19: The Puzzle Pieces (Herobrine)

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Okay, I'm putting this first cause it's important.

The short story is that my chromebook charger died on me, so I can't use my chromebook because it's dead. I used my chromebook to write and talk on Wattpad and pretty much everything, so that's why I'm not responding to your comments and stuff. The only reason I've been able to write is because of my dad letting me use his iPad, but I'm not allowed to access the internet with it, so no Wattpad. I'm currently publishing this on my brother's chromebook, but he's about to kick me off (yay).

I'll hopefully have a new chapter in a few days, and then I'll answer all of your guy's comments before doing my exams. With all that said, enjoy the chapter.

After we pushed Entity through the rip, the group took me to a different castle. As we walked towards it, the first memory I remembered flashed in my head, and I instantly knew that this was my castle. As I reached out my hand to the door, it swung open and the torches inside burst into joyous flame, as if they had been waiting for me. Now, I was lying in my bed, which was in the corner of my messy room. Random items had been tossed around everywhere, but I was comfortable with the chaos. I tossed and turned in my bed, trying to get to sleep but my most recent memory played over and over again in my head.

Entity and Null activated the beam, and I felt a shudder run through the ground and up into my body. I could feel the world splitting apart, glitching. It was too late. I could hear Jerome asking something, and Entity saying something back, but it was all a hum in the back of my head.


I looked up at Riley. Maybe I couldn't save my world, but I could save her and her friends. I threw out my hand at them, connecting the bridge between my world and their world, sending them back home.

"No, no wait! You can't! HEROBRINE!"

Riley's yells faded away until it was just me, Entity and Null. Entity grinned at me, and I glared back. Something hit my back and I fell to the ground, red and black magic pinning my arms to my sides.

"Give up Herobrine," Entity spat. "We're in control now."

"You can't control Minecraft," I said back. "It can't be controlled."

Entity laughed. "We'll see about that." His sword lashed out, creating a deep cut on my face. I felt the hot blood start to run down my cheek, and I bit the inside of my mouth, not giving him the satisfaction of seeing me in pain.

He just laughed again. "I'm going to have a lot of fun with you Herobrine. You have a lot to pay for."

I forced myself to stop thinking. The rest of the memory was worse, I didn't want to relieve it again. But since I couldn't get to sleep either, I rolled out of my bed and left the room, exploring my castle. I knew the rooms as I reached them, and I recognised a few from the memories I had. I was standing in the kitchen, looking around, memories jumping into my head.

"Can't sleep?"

I spun and saw Riley standing in the entrance of the kitchen, watching me.

"I don't sleep too well," I admitted. "I just keep having these memories playing over and over again in my head."

"Do you remember everything?" she asked.

I hesitated. "Bits and pieces."

She tilted her head, considering something. "Come on, I'll show you something."

Curiously, I followed her. She led me up a staircase that I recognised from one of my memories. The door at the top was bolted and she eased it open, leading the way inside. There were pictures on the walls and a table in the centre that had a box with a broken lock. I knew this room, I had seen it in two memories. Riley had stepped to the side, allowing me to go further into the room.

"These are your memories," she said. "Or your timeline, at least."

I looked at the pictures, then pointed to one. It was a picture of this room, with the group standing on one side of the room and me standing on the other. "I remember that."

Riley looked at the picture and smiled slightly. "Yeah, I remember that too. I was so worried you were going to yell or something."

"Nah, I wouldn't have yelled at you guys."

"Why not?"

I hesitated, thinking over my answer. "I didn't want you to see this room because I was angry at myself for not seeing who Entity was sooner, and I didn't want you guys to... be angry at me or something."

Riley nodded her understanding. She moved to the door again. "There's one more thing I want to show you."

She took me back down the staircase and to a different part of the castle, to a room that only had a desk and a bowl of pure white liquid.

"What's this?" I asked, knowing what it was even as I spoke.

"It's something you used to looked around Minecraft."

I remembered when I first found it. It was just sitting in this room, glowing patiently like it knew I was going to come and it had been waiting for me to find it. I walked up to it, not knowing what I would see. This thing, whatever it was, had a habit of showing me whatever it wanted, not necessarily what I wanted to see. It shimmered and changed colour, turning into the scene of a man opening the door of a house. The man looked just like me, except for his purple-blue eyes. As he walked into the house, a wide smile appeared on his face and two young children ran up to him. They both had blonde hair and green eyes and they hugged him tightly. (You happy Ani?)

"Steve made it home!"'

Riley came up next to me and watched as Steve's kids bombarded him with questions. I grinned slightly before waving my hand over the basin, making the scene disappear and leaving the family to enjoy their private moment.

"I should probably go back to bed," Riley said.

"Me too. See you tomorrow."

"See you Hero."

I went back to my room and flopped onto my bed. It felt nice, being back in a place I knew. My mind decided to not leave me alone, and I replayed the first times I met the group.

Then, suddenly, I knew what I had to do.


I woke up in the morning, and the first thing I did was check my watch. 12:07pm. I did some quick maths in my head. We had been in Minecraft for 5 days, which meant that since each Minecraft day was 20 minutes long, we had been away from our world since 10:27, almost 2 full hours.

"It feels like years," I mumbled into my pillow.

I slowly made my way down the stairs, remembering all the times I'd done it before. Sky, Jerome and Bajan were already in the kitchen when I arrived. Sky was just finishing up pancakes and dishing them up for breakfast.


I quickly stepped out of the way as Sub ran past me, grabbing a plate heaped with pancakes before sitting down at the table and eating.

"Don't forget to breathe Sub," I laughed, taking my own plate and sitting next to him. Bajan, Jerome and Sky sat opposite Sub and I.

"Did someone say pancakes?" Hero asked, his head poking into the doorway.

"There's some on the table there for you," Sky said, pointing to a plate on the bench.

"Yes!" Hero grabbed the plate and sat down next to me. "I love pancakes."

I finished my first pancake and started on the second. "You do realise it's only lunch time at home, right?" I said.

"No way," Jerome said.

"Yes way."

"Feels like it's been ages." Bajan took another bite of his pancakes that were drowning in maple syrup.

"Is there any risk of Entity coming back?" Sky asked.

"Possible, but I don't think he'll be able to come back for a while," Sub told us. "The game borders have strengthened."

"I'll keep an eye on it," Hero promised.

"If there's any problems, just tell us, okay?" Bajan said.

"Yeah, I'd hate to see Entity take over Minecraft again," Sky said. "It was bad enough the first time."

"I wonder if I can convince my dad to let me play Minecraft," I wondered. "Maybe I could make a deal with him."

"Only play on the weekends, after all your homework's done?" Jerome suggested. "That was a rule I had when I was younger."

"You guys should probably be heading back soon, anyway," Hero said.

We all instantly fell silent. Go back? I didn't want to go back. But as soon as he mentioned it, I felt a wave of homesickness.

He seemed to guess what we were thinking. "It's not like we'll never see each other again. I'll come visit you from time to time."

"Really?" I asked.

Hero shrugged. "Sure. I know how to."

"What if we play some mini-games together some time?" Sky suggested.

"Or Hunger Games!"

Hero scoffed. "I'll smash you all at Hunger Games."

"You're on!" Bajan cheered.

We all laughed. Hero stood up, took his plate over to the bench and put it in the sink. "So, you guys wanna go home now?"

On impulse, I ran up to Hero and hugged him. After a second, I felt him hug me too, a lot like the way my dad hugged me.

"Thanks for not giving up on me," he said softly.

I smiled. "Thanks for bringing me here in the first place." I stepped back, breaking the hug.

Sky, Bajan, Jerome and Sub stepped up next to me, a line of us facing Hero.

"You guys ready?"

We nodded. White magic surrounded us and I felt the world zoom past a million miles an hour as we rushed back to our world, appearing in Sub's study, only 2 and a bit hours after we had left.

~~2 months later~~






This was the chaos I was subject to as I answered the skype call. I couldn't stop a laugh from escaping me. Several pings were heard as Matt spam texted us on the text group we had made, adding in his opinions on the topic.

"Alright kids, are we gonna play some Hunger Games or yell at each other?" I asked.


"Ha ha, very funny Adam," I said, rolling my eyes. I logged into the private server world Mitch had set up, ready for some rounds of Hunger Games. Ignoring the screams that were echoing in my ears, I typed into the chat of Minecraft.

<Xotda2586> Hero, you here?"

He answered instantly.

<Herobrine> Where else would I be?


<Herobrine> What?


<BajanCanadian> NO, COFFEE IS

<Xotda2586> Will you guys please shut up? My eardrums are bleeding.

<SkythekidRS> YEah, what Riley said.

<Herobrine> Do I even want to ask what's going on?

<SkythekidRS> No

<Xotda2568> No.

<SkythekidRS> Ha, beat you Riley

<Xotda2586> Shut up Adam.

<Herobrine> Are you guys ready to get smashed at Hunger Games again?

I grinned and made my blocky Minecraft avatar run over to the start button and press it.

<Xotda2586> Bring it on.

And yes, that







I think it turned out rather well, what do you guys think?

Thanks for reading this book, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it!

There's not a new book yet, you'll have to wait two weeks for that one. I'll probably post a chapter on this book when the first chapter is published.

Stay awesome everyone!

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