[part VII] The crooked figure_chapter 5

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Things suddenly got more complicated than expected. SeongWu thought it was some kind of common spirit that has been haunted Si Hyeon all along and he could deal with it like normal. But this is different. Moreover, this is black magic from another religion, SeongWu totally have no idea how to handle it.

Although he can understand what it is from all the things written in the book, but no matter how much he read, he couldn't find anything about how to get rid of the bakroe. The information was only about the decribsion and straight to conclusion that bakroe only dissapear after fulfill its mission. And its one and only mission is to kill its victim.

SeongWu don't have the courage to tell Si Hyeon about this. He afraid that she might get even more panic and it'll be easier for the bakroe to take over her.

After calm Si Hyeon down and she finally can fall asleep, Jaehwan find it's useless for him to just sit in the room and do nothing. He think about going out and get some foods. SeongWu must be hungry after running around all day because of Si Hyeon.

The hotel's food is quite expensive and seem like doesn't fit SeongWu's appetite either. Jaehwan goes outside the hotel, thinking about buying some snacks from the convenient store nearby. Just as he walk out of the hotel, he runs into someone he'd never expected.

"Minhyun... hyung?!?"

Jaehwan nervously looking at the tall guy standing in front of him. His hairs are a bit messy and there're still some wrinkles left on his shirt. His face is quite pale. He definiately wasn't coming all the way here for travelling.

"Where's SeongWu?" – Minhyun asks. And Jaehwan asure that they weren't run into each other by fate or something.

"He... he's upstairs. I'll take you to the room." – Jaehwan goes back to the elevator and Minhyun quickly goes after him.

Since they got into the elevator, Jaehwan keeps looking at Minhyun silently. Minhyun seem to be pretty anxious as his eyes sticking on the red number on the electric board, totally unaware of Jaehwan. He didn't even say hi at first.

"SeongWu-ssi still alright!" – Jaehwan says.

Minhyun looks over. Jaehwan is a bit starled. He knew how much Minhyun care about SeongWu. He tries to put aside those uneasy feeling in his heart.

"I just wanted to ask SeongWu-ssi to check out a little bit. I didn't this would be..."

"It's fine as long as SeongWu's still alright."

The elevator door open.

Jaehwan immediately takes Minhyun to the room.

"Minhyun? Why you..."

"How could you be so stupid?" – Minhyun doesn't let SeongWu finish his words. Although he doesn't raise his voice but it's clearly that he is angry.

Minhyun drops his bag on the floor and rushes toward SeongWu. He checks carefully to make sure that he didn't hurt anywhere.

"It was dangerous for you go alone. Even if you didn't want to go with Daniel, you should at least call me."

"But... your job..."

"No excuse!"

Hanna curiously checking Minhyun and then looks over to Jaehwan who is still mopping around at the door. Somehow she just figures out something pretty interesting. However, this is not the time to think about these things.

"Excuse me..." – Hanna speaks up. – "Sorry for interrupt your conversation but can we focus on the important thing now?"

Minhyun finally notices about Si Hyeon. She curling up on the bed with the blanket carefully cover up her body. Even though she is asleep but she is still seem to be afraid of something terribly.

"Is this the girl?" – Minhyun takes a closer look. He puts his warm hand on her forehand as if he is trying to calm her in her sleep – "Poor girl..."

Si Hyeon suddenly sits up. Minhyun quickly takes back his hand.

Si Hyeon sits motionless on her bed with her eyes still close shut. Jaehwan gets close and tries to wake her up but she swing her arm and push him back violently. Fortunately, Minhyun is quick enough to catch him before he falls on the floor.

Si Hyeon's eyes open with the deep dark red pupils. She doesn't have any vicious moves. She just slowly gets off the bed and walks toward the window. Her soulless eyes looks straight into the night sky outside the window. And in the middle of the dark sky, mixing between all those luxurious city lights, SeongWu finally can see it. The child with hideous big head and wooden-like body. Its red eyes flare up in the night with its demonic smirk gives SeongWu a chill on his spine.

Si Hyeon leans out of the window as if she want to reach to that child. Minhyun and Jaehwan holds her down but Si Hyeon immediately fight back. No matter how much they try to stop her, she keeps struggling and trying to jump out of the window. The sound of the child laughing echoing in the air.

It's take quite a strenght to pull Si Hyeon out. SeongWu quickly closes the window but at that moment, something hit it hard from the outside. It's so strong that SeongWu almost pushed back. Hanna comes to help but that thing is still banging on the window and getting more intense.

Minhyun and Jaehwan hold Si Hyeon on the floor but she has stop struggling and start to laugh. She laughs louder and sound even more and more maniac. Jaehwan looks over to SeongWu asking for help but SeongWu doesn't know what to do either.

Hanna and SeongWu try to hold the window close, but they can't stand for long. The invisible force gets harder and smashes harder on the window. SeongWu can't take it and is pushed back. Hanna still trying to fight back but she can't bear with it any longer. The window get hit once again and Hanna is viciously pushed aside. The window doors are wide opened.

A strong wind rushes into the room, a long with a stinky disgusting smell and a chilling cold. Si Hyeon suddenly stop laughing. Her eyes regain conciousness. She staring at the ceiling with the horrify expression on her face.

Both Minhyun and Jaehwan can tell that her bodyshaking with fear.

"Si Hyeon, you...."


Si Hyeon yells out with horrible fear and passes out.

Minhyun gives off a sigh as he looking over SeongWu.

"How can you deal with this case alone?"

Minhyun takes Si Hyeon back to her bed. However, she is much ligher than he thought.

The stinky smell gradually fade away. SeongWu checks Si Hyeon and also recognizes something strange.

"Her soul..."


Hanna points out of the window. SeongWu only has a chance to see a dimmy white shadow disappear into the night sky.

"SeongWu-ssi, what's wrong?" – Jaehwan easily notices the nervousness on SeongWu's face.

"That child... the bakroe... I think it came for Si Hyeon-ssi's soul..."

"And it has succeeded! – Hanna closes the window and takes off amulets. They were burnt on the wall. – "These things were useless."

SeongWu can see a white smoke coming out of Si Hyeon's body. Her body is getting colder and colder. At that moment, a bunch of blue flames fly through the door, goes straight to Si Hyeon's bed. They gathering around her body and form a kind of transparent cocoon around her, stopping the white smoke. Some of them fly over to SeongWu and cover him up. SeongWu's body slowly lifted up from the floor and the next thing he see is the spark of blue light. It is so bright that he can't see anything clearly.

After a moment, the light faded away. SeongWu finds himself standing in front of the old Changi hospital. In the middle of the night, the building looked even more gloomy and terrifiyng.

Right in front of the building, there's someone that SeongWu can recognize at once.


"I'm worry... so I came..." – Daniel doesn't turn back to look at SeongWu, but he keeps scratching his head nervously and his ears are a bit red.

SeongWu takes a step closer, gently lean his head on Daniel's shoulder. Daniel can feel the sigh of relief from behind.

"They will protect you, but you need to be careful."


The two of them carefully walk into the building. Those blue flames still covering SeongWu as a barrier of protection.


It even darker inside. The only light in this place right now is from Daniel's flames. SeongWu can see all the spirits in this building, much clearer than in daylight. However, they are just stand in the corner or even hide away and staring at Daniel with terrifying eyes.

They go upstairs, to the room where SeongWu found Si Hyeon before. As expected, all the spirits up here also scared of Daniel. They just stand aside and make way for the two of them. Daniel almost hold SeongWu's hand as his habit but then, he just awkwardly take back his hand. SeongWu doesn't say anything, just silently walks behind him.

Inside the dark room, there's Si Hyeon's soul, shaking in fear.

Si Hyeon notices SeongWu's presence. She happily run toward him but Daniel step in between them.

"You can follow us. Do not touch SeongWu!"

Si Hyeon slightly nods. But when she steps close to the door, she immediately pulled back by an invisible force. SeongWu obviously starled, then he see a figure of that child again. The bakroe. It standing by Si Hyeon, holding tightly on her leg.

Although he can't hear her, SeongWu can see how hard Si Hyeon is trying to take that child off her leg. Moreover, she seem to be in extreme agony. The part where the bakroe touched is slowly turning into gray and there's the rotting smell lingering in the air.

SeongWu clearly understand what its mean.

That thing want to destroy Si Hyeon's soul.




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