Chapter 12

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Vector, Espio, and Charmy leave when they make sure we are alright. They go to other places to do the same.

"What's up with the alligator?" Black Mist asks, eyeing Vector curiously. "Why does he have the same name as our Barian enemy?"

"Dunno," Silver says. "Don't worry, though. He's pretty harmless."

Shadow scoffs. "Harmless to those who can stand his 'detective work'."

Sonic laughs. "Well, someone's grumpy!" He elbows Shadow's ribs. "What's wrong, Mr. Grumpy Gills?"

"Sonic, I'm not a fish," Shadow points out. "I don't have gills, I have quills."

"Hey, that rhymes!" Black Mist exclaims.

"Shut your trap, Black Mist!" Shadow shouts.

"You know, I've always wanted to know what those spikes were called," Black Mist continues, ignoring the black hedgehog's demand. "Quills. What a strange name. I can't think of any other thing to call it, though. Quills will probably stay..." He looks at Shadow, Sonic, and the others. "By the way, what happened to all the humans? Why are there all of the sudden talking and walking animals?"

"You're on Angel Island," Silver answers patiently. "Hardly any humans come here. A kid named Chris came here once a few years ago. As the others said, he didn't change from what Chris said was six years ago."

"Different times, hmm?" Black Mist muses. "Cool. I always liked different time frames."

"Come on, guys," Knuckles says impatiently. "We need to make a plan to get the Master Emerald back, or this whole island will fall."

Black Mist crosses his arms and sighs. "Yeah, I want action," he complains.

I sigh. "What do you think, Sonic?"

Sonic grins. "I think we'd better act now."

"We need to gather as many people as possible, but not just anybody. We need some who can fight, pick locks, anything useful." I look at them. "Does anyone come to mind?"

"As much as I hate to say it, Rouge is a good choice," Knuckles sighs.

"I already said she could help," Black Mist points out. "All she has to do is show up."

"Amy and Cream are pretty good," Silver says. "Especially Amy. She's scary!"

"I know," Black Mist grumbles. "I experienced her rage firsthand. Scary as fuck."

I try to hide my laughter, but the Number glares at me. He knows that I still find it entertaining. He growls.

"Tails can get us there silently in no time," Sonic points out. "He and Wave can make some sort of aircraft that'll do just that."

"Storm has good power, too," Shadow adds.

Soon, we have a list of the ones who will come with us. Basically, everyone we met. We call them over and go over the plan. We all make sure we memorize our parts, teams, and positions to get this right.

"The Barians are powerful and intelligent. We must make sure we do everything according to plan," I conclude. "Does everyone understand?"

They all nod.

"Good. We begin at daybreak." I turn to Black Mist. "Remember, you are with the spy group, which will scout ahead for any signs of trouble. Do not cause trouble."

Black Mist puts his hands up in an innocent gesture. "Okay, you have my word." He holds out his right hand. "Shake on it." He grins his normal, slightly evil grin.

I firmly take his hand, and a jolt goes through the both of us, a sign that the deal has been made.

"Okay, let's get started on that aircraft," Tails says, and Wave reluctantly follows.

"I'll train these idiots to really be stealthy," Black Mist says, and he makes a motion for the others to follow him. "Come come, children!"

Sonic, Knuckles, Silver, Vector, Amy, Cream, and I are left. We are the ones who will grab the Master Emerald and take it back.

"Do we all know what to do?" I ask.

They all nod.

"What do we do if the scouting team finds a Barian?"

"Find a way around unless there's no other choice than to confront them," Amy says confidently.

"Good." I nod in approval. "Dark Magician, Black Mist's monster, Hope, Silent Magician, and others of my choice will handle the robots quickly and efficiently. Exodia will only be used for extreme purposes."

"Like what?" Cream asks. She sounds a little scared.

"That depends on the situation." I sigh. "Go home now. We begin at daybreak, remember."

We break and go home. Silver and I stay silent while we walk for a while.

"So...are you from around here?" he asks.

"I do not know," I answer. "This might be in a different place and time all together, for all I know."

"Well, you must be from the past since all my life I've heard about some kind of aliens."

"Really? What do you know of these 'aliens'?"

"I know that there were only about two. Major rivals. They were a lot like yin and yang."

"Yes, I believe that describes Black Mist and me."

Silver laughs. "Cool."

We make it to the house and go inside. Silver goes to sleep early, and I do the same.

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