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Some people believe that government should spend money on building

trains and subway lines to reduce traffic congestion. Others think that

building more and wider roads is the better way to reduce the situation.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Traffic congestion is one of the biggest problems in life. It happens in almost countries in the world, especially in urbans.Traffic congestion is really annoying people who are in traffic.A lot of measures were mentioned to solve this problem. Some people believe that government should spend money on building trains and subway lines to reduce traffic congestion. Others think that building more and wider roads is the better way to reduce the situation.

In my view, both of them contribute equally to the effort of preventing this aching problem.However,they also have two faces: advantage and disadvantage

Building trains and subway lines is an effective way to solve traffic congestion. Both of transports have high speed over long distance.They are very safety,and suitable for bulky and heavy goods.We can see in Singapore, its acreage is very small, but it has the highest traffic density in the world. Building subway lines is the answer to the traffic problem. Subway system is very modern.It can serve people,and helps them save money. In Hong Kong, subway is the most convenient transportation, there are only about 710,000 private vehicles are registered.

Trains and subway still have disadvangtages. Building trains and subway lines require large investment of capital. The cost of construction, maintenance and overhead expenses are very high as compared to other modes of transport. Moreover, the investments are specific and immobile. In case the traffic is not sufficient, the investments may mean wastage of huge resources.Pickpocketing, muggings and assaults always can occur in anytime, especially at peak time, there are heavy crowding

Building more and wider roads is also a good way to alleviate traffic congestion. There is no denying that in some third world countries, roads are relatively narrow and in a desperate state of disrepair, which greatly obstruct travelers to their destinations. In these situations, building more and wider roads is very necessary. Wider roads can help people travel more easily.

However, it also has its disadvantage. When a new wide road appears, it means that many people will travel on it. Why? Because they have the same thoughts: it is a new road,it is very wide, not many people know it now,and they think they can travel on this new road easily.

 To conclude,both methods discussed above provide sustainable relief on the current situation of traffic. However, they have their own advantages and disadvantages. They can control the severity of traffic jams around the world,but none of them can guarantee 100%.To reduce traffic congestion effectively, each individual should have right awareness when participating in traffic.

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