there are a lot of people.

Suddenly, Gunyeo called me. I then removed my hands to see him smiling at me.

"Watch me, alright?" He told me as I then gave him a thumbs up and a grin. This is probably the first time that I'll get to see him practice.

After all, the first time I was about to see him kick the ball is the time where Naehyun stole it from him.

Maybe this time, it would be different.

I sat there patiently as I notice Gunyeo getting ready for the pass. His eyes were fixated on both of his teammates who were blocking his way towards the goal.

And in the brink of a second, he took the ball, did a roulette move, and ran to aim for the uprights. I held my two hands tight to each other - hoping that he'd get a goal.

It was just a practice but it almost seemed like a real one though. My breath hitched as Gunyeo got trapped in two of his teammates but then I watched him dodging once again his other teammates before doing a power shot.

The ball flew towards the net and I stood up as it went in. I couldn't believe it. He did it. Gunyeo then ran around the field before looking at me, smiling widely.

"Was that good?" He asked me as he approached me. Knowing that he was already tired, I gave him the unopened water bottle I had earlier and gave it to him. I didn't need it for now but he certainly does. He tried to decline it but I insisted.

I was about to talk to him but one of his teammates suddenly called him for a rematch. He agreed with no hesitation but decided to ask me if it was alright. The only answer I could muster was a nod before I see him running towards his friends once again.

"You're a supportive one, huh?" I heard a voice right behind me. Oh, this is not good. I recognize that voice very well.

"Jihun sunbae." His eyes widened at me when he heard the honorific. "You seem surprised."

"Sunbae? Now, that's new," he teased before sitting right next to me. As I looked at him, I noticed that he was watching Gunyeo playing soccer. He wasn't really into soccer but I guess he just wanted to see if Gunyeo was doing great in practice.

"It's rude to stare, don't you think?" My eyes widened as soon as he said that, making my cheeks turn red before I turn my attention back to Gunyeo. I guess it is not really nice to stare indeed, especially on this guy.

But before I could watch Gunyeo again, a hand quickly went to block my view in front - surprising me suddenly as Jihun blocked the ball that was kicked in our way. 

I couldn't believe my eyes as Jihun gave Gunyeo a glare after that curve shot.

"Ya! Next time, control your kick, Yeo!" he yelled out as Gunyeo looked at us apologetically. "You almost hit us."

I couldn't bring myself to look at him. In all honesty, I didn't expect him to block that ball. For once, I thought that he'd let it be and probably laugh at me afterward.

Once he scolded Gunyeo, he turned back to me with a frown. "Ya, you still owe me for this."

Well, I spoke too soon.

My lips turned into a frown as I saw him massaging the palm of his hand. I guess that curve shot hurts a bit as soon as he blocked it. His palm turned a bit red after a minute.

Taking his hand, I then decided to do it for him. He did help me out from that scenario. He was about to argue but decided not to stop me. I guess this was my way of payback.

"Do you want to join us for lunch later?" I blurted out so suddenly that his eyes widened and looked at me confused. Oh, god, what was I saying?

I couldn't help but turn to look away at that minute. He's probably thinking that I've gone crazy now. I mean, he just saved my face from that ball. But, he wasn't expecting me to ask him to go to lunch with us. I almost facepalmed at how I sounded towards him.

From the look on his face, I could tell he was taken aback. "What did you just say?"

"I-I didn't say—" I was about to stand up but he then pulled me back down on my seat and made me face him. Gunyeo stopped on his tracks on the field, looking at both of us with a confused look. I guess he thinks that Jihun and I fought again.

"No, I heard you clearly. I just want you to repeat it," he replied exactly at the time when Gunyeo had finally approached us, exhausted.

He threw us stares before trying to pull Jihun's hand away from mine. "Hyung, I think it's best if we just go back to—"

"Don't worry, we didn't get into a fight," Jihun told Gunyeo without even giving him a look. No, he was still looking directly at me.

As soon as he took his hand off, he then nods. "So shorty, you've got yourself a deal. I'll see you there then."

After Jihun stood up and walked away, Gunyeo sat next to me and took my hand. "Are you okay? Are you sure you're not hurt?"

"I'm alright," I reassured him before looking to where Jihun left. 

"I'm just shocked. That's all." Gunyeo wanted to question me further but decided to let it be once he saw my reaction. 

I guess we'll see Jihun later at lunch then. 

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