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"How do I know he loves me? How do I know he's mine?"


As they walked along, a caramelised poison apple in her hand, Brendon explained what he thought about love. "Most normal people get to know each other before they get married. They date."

She didn't quite understand the word. "Date?"

"Yeah. You know, date. You go some place special." He described, going into detail. "You know, like a restaurant, or a movie, a museum. Or you just hang out and you talk."

"What do you talk about?" wondered Giselle.

"About each other. About yourself. About your interests. Your likes, your dislikes. You talk!" Brendon expanded.

"You have such strange ideas about love." She commented.

He shrugged. "Maybe we should do what you would do. You meet, have lunch, and get married."

"Oh! You forgot about happily ever after." She added.

"Forget "happily ever after." It doesn't exist." said Brendon.

Giselle gasped, throwing her hands up in the air. "Well, of course it does!" However, she accidentally let the apple fly from her fingertips. "Oh!"

"Damn, you can throw!" He pointed out, watching the apple fly away before returning to their conversation. "I hate to disagree, but marriages are a success if they manage not to end. Forget about happiness."

"What about you and Sarah?" She queried. "You know that you will live happily ever after."

He stopped. "I don't know if I'll make it through today, let alone a lifetime. That's what I'm trying to tell you. It's complicated."

"But it doesn't have to be, not if she knows." Giselle stated.

"Knows what?"

"How much you really love her."

"Of course she does." Brendon crossed his arms, awkwardly. "We just don't talk about it every minute of the day, but she knows."


"What do you mean, "how"?" He asked.

"How does she know you love her?" She sung.

Brendon shook his head, wanting her to stop. "No. Don't."

However, she didn't listen and proceeded with her song. "How does she know..."

"People, people looking..."

His voice was drowned out by hers. "She's yours...?"

"Don't sing. It's ok. Let's just walk. Can we walk? Ok?" He began to pull her away, not wanting to attract attention since there were still people in the world who knew his face.

"Well, does she?" She questioned.


Unexpectedly, a man in a band started to sing, startling them. "How does she know that you love her?"


Brendon grew confused. "He knows the song too?"

"How do you show her you love her?" Another man in the band lightly banging his drum, starting a beat as Giselle and the man sung together. "How does she know that you really, really, truly love her?"

"I've never heard this song." He remarked.

"How does she know that you love her? How do you show her you love her?"

"Really nice work." Brendon placed a few coins into a bucket, wanting to leave quickly. "That's it, ok...

Giselle twirled around, still singing along with the band. "How does she know that you really, really, truly love her?"

"Let's go." Brendon was beginning to walk away with Giselle in tow when he realised that the band had started to follow them in her thrawl, slightly freaking him out.

They strolled under a bridge of some sorts where a long-haired man was playing guitar nearby. Giselle dance along the path, attracting plenty of attention while Brendon tried to keep his head down. "It's not enough to take the one you love for granted. You must remind her or she'll be blind to say..." The guitarist joined the band as she yanked Brendon's arm, trying to teach him a valuable lesson.

She ran up a hill, in the distance was the main part of the city but she took no notice of it as she sang. "How do I know he loves me? How do I know he's mine?" 

Later, she was sitting on a bench beside some older gentlemen, taking a canvas from one of them and a pen from another. "Well does he leave a little note to tell you, you are on his mind?" On the other side were some old ladies that she displayed the canvas to, which now said "You Are Adorable".

The ladies blushed at the message as Giselle stood from the bench, allowing the gentlemen to woo the ladies. "Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey, hey!"  They opened their jackets to reveal they each had a yellow flower hidden in their pockets. She allowed the ladies to rise, observing the men. "He'll find a new way to show you, a little bit every day."

They joined each other in the middle as Giselle stood in the centre. Brendon stood in front of them, his arms crossed while he smiled at the little show. "That's how you know, that's how you know he's your love."


He grabbed her arm, walking her away. "I've seen quite enough. Let's go."

Nearby, she spotted a stand selling tickets for 'The 25th Annual Kings & Queens Ball', attracting her attention. "A ball? Oh, that would be fun!"

"That would not be fun."

They soon found themselves on rowing boats as a Mexican band joined in with the music, sounding their brass instruments, violins and guitars. "You got to show her you need her." The man sung. "Don't treat her like a mind reader. Each day do something to lead her to believe you love her." He sang as they rowed past, Brendon still bewildered to how he ended up here.

"How the hell do you all know this song?"

If romantic rowing boat trips weren't enough, Brendon and Giselle encountered a dancing wedding parade. "Everybody wants to live happily ever after." The brides and grooms danced alongside them in a line before racing to their respective partner. "Everybody wants to know their true love is true." They all spun in to join them, scaring him. "How do you know he loves you?"

Brendon was pulled away again by Giselle and led to a white carriage where confetti were thrown over their heads. "How do you know he's yours?"

They were sure getting plenty of exercise from wandering around the park, now finding themselves in some kind of  German dance festival. "Well, does he take you out dancing just so he can hold you close..."

"I don't dance, kind of gave that up..." He mentioned, breaking away from the festival.

"Dedicate a song with words meant just for you... ooh?"

"And I really don't sing... anymore."

Giselle skipped under the arch the German dancers had made while Brendon paced through, trying to escape the wedding parade. "He'll find his own way to tell you... with the little things you do."

At a play based on Rapunzel and performed by children, a little girl sung with Giselle in her tower. "That's how you know..."

Suddenly, the crowd all erupted in song and sprung their hands up like they were in some kind of musical number. "That's how you know he's your love..."

Brendon sat on one of the chairs in the audience, confused by the world around him. "Did I die and end up in a musical?"


"He's your love..."

A voice sang in the distance, attracting Edward's attention as he ran along a bridge. "Giselle!" 

He leapt off the bridge, landing perfectly on the ground yet unaware of the cyclists coming from behind. "I've been dreaming o-"

Abruptly, he was struck to the ground as well as other cyclists who drove into him. They lied in a heap, injured and irritated.


"Ahhhahaha, ahhhahaha, ahhhahaha..." Giselle called as she held a bouquet of flowers shaped like a heart in her hand. Two pure white doves flew over to Brendon's bewilderment and took it from her. "Take these flowers to Sarah, please?"

"What are you crazy? They're birds. They don't know where she lives." He said. Nevertheless, she ignored him and allowed the birds to fly away with the flowers. 

Her song continued, now dancing with a bunch of skaters and street dancers. "That's how you know he loves you..."

"Yeah!" One of the skaters exclaimed.

"That's how you know it's true..." She spun around in excitement before leaving to join a group of builders dressed in blue. "Because he'll wear your favourite colour just so he can match your eyes."

On a field, several picnickers were dancing along as a woman dressed like a candle approached Brendon and Giselle. "Plan a private picnic by the fire's glow, oh."

Then, everyone she had met during her travels in the park regrouped and danced over a bridge and by a fountain where the white carriage was located. "His heart'll be yours forever, something every day will show."

"That's how you know... That's how you know..." Giselle was lifted off the ground by the builders. "That's how you know... That's how you know... That's how you know..." 

Brendon smirked, bobbing his head to the beat unaware. Meanwhile, Giselle and dancers froze by the carriage and the fountain. "That's how you know he's your love..."

"That's how she knows that you love her, that's how you show her you love her..." The man sang as she was gently put back on the ground.

She nodded, responding to him. "That's how you know..." The builders made her a line as she wandered over to the carriage and stepped inside, with Brendon sitting on the other side. "That's how you know... he's your love!"

Everybody in the park ended the song. "IT'S NOT ENOUGH TO TAKE THE ONE YOU LOVE FOR GRANTED!"

Suddenly, it all stopped. It was over. The weird song and dance event was over. How the hell did he end up here?


Sorry to cut the end short but I just didn't want to squeeze the whole of next part into this chapter.

Hope you liked it and I know that the real Brendon would probably get up and dance, but this is a depressed Brendon. A very depressed Brendon! 

One vote means one smile for Brendon! I'm just kidding, I'm not asking for votes... unless...

- Alice ❤

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