Chapter 11

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Hey guys welcome back!!

Let's continue...

It was two weeks since Avu reached her home. Everyday she called him and made sure whether he ate properly or not and ask him about his work. Even though she missed him alot, she couldn't come to a conclusion about her feelings. Their marriage was happened two early, once he proposed her at that time she was not ready to take all those new responsibilities as a wife and a daughter in law. But every time Siddharth stood beside her and helped her in every situation to come out from all her fears and insecurities.

When she was in Mumbai, she missed her home but she was used to that since she was in hostel for three years but what she felt bow was totally different. Every second her heart wish to see him and worried about him.

The ache of longing to be with him  echoed  through the every marrow of her bone. It was a chill wind trapped in the chamber of her heart. With every spare moment her mind would rehearse a new letter to him and her heart prayed silently to pass thet one month fast.

"Even though there are several ways to connect with people but longing to see a person will never be vanished via message or calls or even video calls. Every time those video calls ended up missing him more. All those social apps can never meet the feeling of his presence me, his killer hazel eyes, his breathtaking smile more over his motherly care" she thought.

Avu's mom went to a neighbor's marriage function along with her dad.
Avu refused to come and her mom didn't compelled her. It was around six in the evening, she stood in the balcony starring the pink evening sky sipping her cup of coffee. Her eyes fell on the person standing near the park, she couldn't believe her eyes and thought whether she was in dream. She rubbed her eyes and saw him again and this time she was sure that it was him. She didn't waste a second and ran towards him like the lost a kid found his parents in the crowd.

He stood there with a smile, she hugged him without any delay. He caressed her back. "Chill, let's go inside" he said but she was not in the state to listen. He took her inside by keeping her in his embrace. 'I missed you" she said without looking at his face. Her chockind voice hurt him and he took her face in his palm. "Me too missed you alot. But now this crying face his hurting me more". He said while looking in her eyes.

"I'll not cry" she said with tears, her tear which he couldn't tolerate. "Please don't cry Avu" he said wiping her tears. She nodded like a school girl. He hugged her close to his heart. She felt satisfaction after long time, that what she longed for those days and finally got his embrace. They both were in that same position not ready to come out of each others embrace.

"When did you come?" She asked. "Morning" he replied. "Morning?" She ask  with a shock and came out of his embrace glaring him. "Actually, I had a meeting with clients, so I visited them in morning" he replied casually. She glared at him again and stood up from the couch. He grabbed her hand and made him sit in his lap.

"Leave me, you know how much I missed you. I thought you too missed me and so you came here to see me but came for meeting and for namesake you visited here. This much only you cared for me" She said coming out of his hold. He smiled and kissed her cheeks. "I reached here just an hour ago. I drove my car as fast as u could to meet my beautiful wife who I missed like a hell all these days" he said looking in her eyes.

"But you said something else" she asked with narrow eyes. "That's what I'm going to say to your parents" he said with a wink. "Oh! But why you didn't come in morning?" She asked sadly. "Baby I too thought to come in the morning but my bad luck there was some important work in office" he said consoling her. She nodded. "Did you had something?" she asked with concern.

"Nothing from morning" he replied sadly. "What? From morning??" She asked with a shock. "Hmm, that work pressure and I done that fast since I badly wanted to meet you and moreover I really don't like that canteen food" he said looking at her sad face. "Wait for two minutes" she said and rushed inside the kitchen.

She brought a cup of coffee and a plate full of snacks. "You first eat this, I'll prepare dinner for you" she said in hurry. "It's not the time for dinner, so you sit here" he said making her surgery near him. He enjoyed the coffee. "I'm hurting you so much right "she asked sadly. "Nothing like that Avu. This distance too making us fall deeper for each other" he said what he felt. She looked at him lovingly.

Sonia aunty and Aman uncle entered their home at that time. "Siddharth, how are you doing son?" Aman uncle asked happily. "Fine dad how are you" he replied with smile. Sonia aunty too greeted him with smile. "I came for a meeting this morning so came here to see you all" he added. They both nodded with smile. "Mom, you both talk to him I'll prepare dinner" Avu said in hurry and left inside kitchen.

Aman uncle and Sid talked about his work. He explained about the current project and Aman uncle listened him with interest. Sonia aunty went inside kitchen to help Avu. She looked Avu's dull face "What happened Avu?" she asked with concern. "Mom, he is not eating properly. Today also he didn't had anything from morning. There should be someone to always insist him to eat or else he will spoil his health" she replied in extremely sad tone.

Sonia aunty looked at her surprisingly  and her filled with happiness to see her daughter caring for her husband. She thought Avu is too young to handle everything alone but now she felt that she can take good care of her husband and maintain her family. She caressed her forehead with love and helped her in cooking.

Avu prepared hid favourite food and set the table. Sid had dinner happily  since he didn't had good food for last two weeks. Aman uncle and Sonia aunty left both of them alone. She looked around and fed him with her hands. He ate happily, Avu felt happy seeing him eating with satisfaction. "I have to catch 11 O'clock flight" he said gazing her face. "You are going now" she asked sadly. He nodded. "Why? You can go tomorrow nah"she said sadly.

"Morning I have work baby so I have to go.  Another two week let us enjoy long distance relationship" he said cupping her face. Her eyes brimmed up with tears, she controlled it by turning other side. "Baby, please don't make it tough for me. I too want to take you with me now but what could I do? After these two weeks I'll never leave you alone, believe me babe" he said looking at her hands. She merely nodded her head.

It was around 9:30. "Mom I'm leaving" he said taking their blessings. "You can go in morning right Siddharth?" She asked with concern. "MA, morning I have some important meeting" he replied softly. They accepted. "Mom, shall I go to airport?" Avu asked with hesitation. They both agreed with smile. She went with him happily.

She hugged him through out the entire ride. He to managed to drive and consoled her with another hand. They reach airport around 10. She didn't left her hand from his arm. "Avu, you are making me week, please honey send me off with smile". He said looking at her face. She nodded and spent some time chitchatting. He tried his best to make her smile and finally he succeeded.

"Eat properly, should not skip your food for any reason. Promise me that you will eat properly" she asked. "Sure baby, I'll take care". He said kissing her forehead and bid her bye. She waved bye with smile and tears, looked at him tell he disappeared from her vision and return home with heavy heart.

She reached home and descended to her room, she lied on her bed but sleep was too far. She thought about him since she already missing him. "Why his is not taking care of his health?" She mentally scolded him and thought about his cute smiling face. Sid too thought about her, he thought she might miss him but she would he happy since she is with her parents but after seeing her he realized that she too missed him equally and that brought a strong satisfaction in his mind.

Meanwhile, Sonia aunty and Aman uncle talked about Avu and Sid "Avu turned more mature and she is ready to handle her family. Our son in law is such a good human and he love our Avu a lot. I'm very happy for our daughter" Sonia aunty said happily. "Yes Sonia I too noticed they both love each other so much and they have good understanding. Our daughter will live a happy married life" he too said happily.

They both felt happy for their daughter.

Next two weeks went like long two aeons. Finally the day arrived, Avu happily got ready to see him...
Hi friends,

11th chapter is here. Do read, vote and give your valuable reviews.

Till then.


Thank you.

Lots of Love.



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