Chapter 20

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"Are you guys alright down there?" Yusei calls. "The guys and I are sending help down there."

Almost immediately, Junk Warrior, Dark Magician, Elemental Hero Avion, Red Eyes Black Dragon, and Stardust Dragon come down. They, too, begin to push up on the island.

Hope, 96, Number 17 Leviathan Dragon, and all the other Numbers come out to help along with Exodia and the three Egyptian Gods. With them, we are able to stop the descent to a slow crawl. Not even a crawl.

"Hurry it up!" Black Mist calls. His voice sounds strained. Can't say I blame him. The island is cumbersome. "We can't hold this piece of shit up for long!"

"I'm working on it!" Knuckles calls down.

"How much longer?" Yuma asks. "I have to agree with Black Mist. This is heavy!"

"I do not know. How long does it take to repair an emerald?"

"How am I supposed to know?!"

Suddenly, the island starts falling again. We start to panic. It is not going to stay up for long. The fact that it is falling again proves it.

"How long does it take to repair an emerald?" we call up.

"Quite a while!" Knuckles calls back. "Keep holding it up, I'm almost done!"

"Easier said than done!" Black Mist growls. He starts going into his other form. "Just hurry up!"

"He's doing the best he can," Cream calls.

We struggle to hold up the entire island. At last, it starts raising. The Master Emerald must be fixed. We sigh with relief and go up. The Master Emerald is in its place, and the island ascends.

"All done," Knuckles sighs.

Yuma and I separate, and Black Mist goes back to normal.

"Remind me never to volunteer to hold up a damn island ever again," he grumbles. "My shoulder blades hurt like hell."

Cream smiles. "You guys did great!"

"Thank you, Cream," I say, rubbing my shoulder. "I have to say, I never held up an entire piece of land."

Amy goes up to Knuckles and pokes his chest. "Next time, you'll guard that emerald better!" she scolds. "We may not be lucky next time!"

Knuckles flinches. "O-okay, geez. I get it."

Just then, four portals open. One leads to each time line. We can go back.

Yugi and Atem go first. "Bye guys," Yugi calls as he and Atem go through.

"It was nice working with you," Atem says. They walk in and are never seen.

Jaden smiles. "Well, it was such a short time. Oh, well. Gotta get back to my dueling academy." He goes into his portal, and it closes.

Yusei sighs. "Well, the turbo duel tournament is about to start. I guess this is goodbye forever." He waves behind him as he walks away.

"Can't wait to go back home," Black Mist says. "I need a good rest now. Bye, bitches." Before he goes through, Shadow stops him.

"Here," he says, and he gives him a ring. "This will make you  stronger if used right."

Black Mist takes the ring. "...Thanks. I'm sure this'll help." He smiles and goes through.

I hug Silver. "Thank you," I say. "Confess to Blaze that you like her. I think she feels the same."

Silver laughs. "I will. Let's try to keep in touch." He gives me a communicator. "Believe it or not, Tails and I made this. It can communicate through space and time. Let's talk once in a while."

I take the device and smile. "Yes, let's."

Yuma and I wave goodbye, and we go through.

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