Double Date?

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Requested by geminitay67

Private chat between Jimmy and Lizzie

Cat: Jimmy!!!!!!

Toy: What?

Cat I was wondering if you wanted to go on a double date with me and Joel?

Toy: So I'm going to be a third wheel

Cat: No were being Scott

Toy: Why Scott? And also a double date?!??!??!

Cat: Yes a double date. And because Scott is lonely as fuck

Toy: But isn't mostly everyone lonely

Cat: Well yes but you're coming you whether like it or not

Toy: Fine

Out Of Chat

Lizzie: Okay I got Jimmy to come surprisingly

Joel: Alright Scott said yes. That little simp

Lizzie: So about the plan how are we going to get a drone?

Joel: Don't worry babe I got this

Lizzie: Huh?

Shelby: Alright I managed to repair it but I haven't tested out

Joel: Impressive but maybe we should test it just in case

Shelby: Okay

*Starts to fly it around*

Lizzie: Seems to work

Shelby: Oh thank goodness I was about slap Joel if I didn't work

Joel: Why is always me!!!!!!

Shelby: Well I'm not going to slap Lizzie

Lizzie: Well thank you I guess. Also we'll explain that plan once the rest get here

Joel: Their here

False: Okay so what's the plan?

Joel: Well Lizzie explain the plan

Lizzie: Okay so me and Joel had got Jimmy and Scott to go on a double date. But what they don't know is they're going on a date by themselves. So Shelby your-

Shelby: God damnit Scott

Gem: This bitch

Joel: No one answer

Sausage: That's fine he's a grown ass boy

Katherine: Ummm what's going on?

Gem: Don't worry about it

Sausage: Scott just needed help but he can deal with it

Lizzie: Okay as I was saying Shelby your going to use the drone to spy on them

Shelby: Alright

Joel: Everyone let's start getting everything else setup

Everyone: Alright

Gem: Hey Shelby aren't you coming in?

Shelby: No I need to get the drone in the right place

Gem: Then I'm staying here

Shelby: What

Gem: Shelby your my friend I'm not going to leave you behind

Shelby: Fine

Sausage: You know what simps stick together

Joel: Yeah simps always stick together

Gem: Stick together

Sausage: I legit want to yell it out but

*Points that the window*

Shelby: I'm almost there

Joel: Ooh I see the place you should hide behind the tree

Sausage: Yeah that's a good place

Shelby: Alright I have to be careful

Gem: It's Scott

Joel: And Woody I mean Timmy

Shelby: There we go

Sausage: We should head inside

Shelby: Let's go
With Jimmy and Scott

Jimmy: Hey Scott

Scott: Hi

Scott thought "Where the fuck is Lizzie and Joel"

Jimmy: Seems like they're late

Scott: Yeah umm wait one sec

                         SIMPS Chat

Jimmy Simp💛: Joel where are you

Lizzie Simp💕: Well me and Lizzie tricked you

Jimmy Simp💛: Are you telling me I have a date with Jimmy by myself??!!?!?!!?!?!?

Lizzie Simp💕: Yeah good luck

Lizzie Simp💕 is offline

Jimmy Simp💛 is offline

Out Of Chat

Scott: Noooooooooooooo

Jimmy: You okay Scott?

Scott: No

Jimmy: What happened

Scott: Well apparently you and me are going on the date by ourselves

Jimmy: A picnic with my good friend that actually sounds nice

Scott: *Whispering to himself* Yeah good friend

Jimmy: What did you Scott?

Scott: Oh nothing

Jimmy: Ooh they left food

Scott: Sweet! They left cake

*13 minutes later*

Scott: So Joel was going in for the hoop. Until suddenly Joel accidentally hit himself with the ball.  And me and Shelby were laughing so hard that we almost fell.

With Everyone

Joel: Scott shut the fuck up

*Everyone laughing except Joel*

Joel: That isn't funny

Joe: It kinda is Joel

Shelby: I had almost forgot about that

Joel: I hate everyone!

With Jimmy and Scott

Scott: Oh another time where Gem and Shelby had to-

Jimmy: Had to what

Scott: Never mind they would probably attack me if I said that

Jimmy: What's so bad about it

Scott: Timmy everything about it

Jimmy: So it's really really bad

Scott: Yes oh and don't get me started with the other thing

With Everyone

Katherine: What did you have to do with Gem?

Shelby: Gem I'm going to hit myself with the wall

Gem: Shelby could I join you?

Shelby: Sure

Joel: To be completely honest I had forgot about that until he mentioned it

Sausage: Nooooo I don't want to have nightmares again! Shelby Gem I'm joining as well

Pix: Wait guys no

With Scott and Jimmy

Scott: Oh it's getting late

Jimmy: Shit I have to go bye Scott

Scott: Bye

                             SIMPS Chat

Jimmy Simp💛: Could someone pls give me a ride

Lizzie Simp💕: Dw I'll come

Katherine Simp💖: We are with Joel

Fwhip Simp💚: So do you wanna get ice cream?

Pearl Simp🧡: Yes, Winnie is with my parents anyway

Jimmy Simp💛: Yes

Katherine Simp💖: Sure I could do for some ice cream. Besides Tortoise is getting taken care of by my grandma

Lizzie Simp💕: Yeah Hermes and Bubble is with Eddie

Fwhip Simp💚: Alright stay right there Scott

Jimmy Simp💛: I mean I can't really go anywhere

Pearl Simp🧡 is offline

Katherine Simp💖 is offline

Fwhip Simp💚 is offline

Lizzie Simp💕 is offline

Jimmy Simp💛 is offline

Author's Note: Ͼ

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