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"You wouldn't believe where I am right now."


The song ended and everyone applauded and cheered for Giselle. She grinned at everyone joyfully, praising them while they praised her. "Thank you."

The crowd all embraced one another, thanking her for bringing them all together again. It was a rare chance to see New York this happy and, to be honest, it scared Brendon who was still bewildered to what had just happened.

To recap, he started this day by expelling rodents from his apartment, almost got broken up with Sarah again, was talked down by his friends and somehow ended up in a musical number in Central Park. He acknowledged that Broadway was here, since he had been on the stage himself, but he didn't expect it to be in the park and started by a lost girl he met on the street almost a day ago.

Every time he was around her, he found her entrancing. There was something peculiar about this young woman but that's what made her so interesting. She was like a song he and the band would write when they were working on their second album.

Brendon's thoughts were interrupted when his phone began to ring. He checked the Caller ID, surprised by who it was. "Sarah?"

"Thank you so much for the flowers. They're so beautiful!" She told him, sounding elated.

"Well, you're welcome. No, I'm glad you liked them." Giselle turned to him, wondering who he was talking to. "She got the flowers." He mouthed to her, causing a smug smirk to appear on her face.

She was right.

"Catch you at a bad time?" Sarah asked on the other side.

"Yeah." Brendon muttered, observing his surroundings. "You wouldn't believe where I am right now."

"Hey, is that Brendon Urie?!" A woman shouted from a short distance away. So much for not being recognised.


Meanwhile, Nathaniel, who had now changed out of his disguise, discovered the prince laying injured on the ground. "Sire! Oh dear, oh dear." He helped him out of the heap, noticing he was walking with a limp. "You've fallen on your royal-"

"I know!" Edward tried to walk but all he was given was pain. "Ah!

However, his attention was drawn away from the prince when he noticed the caramelised poison apple on a cyclists helmet. He ripped it off his head, discovering that it had melted through the helmet and had burned a section of hair off of his scalp.

These apples certainly were dangerous.


In New York, Sarah was working as a full-time makeup artist and even started her own beauty salon when she moved to New York. On her desk was a heart-shaped bouquet of flowers, two white doves and an envelope.

Brendon had gone to meet her, bringing along Giselle who helped out in the salon while they were there. Almost as soon as they arrived, Sarah kissed him in delight. "I love them so much." She said, referring to the gifts that were given to her.


"Usually you send those e-mail cards with the digital flowers.  These are exquisite. Where do you find live doves in New York City?" She queried.

He smiled. "Oh, it's a long story..."

"And these?" She picked up the envelope, revealing they had tickets for the 'Kings & Queens Ball' they had spotted earlier. "We're going to a ball?"

"You don't have to." He justified.

"Are you kidding me? It's so romantic." She exclaimed, the happiest she had been in a long time. "So spontaneous!"


"I can't wait." She admitted, slipping her arms over his shoulders.

"Good. Great." He glanced back at Giselle, who was cleaning up a stain whilst talking to one of Sarah's workers. "And... as far as Giselle's concerned, I'm just trying to help her. Nothing happened-"

Sarah interrupted him. "You know what?  If you say nothing happened, nothing happened. I trust you. You have changed Brendon, I can see it in your eyes. Maybe she's given you a little spirit back."

Brendon looked back at Giselle, smiling. "Yeah, I guess she did." For a moment, he couldn't stop staring at her until he drew his attention back to his girlfriend. "So tomorrow night, then."

Her eyes brightened. "This is so unlike you." She planted him one last kiss before embracing him.

Perhaps Giselle wasn't such a burden at all.


Prince Edward and Nathaniel wandered down a street, finding themselves at a motel for a chance to rest. Though both of them shared the same intent, to find Giselle, Nathaniel's was much more sinister.

Inside their motel room, he laid Edward on a bed and removed his shoes. Although, the prince happened to lean on a remote control, turning on the television. The screen astounded him, believing it to be a magic mirror.

He watched the news, documenting his encounter with the bus driver when he stabbed her bus earlier in the day. Edward scanned the remote inquisitively. "It appears this odd little box controls the magic mirror."

Only Nathaniel knew it wasn't but he didn't admit it as Edward flicked through the channels, coming across a soap opera. "Don't you have any self-respect?" The woman on the television asked, attracting the servant's attention.

"I don't need self-respect.  I just need your lips against mine." The man on the television confessed before Prince Edward changed the channels.

"Wait, sire! Go back! Go back! Please!" He beseeched, entranced by the drama on screen.

"How can I love a man who doesn't even like himself?" Nathaniel related to that question too much, unknowingly being pawned by Narissa, thinking she cared for him when, in reality, she only cared for the crown.

Behind his back, erupting from the popcorn box was Pip who had been entrapped for the past hour. He gasped for breath until decidedly jumping on Edward's knee to try and warn him about Nathaniel again. "Shh, shh, shh..."

He quickly understood what he was trying to say. "Oh, shh." Pip tried to imitate Giselle being poisoned by Nathaniel yet Edward still didn't comprehend what he was telling him. "Nathaniel likes the way I leap?" He whispered, making Pip shake his head and imitate the scene again. "I'm handsome even when I sleep?"

The annoyed chipmunk had enough of his ignorance, squeaking angrily at him and causing Nathaniel to realise he was out of the box. He snatched the small animal by its skin, dangling it in the air. "Sad little chipmunk.  Aw, deranged from exhaustion.  Aw." Edward smiled softly, unknown to the evil side of his servant. "Maybe you'd like to snuggle in a nice little nook  for the night, eh?"

He took Pip into the wardrobe, imprisoning him on a hanger. He blew a raspberry at the man as Nathaniel placed the 'Do Not Disturb' sign over his head. "Night-night. Sleep tight." He pulled the doors to and gathered his things, ready to leave. "I think I need some air, sire." As Nathaniel opened the door, he faced Edward again. "Sire.  Do you... like yourself?"

Edward shrugged. "What's not to like?"

Nathaniel nodded, exiting the room. He had to do this for Narissa, she loved him, didn't she? The more he thought about the question, the less focused he was on the task at hand. On the other hand, Pip who had managed to swing the hanger off the metal bar in the wardrobe made his way outside, following Nathaniel.

He squealed as he managed to free himself from his prison, running down the edge of a lampost to stop him from killing Giselle.


If you wanted to know, I did actually do some deep research into Brendon, Sarah, Spencer, Dallon etc. Seriously, Spencer actually works at DCD2 and Sarah is a makeup artist, except of course she doesn't have her own salon because this an exaggerated fictional story.

I'm running out things to talk about in these author notes, since I'm actually writing them both publishing the actual book. I'm sure with later chapters they'll be updated dependant on who actually reads this. If you are reading this, do you like the book?

Anyway, I recently hit 200 reads which was quite unexpected. I thought that I would have a little than 100 but 200 is wow! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you're enjoying this story.

- Alice

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