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And just like that Naruto thought he was dying. Sasuke had hit him and threw the chest a third time with Chidori and death's sweet release would come for him. Finally all the pain would be gone.

" and you thought you could stop me some nobody, a loser, do yourself a favor, and just die no one's going to miss you" Sasuke laughed

It was that Point Naruto lost consciousness. At least all his burdens were finally going to be gone forever.

Naruto's eyes opened up and saw a white ceiling. He groaned that he knew where he was. He was in the hospital back in the village and he thought about what Sasuke had said to him. Maybe it was better off if he did die. Who is he kidding? A lot of people really don't like him. It was then Naruto noticed that he wasn't alone in the room.

His pink haired teammate was standing in the room, just staring at him. He could see she was upset at first he thought she was upset, because how badly he was injured, but that wasn't the case when she began to speak.

" Naruto you goddamn failure. I asked you one easy thing to bring Sasuke back to me and you couldn't even do that. You disgust me, you useless failure. My mother told me what sealed inside of you you're a monster. I only wish Sasuke could've killed you to finish with the fourth started you're nothing but the demon fox never speak to me again. I want nothing to do with you. I'm going to Hokage now and asking for a transfer." Sakura said as she walked out of the room and slammed his door.

Tears stripped down there at his face Sakura may not have been Naruto's best friend but hearing her say those things to him hurt he was sick of hurting he just wanted to stop. He drifted back to sleep, and when he woke up. His sensei was standing in the room.

Just as Naruto was going to speak, Kakashi spoke up instead" Naruto I'm disappointed in you, you abandoned Sasuke and now he's left the village. He's gone because you were too weak. I don't think you have what it takes to be a shinobi. I think I'm gonna talk to the Hokage about you being taken out of the ninja program" Kakashi said, as he flickered away.

How could he say that to him? He almost gave up his life to try and keep Sasuke
from leaving the village, literally has three holes in his chest, but I am banding him. Why is it every time something goes wrong? I am the fall guy. Everything is always my fault and I did everything I could, this is too much I can't take this anymore. I don't know what else to do. If I try to leave the village, they'll bring me as a missing then and drag me back to this hell hole or worse and if I stay in my treatment, just going to get worse and worse tell me about enough by certain ninja in the civilians when they glare at me yell at me, and I've tried to kill me all my life over something I have no control over something that's not even my fault I need to get out of this building Naruto ripped all the wires off, grabbed his clothes that were sitting next to the bed open the window and jumped out.

Naruto sat in the fourth Hokage's head looking over the village" I can't do it anymore I can't deal with the glares I can't deal with people trying to kill me all the time I can't deal with the fact that the people I thought were most precious to me turn that back to me for that fucking Uchiha it's time, and I know what I must do." Naruto said to himself

He got back to his apartment, made a bunch of shadow clones to clean the place up a little bit, and he picked up a scroll, and started to write. After he was finished, he put the scroll on his nightstand. He then laid in bed. And started to meditate soon. The fox called out to him.

"You do know I'll stop you if you try to do what I think you're going to do right, it's not just your life anymore. It's mine too stupid fourth bound early life forces together so if you die I die too I can't allow that." The Nine Tails said.

" You stupid you think you're the whole reason I'm in this predicament for 13 years. I've been yelled at, screamed, punched, kicked so many horrors done to me that I can't even speak of. I need this to end. I need to pain a stop. I can't live like this anymore. I have nothing, I am nothing. I was an idiot to think people actually cared about me. When I thought I had some thing which Jiraiya but he only comes around once in a while, and he has too much going on to really care about some 13 year old who is here and really has no connection too.

And there's Tsunade but ever since becoming Hokage she can't be there for me. She can't show favoritism to me and she's always busy. She has no time for me. Yeah, there's people who tolerate me, but at the end of the day when they really care if I was gone with their life being impacted at all I don't think so, I just wanted it to be over and besides if I die yeah you'll be set free well, not right away. I think it'll be like 90 years and all those people looking for the tailed beast will be long gone and you'll truly be free and I know that's what you want you don't wanna be sitting in some fool like me. So do me a favor when I'm gonna don't stop me, don't stop me just let it happen it's better for everyone and I only have one other request." Naruto said

" And what is that?" The nine tails said.

"Do you have a name besides the nine tails?" Naruto asked.

What does it matter? I'm just a fox right but if you must know, my name is Kurama " Kurama the nine tailed fox said

Well, Kurama I hope when you're free when you reform you're happy, I truly happy" Naruto said

It was at that point Naruto left his mindscape. He really hopes the fox listens and understands why this Has to happen. Naruto made three shadow clones. He handed them each a Kuni. Naruto nodded his head at all three you guys know what you have to do right all three nodded it back.

Naruto closed his eyes and soon it'll be over. He took one final breath when the three shadow clones stabbed him one in the throat. one in the chest where his heart was and one in his gut where the seal is.


Tsunade had seen that Naruto's hospital room had been deserted. She was walking along to see where he's gone wondering if you'd plate if you prank son. Some of the civilians who treated him like garbage she really wished there was more she could do about that with some of these godforsaken people who are just stuck in their ways. What a bunch of idiots to treat a child the way they do. It is ridiculous saying she made her way to his house. As she was walking to Naruto's house. all of a sudden she had chest pain and she felt like something was wrong. She felt that she knew something bad was about to happen. She started to rush to Naruto's house. That's when she saw a chakra wave like a giant seal opening, shooting towards the sky, knowing that that was Naruto's house, she figured out what might've just happened. She felt her knees.

" No ... no no no no please no her eyes balled tears started flowing please god no I can't lose him too " see started to run towards his house at full speed. Tsunade panicked

She finally reached the apartment and kicked in the door. The door literally flew off his hinges and crashed into the wall, where it stuck in place she ran into the bedroom where the site literally broke her.

Their lie Naruto, motionless, bloody with three Kuni stuck in his body, one in the throat, one in the heart, and one of us gut. She immediately ran over to him, ripped out the Kuni trying to see if she could save him. Her hands glowed, trying medical ninjutsu but it was useless. She was too late and she started to cry, harder and harder. She wrapped her arms around him, bearing her face into his shoulder and his neck. She had lost another loved one.

She picked him up and cradled him like a baby. She started to rock him slowly. " I loved you. You were like my son, even in the short amount of time that I knew you you changed me and I failed you. Sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry. I wish I never left this village and that because of you have been here I would've taken you in and raised you as my son. I would've loved you to keep all the evils of the world away from you. I'm sorry you deserve better, and I failed you, you were a pure soul, you gave everyone multiple chances, you try not to hate anyone but I'll spit in your face. I'm sorry I should've been there. I made up for the mother you deserve but I was the mother you needed and I wasn't there for you. I know you're gone.

She continued to rock him back-and-forth like a baby for hours. She refused to leave him and a few of her Anbu showed up. They tried to move her and she kicked them all out of the house. She refused to move. She refused to leave him. If only she had shown it more how much she loved him. Maybe he would still be there.

after a couple of hours, Jiraiya finally showed up, he walked in surprised to see the door opener, toes house in tent it into the wall, and then he turned towards the bedroom, and saw Tsunade a cradling, a dead and bloody Naruto crying he dropped his knees, felt like all the air in the room and sucked out. He couldn't breathe, his godson was gone and there was nothing he could do now to help his godson.

" Minato ,Kushina I'm sorry I failed you again I'm nothing but a failure. I have failed everyone of my students. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I failed your boy just like I failed you. Jiraiya cried.

Hello everyone, I know that story was hard to get through. I myself had a lot of trouble writing it but I felt like it was a short story I needed to tell I can continue it, but it will turn into a time travel story, but that's up to you guys. If you want me to continue it I have a lot of ideas for a lot of different Naruto stories. I got a few crossover's possibly in a lot of content coming out for you guys. Please let me know what you thought in the comments make me a like send me a message in my DM's always willing to talk about my story and my ideas once again, I'm sorry if this one was hard to get through and if any of you are ever feeling in that kind of way, please reach out and get help. I love you all bye

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