Chapter 17

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Silver and Blaze look happy. Silver especially. I am beginning to think that they "love" each other. Not that I think it is a bad thing. Far from it. I just never knew what that kind feels like. Yuma aways told me that it was only for the person most special to you. Now, if only Sonic can recognize Amy's feelings for him. Maybe I just need to give him a little push.

I float up to Sonic. "Sonic, may I have a word with you?"

"Sure." We wait until everyone has passed us. "What do you want to talk about?"


"What about her?"

"Do you know her feelings about you?"

Sonic thinks for a while. "Well, she's one of my best friends."

I sigh and face palm. "Ohmygoshyouaresonaïve (Oh my gosh, you are so naïve)," I mutter.

Sonic looks over at me. "What do you mean. She does like me as a friend, doesn't she?"

"More than a friend."

"Wait, you mean she...?"

"Yes. Amy likes you. Am I the only one who noticed?"

"I noticed!" Black Mist calls.

"No one is talking to you!" I call back.

"So, you're saying that Amy loves me?"

"My guess is that ever since she laid eyes on you."

Sonic stares at Amy. Then, he smiles. "I never knew that she felt that way about me. To tell you the truth, I feel the same about her."

"Then tell her."

Sonic gets the nerve to walk up to Amy. I hear them talking.

"Um, Amy? Can we talk?"

"Hmm? Oh, of course, Sonic! What do you want to talk about?"

"Well, you know how you feel about me?"

"Sonic, I didn't think you noticed." Amy blushes a little.

"Yeah,, how do I say this...? I-I uh...I l...I li...I like you!"

Amy looks surprised. "...But, like as in how?"

Sonic takes Amy's hands and smiles. "Amy, I like you like a girlfriend. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Amy throws her arms around him. "I thought you'd never ask! Yes!"

"Such a strange place to ask a girl out, isn't it?" Black Mist mutters, floating next to me.

"Shh!" I hiss. I am interested to see how they interact now that they know that they both feel the same. Yuma once told me that when a boy and a girl (or boy and boy or girl and girl in some cases) like each other, they share affectionate gestures such as holding hands, "kissing," cuddling, and other things.

"Number 107 Galaxy Eyes Tachyon Dragon, attack!" a familiar Barian voice commands.

We hear a dragon roar, and Amy brings her hammer around and swings it at Tachyon Dragon. The hammer hits its mark, and Tachyon shrieks and recoils. Just like that, the spell us broken. I sunmon Hope, and Black Mist summons his beast.

"How many Barians has he revived?" Black Mist complains.

"The question is: how did he get the knowledge to revive," I hiss.

"Well, this is the future."


Sonic attacks first with a spinball. Surprisingly, this does some damage to the dragon, considering that it is a powerful Galaxy Eyes.

Hope and Number 96 attack at the same time. 96 uses one overlay unit and sends out his whips, and Hope actually uses those whips to his advantage by wrapping one around his sword and attacking Tachyon with darkness and light. Very affective.

Tachyon recovers from its momentary shock and sends out a stream of energy, and the others have to move out of the way in order to not get hit. We go right into action, sending attacks and dodging. It is very tiring, and we get tired quickly. Tachyon seems unaffected, though. He keeps on fighting.

Blaze and Silver both throw an attack: Silver throws a psychic knife, and Blaze throws a fireball. They combine and hit the dragon right in the chest. Smoke fills the area, and we take advantage of that. We escape as soon as possible.

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