제29장: The Champion

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Note before reading: If the scenes feel rushed, that means that the book still needs to be revised after completion. As I said, feedbacks are highly appreciated if there are mistakes or anything that you want to let the author know. Lovelots! 💕

▬▬▬▬ ❤️ ▬▬▬▬

The match has begun and my coffee was almost empty.

I held my board high and answered the letter of my choice in the easy round. Some of the questions were easy enough since I have already learned them right before I got transferred here to Korea as an exchange student. Most of them were about the locations, history, and even the meaning of the flag.

Though, I wasn't sure if I could win this, considering that I've only learned from books and even through films. I doubt that I could get in the final round on this. As I held my board, I felt Naehyun sighing loudly right next to me.

"Ah, I'm not even sure if this is right," he mumbled under his breath before I heard his number being called and I heard that his answer was correct. My number was soon followed as I sighed in relief at this time. There's still a chance that I could get into the average round.

"Numbers 10, 25, and 26 got the correct answer. Now, on to the next question," Heejun started as Yoonwoo and Jihun were upfront, putting the scores on the large board to indicate how many points we got.

Gunyeo stretched right in front of me and I could guess he was comfortable at this rate. He wasn't even panicking and he just seemed to be enjoying the match. He turned around to us and winked while I just heard Naehyun scoffing right next to me.

"Ah, he's being boastful again, I see. He's probably comfortable since he already studied some of these. Let's do our best to beat him, Eysee." The only answer I gave him was a thumbs up as I felt my heartbeat going too fast.

I'm not even sure if I could get until the final round but I guess I'll try my best on this one to prove to Gunyeo that I could do it.

Suddenly, I heard Heejun's voice echoing the gymnasium, "This would be the last question in the easy round."

"This location is known as the main financial district of Korea," Heejun asked as he then stated the options.

"A for Seonyudo, B for Nodeulseom, C for Yeouido, or D for Bamseom."

There was a bit of pause as we were given time to answer. I could hear Naehyun slightly cheering in my side as he wrote his answer on his board.

It couldn't be B or D since I've already known that Nodeulseom was known as uninhabited but now used for Music-themed related cultural space and Bamseom was closed for the public and only became an island for birds and plants to nurture.

Should it be A or C...?

I wasn't even sure at this point and just answered C. With shaking hands, I decided to write my answer and raise my board. I just hope this is right.

As soon as Heejun mentioned the numbers, I was a bit nervous. Though, it suddenly disappeared as I heard my number along with Naehyun's.

"The numbers that are included in the average round would be 1,6,8,10,14,25.26, and 34." There are only eight of us right now and the only people who could get into the difficult round would be three, maybe more if lucky.

As the average round had begun, the questions got harder and harder. This time, there weren't any options to be chosen for the questions. The only thing we could do was to state what answers we think of and write it fully on the board.

I gulped and Naehyun still seemed to be chilling right next to me. Gunyeo was also still resting on his chair in ease as I closed my eyes and breathe deeply.

Eysee, you can do this. I believe in you.

Drinking the last sip on my coffee, I waited for a few minutes before the average round had begun. As the questions had been told, I tried to answer most of them. It wasn't that simple since most of the questions were already pertaining to history. Some weren't in the books I studied so I just tried to guess.

So far, the points I got were 4 and it was already down to the last question. There were 10 questions but I only got four correctly so far. If I mess up on this one, there was a strong guarantee that I wouldn't get into the final round.

"Last question for the average round." This time, it was Yoonwoo who was speaking. "The top four contestants who would get the highest points would move to the last round."

This was it. I held my breath as I tried to hear the question clearly.

"Which city in Korea is nicknamed 'Korea's Silicon Valley' because of its scientific research centers and the 1992 Expo science park?" Yoonwoo asked and I could feel the colors on my face drain.

What did he just say?

I then felt Naehyun shift on his seat as he sighed exasperatedly. "Ah, I don't know this one."

Since I wasn't even sure what to answer, I decided to just write Pangyo since it felt like it would be the one. Raising my board, I then felt Naehyun do the same. It was just a matter of time when the numbers had been released and I didn't even hear mine.

As soon as Heejun repeated the names of those students who were included in the difficult round, I was surprised to hear Naehyun and Gunyeo's names on the list and two names of other seniors. I wasn't really shocked once I didn't hear my name on it though the other two had other reactions.

"Eysee, you aren't included in the final round..." Naehyun trailed off as Gunyeo only looked at me with a confused gaze. I only smiled at this and stood up along with the other players and left our seats. The only four remaining contestants were the ones on the seat and we were allowed to watch them.

Though before I could walk much further, I cheered for them both and they only gave a thumbs-up before standing and going in front.

The last round's questions were more about culture and I suddenly saw that one of them got eliminated already on the first question.

As soon as the second one was asked, my eyes went wide when Naehyun and Gunyeo both got it right and they were both the only one standing.

Naehyun looked back at me and winked as Gunyeo only took a deep breath. I guess he wasn't sure whether Naehyun would get the next one correctly. He was the champion at this so losing to Naehyun would be a big shocker.

Though that wouldn't happen, right?

Heejun then smiled, passing the microphone to Yoonwoo before stepping down the stage. Though, I didn't expect him to walk in my direction.

"You did a good job out there, Eysee." I only thanked him and focused my attention to the two. Heejun noticed and only chuckled.

"I guess you're a bit worried about Naehyun and Gunyeo," he told me as I nodded.

"I'm just nervous about who would win this round," I shared out.

"I'm sure it would be Gunyeo on this one. He never loses," he said as I only closed my eyes. There was still a 50-50 chance on Naehyun winning this though so I still believe that the game could turn another way around.

"Only time would tell," I replied back as I then heard Yoonwoo's voice.

"The Tripitaka Koreana is a creation of the most complete collection of Buddhist scriptures in the world. This collection was carved on wood blocks in Chinese characters," he started as he then continued.

"How many wood blocks went into this creation?" Suddenly, I heard Gunyeo answering.

"80,000 woodblocks," Gunyeo answered confidently. But I was shocked to see Yoonwoo shaking his head.

"The specific amount." Gunyeo could only stand still like a statue once he heard that.

Though, I didn't expect Naehyun to answer this one with a smile. "81,340. That's the specific amount of woodblocks."

"That's..." Yoonwoo trailed off as he cast his eyes on Naehyun. "...Correct." 

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