Note after

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So this was actually supposed to be a one-shot..
But well it changed into this.. long...

And so actually, the red pandas..
I wanted to make an original novel about yokais as well, and so I've thought what kind of yokais would be great.
I've somehow thought, "Aah, how about red pandas?" and voila!

Also I'm planning to make [Girl] as you, but well-

Of course if I did make the original novel, the main character is my original character--
But who knows xD

And yes, this is supposed to be a one-shot and I don't actually wanted to mash the red panda stuffs, but well all done is done.
It doesn't turned out so bad, right?

No it turned out badly-
Damn I lost all of inspirations and my writing stiffens up or smtng idk-

I'm sorryzz--

It's very bad isn't it
It's all rushed and messy-
Also the characteristic changed?
I think?

And lots of plot holes if you notice-
I don't plan on making holes but I forget where to put where and so I just let them out.

I'm very sorry,
I'm not the type to write the whole idea on a paper before making it into a story.

I'm the type of person who wrote what came into my mind
That's why all of my books are messy
I'm so ashame of myself but
I'm a girl who want attention :(

I'm sorry
I'm really sorry

You can ignore my ramblings.


here are the names I've thought for the red panda clan!;

Red Panda clan;

They shall be all written in katakana as I still am not sure in mashing kanjis (they have rules and Idk the rules so)

If you ever notice about their name, have a cookie!! XD

That's all from me, thanks for reading!!!

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