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Three things you should never break: Promises, Trust, and someone's heart.


I sat there thinking about everything Taehyung said until someone knocked on my door. "Yeah?" Chayeon peeked through the door. "Can I come in?" I smiled waving her to come in. She walked in and locked the door as I waited for her to speak. "How are you?" I chuckled seeing how awkward she is behaving.

"What is it Chae?" I asked her using the nick name I gave her. "Are you mad at Jungkook?" I raised my eyebrow at her. "Are you?" she sat on the bed beside me in folding her legs. "I am not" she turned towards me. "It might sound weird but I can understand him even though what he did is wrong" I smiled knowing what she is thinking. "It is not weird" she glanced at me. "It is not?" I shook my head. "I felt mad and angry at first but then I realized I could have done the same thing if I was in his place"

"I don't think you can be that dumb to do that" she said snorting. "So, you think he is dumb" her eyes widened which made me laugh. "Don't tell him I said that" I nodded my head. "I won't" I looked at the time and saw it is already evening. "Where is Jungkook?" she sighed falling on my bed. "He is with Jimin and Yoongi oppa. They are gathering information from him so that they can track rogues"

"What about Namjoon?" she looked at me confused holding her head with the support of her arm. "What about him?" I rolled my eyes. "Where is he?" she grinned at me. "He is in his office with Jiyong and Taehyung. They are discussing about the attack plan" she closed her eyes before speaking. "I think you should give a chance to Namjoon" I looked at her surprised but she still had her eyes closed.

"I know what he did is wrong but the things he is doing these days to seek your forgiveness are worth giving him another chance" I couldn't say anything. Suddenly I remembered Taehyung words which made me more confused.

I don't want to lose you too

I love you

I never thought about Taehyung that way. He was always someone who I can go to when I have a problem or have a conflict but now, I am in conflict because of him. "It is not that easy as it seems" I sighed wishing how it would have been if this was easy. "Nothing is easy in this world Y/n, we just had to make choices which will make you happy" she got up smiling at me. "I will leave you to rest. I will see if Jungkook is done with them" she said leaving the room.

I decided to go and check on Jiyong and others. I haven't met them since they came. Since Taehyung said I can take time I will just prolong it. I will see what happens. I walked to Namjoon office and knocked the door. I went in when I heard a faint come in. "Am I disturbing something?" Namjoon shook his head signaling me to come inside. I walked in and gave Jiyong hug. "I am glad you are fine" he murmured in my ear when he gave me hug.

"Thanks for saving me" he ruffled my hair after he let me go of the hug. I frowned when he messed my hair. It seems everyone has a habit of ruffling my hair. First Taehyung and Jin oppa and now Jiyong. I heard both Namjoon and Taehyung cough to get attention. They looked at each other then looked away. Jiyong raised his eyebrows in suspicious manner and I shrugged in return. I know why they are acting like this but I am not ready to explain this to anyone.

"Where are others?" I asked Jiyong taking seat beside him on the couch. Taehyung frowned when I didn't sit beside him. I ignored him and looked at Jiyong for an answer. "They are just playing games in the game room" he said casually. "So, what are you guys doing?" Namjoon answered me this time. "We were discussing about the rogues activity" he gestured to the papers that were laid on the table. I leaned forward to check the papers.

"This is all the information I got so far" Namjoon was explaining me the things they got. "Jiyong hyung told us he observed few rogue activities near his pack. It seems they are gathering lot of people to attack" he pointed to the hideout Blake mentioned and I can see lot of new people wandering in the area from the cameras. We have central security system of all the packs which is usually monitored by the royals. It is taken out when we need any help.

Royals are the people who are high rank officials in werewolf world. They must have sensed the issues we are facing and decided to help. Nobody has seen them ever. They live in very isolated place and get in contact when they feel it is required. When we get the issues that can't be solved then they get involved. Royals didn't make their presence in last twenty years. It must be pretty serious if they got involved. "It seems royals are reviewing the attacks" Taehyung spoke exactly what I was thinking. "They offered to help in any manner we need" Jiyong commented.

"That means we are in deep trouble" I said making others agree with me. "Blake told me they are hiding in this area. They captured his brother too" I told them about Jiyeon mate. "Even though I don't like what Jungkook did I have to save Jiyeon. She is part of my pack and it is my responsibility to take care of her" my heart hurt when he said those words. I know he mean it as alpha but the fact they had a relation in past didn't help it.

"It will solve the issue of their pack too. Since he is also an alpha son, we can make him alpha for their pack" Taehyung is right. We can do that and people won't have any problem since he knows them better than outsiders. But before that we need to check if he really is capable of taking care of them. "We can support him until he gets everything right" Jiyong said making both of them nod.

"Y/n, we are thinking of attacking at night time" Jiyong told me their plan. "I agree with you. it will give us more time to hide" Victor won't be prepared for the attack and we will have upper hand here. "We already made the list of people coming with us" Taehyung passed me the paper and I checked it. "But my name is not here" they glanced at each other. "We think you should stay here" I frowned hearing him. "I am coming with you"

"Hoseok hyung said it will take time for your wolf to heal completely. I don't think you should be walking like this so no fights until you heal completely" I rolled my eyes at Taehyung. "You both know I am not a normal wolf. I will be completely fine so I am not sitting home while you guys go and fight" they didn't look convinced. "It is my job as part of pack warrior and more over I know rogues better than anyone of you in this pack house. Even better than Jungkook"

"We know that but-" I glared at Jiyong making him shut his mouth. "Fine you can come" he said making smile. I did happy dance in my mind. "What? But hyung" Taehyung huffed when Jiyong shrugged his shoulders casually. He laughed watching both of their faces. I am sure he got an idea of what is happening here by now. "What do you mean you know rogues better?" I stiffened at Namjoon question. I totally forgot Namjoon is in the room too. Jiyong and Taehyung became serious too. Even though Namjoon know about my real family and my wolf, I haven't told them about me being rogue.

Only people who know about me completely in this pack are Jungkook and Hoseok. Jin oppa is not the part of this pack so I can't count him. "She has been working on this for last three years so she knows a lot about them" Taehyung said awkwardly laughing with Jiyong. Namjoon looked at them weirdly while they started talking rubbish. "We should go and check on others. let's go Y/n" Jiyong said grabbing my hand.

Before anyone can say anything Jiyong me out of the room. "That was close" he said placing a hand on his heart when we were in the backyard. "You look so calm" I looked at forest. "Should I not?" he rolled his eyes. "I thought you will be worried too since he is your mate" I chuckled sadly. "Not anymore" he frowned knowing what I am talking about. "How is everything going?"

"Honestly I don't know" I for once wanted to have an empty mind but nothing works out like I want it to be. "What happened?" I thought for a while. I can't tell him all my problems. Even though he has been a good friend who took care of me for more than a year. When Areum died Jiyong agreed to help me in training. I stayed for almost year there and they became very close to me.

"I am kind of tired of fighting. I can't see when it will end" I said half-truth to him. "It will never end. We will always have something in the life to fight for. It may be rogues or loneliness or our fears or it could be our own feelings sometimes" I looked at him knowing what he is referring to. "But just remember whatever you go through you are not alone. You have all of us with you. Don't ever forget it"

"I won't" I told him seriously. "Do you promise?" he asked me holding his hand for pinky promise making me laugh. "Promise" I wrapped my finger around his smiling. "You know promises cannot be broken no matter what happen" I nodded my head agreeing. "I know" we fell silence after that and lot of thoughts were running in my head.

"I should go and check on guys" Jiyong said getting up. "Do you wanna come?" I shook my head. "I will stay here for few minutes" I stayed there enjoying the cool breeze as lot of things were going in my mind.


Hi... I said confused knowing Drina never initiate conversation without reason.

I just want to tell you; whatever decision you make I will support you too.

I know she is talking about Taehyung and Namjoon.

Won't you be sad without Namjoon? I asked her knowing she will have a bond with Namjoon wolf.

I am used to it

I thought of all the things everyone told me till now so that I can get clarity on it.

Take care of Taehyung for me - Areum

I love you - Taehyung

You were my first love - Namjoon

Chose what your heart wants – Yoongi oppa

You should give him a second chance. – Chayeon

We always have the choice but we never make the right ones - Namjoon

I closed my eyes thinking of all the moments I have spent with both of them till now. I guess I can't work on another thing if I don't make this clear. It is seriously bugging me. All the memories were running until one face stopped. Everything faded except that face. He smiled and I realized then who I love truly.

I opened my eyes knowing what I should do. I will give Taehyung my answer and finish the confusion of everything. 


Hello readers. I am sorry for the delay. I had to take training for my new course and with exams, job I got so busy. I tried updating sooner but I couldn't make it.

Anyway @sugasized thanks for all the support and love. 😘😊💜💜

what do you think of this chapter? I just gave the name beside dialogue for the reference if you can't remember who said them. Bigbang will appear frequently in next chapters. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Let me know in the comments.

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