Chapter 13

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At the crack of dawn, we all group up in the middle of the town.

"Alright, does everyone know what to do?" I ask. They all nod. "Then go!"

We dispatch, but before I can join them, my deck glows. A projection of a man with Egyptian clothing meant for a pharoah comes up. He has purple eyes with marks at the bottom, gold hair with a purplish black color that spikes up, and a tanned face. Around his neck is an upside down pyramid with an eye. I instantly know this is the Pharaoh Atem.

I smile. "Pharaoh. How are you?"

Atem smiles back. "I'm fine. I just want to ask you a favor."

"Yes? What is it?"

"You seem to be fighting for a good cause and save this island. I would like to be of assistance."

I am taken aback. "You wish to help?"

Atem laughs. "Of course. I can take the pressure of handling Exodia as well as my Egyptian Gods. How about it?"

I nod and smile. "Okay. Just be careful. We are against a genius doctor as well as the Barians, who are very strong and clever."

Atem nods and assumes a solid form. "Come on, then. I heard this place will sink if we don't hurry."

I nod and hurry to catch up with the others, summoning the Dark Magician and his apprentice, the Dark Magician Girl. I also summon Yuma's Gagaga Magician and his apprentice, Gagaga Girl. Silent Magician, Buster Blader, Red Eyes Black Dragon, Blue Eyes White Dragon, Kuriboh, and Number 17 Leviathan Dragon follow. I see Black Mist's monster appear beside his master. Now, we are complete.

The animals minus the Babylon Rogues get on the aircrafts that Wave and Tails built over night. I'm impressed. They built efficient machines during the night. Atem rides on Red Eyes, and Black Mist, Silver, Wave, Jet, Storm, and I fly beside them, the Babylon Rogues on their hover boards. Sonic, Knuckles, and Shadow ride outside of the planes. Surprisingly, they are not affected by the rushing wind. How admirable.

The ship appears gradually, and Sonic points to it. "There it is!" he shouts over the wind. "Come on!"

I look at Atem. "You will be with my group. We will fight if necessary, and we will grab the Master Emerald. Your monsters listen to you better, so you will take them, if you don't mind."

Atem nods. "No problem. I understand."

With a low growl I get all the dragons, including Res Eyes, to gather around. "What I want you all to do is surround the ship outside. That way, we can prevent Eggman's escape," I say, earning a few grunts and growls of understanding.

When we land, Red Eyes makes sure the pharaoh is off before taking off. Dark Magician floats beside his master.

I summon Kagetokage. "I need you to go with Black Mist," I tell him. He gives a chitter of understanding and scampers over.

"Come on." Sonic waves us over, and we follow.

We wait for the first group to give is the affirmative signal. When they do, we follow close behind. We mostly avoid all combat, but we hear an explosion behind us.

"Shit..." Silver mutters. "They've found us out."

"No," Black Mist whispers. "They're closing the exits just in case of intruders. I'm guessing it's Mizael's plan."

"Let's keep going, then," Shadow urges. "We never know when they'll find us."

We keep going, the scouting team going ahead a few yards and coming back with an "all clear" signal. We advance further into the maw of the ship.

Suddenly, a scream is heard a few hours aftee the scouting team goes ahead. A female scream. Followed by cursing and shouting.

"Blaze!" Silver hisses. "Something happened to her!"

Atem turns to Kuriboh. "Kuriboh, can you scout ahead to see what happened?"

Kuriboh nods with an affirmative chitter. He flies off into the depths. A few minutes later, he comes back, urgently trying to tell us something.

"Kuriboh, what happened?" Atem asks. "Show us."

Kuriboh nods and signals us to follow. We do, and we find the scouting team knocked out. There was clearly a struggle because Black Mist has gone into his ultimate form. Blood stains his claws.

I float over to Black Mist and shake his shoulder. "Psst. Wake up."

Black Mist opens his eyes, then he snaps awake. "Where did they go!" he shouts.

"Who?" Sonic asks.

"The fat bastard and his metal shit heads." Black Mist says it like it is plainly obvious. "Caught me by surprise. He even took the cat girl. I forget her name..." He pauses for a while. "Oh, I sent 96 to get her."

"How?" Atem asks. "You were unconscious."

"Mental communications, Pharaoh. Mental communications."

"Well, come on!" Silver urges. "We need to save Blaze!"

Black Mist chuckles. "Do you have a crush on her?"

Silver blushes and brushes past. Black Mist laughs and gives a small wink and a click of his tongue. I cannot help but chuckle a little.

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