Chapter 11

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Black Mist goes to sleep on the couch once his hissy fit took its toll. Shadow, Silver, Sonic, Knuckles, and I help clean up, and the Babylon Rogues gp back to wherever they live. Shadow grumbles about how Black Mist will pay for this. I do not blame him. It is a lot of work cleaning up a mess an outraged Number makes.

"Did he really have to mess with my place?" he mumbles. "Why not Sonic's?"

"He does live at your place, Shad," Sonic points out. "He doesn't know where the other houses are."

"He has his ways of knowing," I say, helping Silver try and fix the wall. It is not an easy task, but I have some of my most trusted monsters out helping us. "I promise you that he knows how to get around by now."

Knuckles grunts. A few hours later, we finish up what we can, which is a surprisingly large amount. I send the monsters back to their cards, and we rest a while. I look over to Black Mist and see that he is still asleep. Typical. I sigh.

"How long is that lazy son of a bitch gonna sleep?" Shadow demands.

"Oh, not long, I promise," I answer, not telling them of what might happen.

Shadow grunts and goes up to Black Mist. "Hey, wake up!"

Black Mist roars and pounces on Shadow as soon as he touches him, and he stumbles back, cursing. Black Mist laughs.

"Priceless!" he laughs, rolling on the floor. "Absolutely priceless!"

"I told you he would not be long," I point out. "He plays tricks like that. This is a lesson learned from being around him often."

Shadow growls. "So immature," he grumbles.

Silver laughs. "I thought it was funny. You normally don't get that surprised."

Shadow glares at Silver. "Say that again, Weed-Head."

Silver gulps and stays silent.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

I decide to say it for him. "It was funny. You normally do not get that surprised."

Shadow growls.

Black Mist gets down from the couch. "So, have any of you idiots got a plan or something?"

"All in good time, Black Mist," Sonic says, leaning on the couch. "We'll get to that."

Black Mist huffs. "Okay, fine. You know, I'm kinda getting second thoughts about this temporary alliance."

"Do you want to get Eggman back or not?" Knuckles counters.


Suddenly, the ground rumbled. We all jump in surprise and look around.

"Everybody out, now!" Sonic shouts. "This place isn't stable for us to be in!"

We follow Sonic's order and rush outside. The house comes tumbling down just as the last of us gets out.

"Well, there goes my house," Shadow mumbles.

"The hell happened?" Black Mist asks, crossing his arms.

"That was an effect of the Master Emerald being gone from its post," Knuckles growls. "That damn idiot!"

"Knuckles, calm down," Silver says. "We'll make sure to get the Master Emerald back, okay? Just calm down."

Vector, Espio, and Charmy come to check on us.

"Is everyone alright?" Espio asks.

"Yeah," Sonic says.

"Does any of you know who did this?" Vector asks.

"Vector, stop playing detective," Shadow mutters.

"You know, it's ironic that this idiot has the same name as the Barian idiot," Black Mist mutters in my ear. "Sends shivers down my spine."

I simply nod in agreement.

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