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"No, no, I'm not- of course, I'm not! I just like her as a friend."


Brendon was back in the recording studio with Dallon and Ryan who were, for once in the span of being in New York, actually cooperating. They were agreeing with each other, considering the like and dislike ratio and propelling that aspect into their music. "I think if we end the song with the drums, as you suggested before, maybe that could be a fitting end. You know, it kinda cuts it off unexpectedly, catching people's attention if they weren't listening to the song."

"Kind of hard not to listen to the song, but I agree." stated Ryan. 

"Yeah, can we add that in the song?" He asked Brendon, stunning him.

"Go ahead, I mean it's your song. I'm just here to record and write." He said.

After having said that, Dallon glanced at his watch, realising what the time was. "Shit, I've gotta go. Ryan can finish up."

As he stood up, Brendon glared at him. "Wait, where are you going?"

"Oh, I'm going home. I've got a plane to catch with Breezy." He gathered his things, about to open the door. "You know, that girl was right. I was thinking about it last night and... her eyes really do sparkle. It was one of the first things I noticed about her when we met."

"I thought you were getting a divorce?"

He shook his head. "We decided against it after we left DCD2. It was like that chance encounter allowed me to see the truth. I love Breezy and I love my family, I wouldn't sacrifice them for anything." Dallon grinned, opening the door. "See you, Ryan."

"Bye!" waved Ryan before turning make to the soundboard. "So like Dallon mentioned, we want that ending for the song..."

However, his voice was drowned out as Brendon went into deep thought. It was as if Giselle had left some strange effect on them. The guys were getting along and brushing past their differences in music, Dallon and Breezy made up and even Brendon went happier than he'd ever been. He felt it growing inside; his inspiration. His inspiration for music was slowly returning, and it was all thanks to Giselle. What was going to happen now that she was gone?


When his shift was over, Brendon was about to leave DCD2 and meet Sarah at her apartment so they could attend the ball together. However, his thoughts about her were clouded every time he tried to think back and then Giselle would flood his mind like a river breaking through its banks. 

"Hey," Spencer spoke as he was walking past his desk. "Did you finally get rid of Giselle?"

He smiled half-heartedly, his mind occupied. "Yeah..."

Nonetheless, Spencer noticed. "You don't sound too happy about it."

"No- I mean, I am. She did find her guy in the end." He told him.

He was taken aback, wide-eyed. "Wait, seriously? The guy- the "prince" was real."

"Very," Brendon crossed his arms. "He even pointed a sword at me. I swear he's the actual insane one because Giselle is... well, she's..."

Spencer could see that his friend was distracted and he quickly theorised what was going on. "Brendon?"


"Do you... like her?"

Suddenly, his body tensed and he became defensive. "No, no, I'm not- of course, I'm not! I just like her as a friend."

"You sure about that?"

"Yes. Very sure." He quickly clarified. "I love Sarah. I know that I do."

"Do you?"

"Stop asking me questions, this is pressuring!"

He leaned forward. "When you were talking about her a minute ago, there was a slight glimmer in your eyes. I think your love for Sarah faded ages ago. All you wanted was her forgiveness and now you've been given it, you have eyes for another."

Brendon disagreed, shaking his head. "I know my feelings for Sarah are true, and besides, Giselle's with her man now. That's that. I'm not betraying her again!"

"Alright... but it does sound like you're a bit jealous of the guy she's getting married to." He said.

"Well, he's... pompus, ridiculous and... you know, he's unlikeable. But he's a hot guy." 

"It's always the hot ones they go for." Spencer asserted.

He frowned. "I thought I was hot..."

"You are, don't worry about that. It's just... well, you're no prince." He justified.

"Well, I may not be a prince but I'm one hell of a king." Brendon smirked.


Giselle and Edward were strolling across Brooklyn Bridge as he ate his hot dog that she had bought him. The prince wore several trinkets around his neck and had a foam hat around his head, stylised like the Statue of Liberty's crown. 

Whilst she claimed that she was having a good time, Giselle felt as if she were lying to Edward. They really didn't have much in common, only that they both come from Andalasia. Is this what their married life will be like? The "happily ever after" she envisioned wasn't like this at all, then again she didn't plan to fall into New York City either. Plus, he came all this way to find her, she couldn't disappoint him now by saying she wanted to call off their marriage. But Brendon was right, one day isn't worth a lifetime. 

"How did you like your hot dog?" She asked, though the question alarmed him, now thinking about spitting it out. She soon realised her mistake. "Oh! It's not really a dog. They just call it a "hot dog" here."

"It's quite excellent." Edward responded, smiling again. However, Giselle awkwardly nodded, wishing to be somewhere else. "Well! This has been a splendid date. Shall we go?"

They stopped, Giselle noticeably wearing a confused expression upon her face. "Go where?"

"Back to Andalasia, of course. To be married. To live happily ever after forever and ever." He exclaimed, shifting to her left side.

She turned away, pouting a little. "Oh. Well, we don't have to go right away."

They continued on, Giselle leading Edward as he trailed behind. "How long do these dates usually last?"

"Oh, well... They can go as long as you want, really." She twisted her hand around some wiring that held the bridge together. "They can just keep going and going, just so long as you keep thinking about activities that you can do."

He didn't sound too excited. "Activities?"

"We could go to the museum. Or to the theater?" Giselle paused, remembering the 'Kings & Queens' Ball' that was happening later in the evening. That was mostly relevant to what usually occurs in Andalasia, perhaps he would enjoy that. "Or there's this ball..."

His eyes brightened. "A ball?"

"Yes. There's dancing and music. You like that." She commented.

"Well, I suppose." He agreed, wanting to make sure she was happy.

All of a sudden, Giselle became overly optimistic again. " Oh, wonderful! We should go then."

She turned to leave, however, was stopped by Edward. "Giselle?"


"And then home to Andalasia?"

"Of course." promised Giselle. "The moment it's over."


Oh, I can't wait to write the ball scene! AAH IT'S SO CUTE!

Anyway, today I learned that PATD was actually stalked and an obsessed girl pretended to be Brendon whilst texting Ryan. Who in their right mind would do something like that? That's insane and this girl is still out there, obsessing over them. Seriously, look it up and report her!

Back to this, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the story overall. For being my first Brendon Urie fanfic, I think I'm doing well. As of now, this book has reached over 400 reads. I know it may not seem a lot but I'm happy about it. Just knowing people are reading my stories makes me really happy. 

Thank you.

- Alice ❤

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