Chapter 14

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"So, does Blazey know that you like her?" Black Mist persists. Shadow snickers.

"Shut up," Silver mumbles, blushing deeper. "Just shut up."


"You're not helping!"

"CONFESS! If not to me, then to her!" He stops and gets on one knee. "Blaze, will you marry me?" he mocks.

Shadow bursts out laughing. "He's really got you in the spotlight, Silver!" he laughs.

Black Mist floats and places his hands over his heart. "Blaze, how I love thou," he says. "I just hope you don't reject me and burn me to a crisp."

"I said shut up!" Silver exclaims, clearly embarrassed.

"Please love me back, Blazey." Black Mist and Shadow laugh.

"Shut up!" Silver levitates a piece of fallen metal and flings it to Black Mist.

Black Mist dodges, and he laughs harder. He gains a hammer to the head by Amy.

"If you don't want another one, I suggest you leave Silver alone," she threatens.

"Fine, fine," Black Mist grumbles. "Killjoy."

"What was that!?" Amy raises her hammer.

"N-n-nothing!" Black Mist hides behind me, trembling in fear.

I laugh. "I thought you feared nothing, Number 96 Black Mist," I tease.

"Shut up and be my shield!"

We keep going for a long while before Durbe jumps in front of us. Black Mist scowls, digging his claws into my shoulders.

"Durbe, what a pleasant surprise," he mocks.

"Number 96. I see you're still here," Durbe says calmly. "You and Astral both."

I growl and summon Flame Swordsman. "Durbe," I growl. "I thought the Barian Emperors were better than this."

"Yeah," Black Mist retorts. "I thought you were too proud for this."

Durbe shrugs. "Eggman said that if we stay loyal, we get to finish what we failed to do many years ago."

Sonic grins. "I fought a lot of things. I think I can take you."

Durbe makes his duel disk appear. "We'll see how you do against this. Appear, Number 102 Star Seraph Sentry!" His Number appears before us.

"Funny thing is, if I hadn't sent 96 to scout ahead for Blaze, I would summon him," Black Mist says. "Funny."

I place Number 39 on my duel disk and summon Hope. "Number 39 Aspiring Emperor Hope, appear now!"

Hope appears and gets his two swords ready. "Command me when you are ready."

"Hope, attack Star Seraph!"

Hope complies, and the two monsters clash.

"Star Seraph, do not let Hope win!" Durbe commands.

Star Seraph nods, and the two clash again and again and again. Suddenly, Black Mist produces a loud roar. We cover our ears, and a black form makes its way over to us. Black Mist transforms into his "ultimate" form, the one that kind of looks like his monster. 96 appears out of the shadows, and Black Mist approaches it.

"I'll take care of this Barian," Black Mist offers. "Kinda have to resort to fusing with my own monster, though. You guys go find that fat fuck bucket, but I call finishing him off."

"Good luck," Silver says.

Black Mist smirks. "Same to you! I hope Blazey doesn't burn you!"

Silver blushes again. Black Mist laughs and spreads his arms and legs. His beast comes behind him, and Black Mist fuses with his own monster.

"Hope, return!" I demand, and Hope returns. "We must hurry. Black Mist is buying us time; we must take advantage of that."

They nod, and we keep going. The roars of Black Mist and Star Seraph Sentry can be heard as they clash.

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